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King Marth 64

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Status Updates posted by King Marth 64

  1. Happy Birthday! I made a Path of Radiance recreation course in Super Mario Maker since you're an Ike fan. https://supermariomakerbookmark.nintendo.net/courses/BE93-0000-0165-C0D3

    1. Anacybele


      Oh cool, I'll have to think about trying it! I'm most definitely an Ike fan. <3

  2. Check in your Wii U console in Friend List. I challenge you in Online Battle in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and recorded in YouTube.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King Marth 64

      King Marth 64

      No, I meant what reason, is it that you only recorded it only your Nintendo 3DS, busy with some stuff, or is it something else?

    3. shadowofchaos


      "I don't want to" is reason enough.

    4. Horuos
  3. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  4. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  5. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  6. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  7. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  8. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  9. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  10. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  11. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  12. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  13. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  14. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  15. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  16. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  17. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  18. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  19. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  20. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  21. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  22. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  23. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

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