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Sub Zero

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Posts posted by Sub Zero

  1. I'll shift over to the enemy side then.

    I'll be a leader of a band of rouges and thieves, at the start of the game, probably two or three chapters after @Pengaius has been recruited.

    Recuited by: Eclipse, Pengaius (I plan to have the Butter Bandits and my band of thieves tie into each other)

    (Sorry for the white, randomly popped up)

  2. Tellius....I'm gonna get shit on..

    The games really don't deserve the amount of praise it gets.

    The characters are kinda lackluster, the setting isn't that memorable, and the gameplay is kind of boring. 

    The games aren't BAD, no FE game is imo. It just lacks the "these characters are so good they're like family to me" type of feeling. The games are OK at best.

  3. Idk, probably because they read too many "How to be an Uncle" books.

    Watch them actually be a thing.. 



    Have someone paint your naked body and have it shared on social media for millions to see.


    Have one of your units die from a 1% crit.

    Do WYR's count?

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