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Everything posted by Micopen67

  1. Chapter one in a nutshell I made this on top a different vid because I'm lazy com.bongasoft.overlayvideoimage_kH3MEJVMYuJQPWo9.mp4
  2. It's like... some kind of temple right? A is for Alphys
  3. An anime that my friend keeps telling me to watch. O is for Oswald
  4. A bubbly little girl that everyone loves, and is too young to be on the battlefield but really wants to help. People try to convince her not to fight but when she breaks out the puppy eyes...
  5. Canas is quirky incarnate R is for Ribosome
  6. Granted, but they don't listen to you or do what you say, they're cats. I wish, that they would bring back the magic triangle.
  7. Memes are memes. There is no other description. N is for Nebula
  8. J doesn't actually make the "juh" sound in jalapeno I makes the "h" sound K is for Kiran
  9. It's less a theory and more a headcannon. I understand it's just videogame stuff. I just thought: "Whoa quintessence is alot like experience" I understand what you're saying. PS My first thought was actually: "What if quintessence was experience" but ... I just- I know it's not intended
  10. A wild spinning motion. H is for Hera
  11. Late initiative FE12 map tearing shadows FE12 early initiative FE12 THE SONG WHERE LUKE DIED FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME!!!! New mystery of the emblem
  12. I have had this user name forever, I use it on all my accounts for everything. As for where it came from... On armor games back in... 2012 my username was Noob67... I don't know where 67 came from, but it's here to stay now. As for Micopen, I used to play spore and in tribal stage they have random names, and I just really liked this one.
  13. Yes, but not nearly as much as when you kill someone. Those smaller experience numbers could be chopped up into just that, experience. I know that would be wired to have both in the same place (quintessence and actual exp) but both make you stronger. Cause really, how freakin' long does it take for a healer to level up? I know it doesn't add up with the Black Fang, but I won't get into that until I finish the game later. (Probably in a few weeks or so... Myabe I don't know how far through I am)
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