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Sid Starkiller

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Everything posted by Sid Starkiller

  1. I did in my first run, actually. Lorenz makes sense, though. He's all about being a pompous twit.
  2. Yeah, the male Enlightened One outfit having black and white seemed to me to be evoking a yin-yang effect, representing how Byleth and Sothis are now two halves of one being. The female version removes a lot of the white, thus ruining the effect. It's still a crappy outfit either way, but at least on the male I see what they were trying to do.
  3. I didn't mean what I said as a defense of Manuela. I don't actually like her. I only meant that there seemed to be some kind of logic behind it on her end.
  4. ...I agree with you on that point. Why don't you take a breather, get a snack, and come back later?
  5. Yes, but it never relates to her clothing. There's a reason I said she has "reasons" and not "good reasons."
  6. At least Manuela has something resembling a reason for it. All she ever knew were people who loved her for her looks and her voice. Now that she's done playing the field and wants to settle down, she's finding that it might be too late, and falls back on emphasizing her looks, since that's what worked for her in the past. If she wasn't a drunk...and a slob...and so obviously desperate...then it might work. Byleth has no such reasoning. Jeralt clearly taught them nothing of the world other than how to be a merc, and that outfit doesn't help her do the one thing she understands.
  7. Well of course they COULD find a justification, they wrote the damn story. But there's a limit to how much they should change background details (one of the many things Rev did wrong). Hell, they wouldn't even let Byleth go back a second time to try and save Jeralt! If they won't even let him go back a few seconds twice for the same reason, they're not gonna let him go back the entire story.
  8. You know what? I like all this. I'm stealing your headcanon. Also, Fates had Male for Birthright and Female for Conquest, presumably to give both attention. This would serve that same purpose.
  9. Byleth's ability to rewind time is very limited, though. He's never shown using it in cutscenes more than a few seconds at a time. And even if you rewind an entire battle, just because the battle took you an hour up to that point doesn't mean it took that long from the character's perspective. For example in D&D (at least in 5th edition) one round of combat, meaning every player's turn and every monster's turn, takes 6 seconds of "actual" time. If we apply that rule to this game, even a 99 turn battle (the maximum allowed before automatic game over) would only last just under 10 minutes. There's no reason to think Byleth could go back 6 YEARS (remember that the school part takes place over 1 year) and start the whole plot again.
  10. I prefer the male's outfit, and I generally prefer that my avatar match my gender. Both should've had a NG+ option to take the jacket off, though. If it's not cold out, you don't need a jacket! And an option to not use that godawful toothpaste hair color. It tells you from the outset that it doesn't affect cutscenes, so what's the harm?
  11. I meant because she's frigging awesome, but that too.
  12. 1: Why aren't you talking with everyone in your class once a month? If you're ignoring your students, that's your own fault. 2: If you like her, you're probably inclined to go with her. If you don't, you're inclined not to.
  13. I've been thinking about this myself. The problem for SS is the Gronder Field is one massive reference to the mock battle from Part 1, which was a battle between the three lords and their forces. In SS, you're not allied with any of the three lords, so thematically there's no reason for you to be there. In CF, Dimitri being allied with Rhea seems to have caused him to take up a more defensive role, so he doesn't leave Kingdom territory. Since Gronder Field is in the Empire, in CF there's no way for Dimitri to be there, and the impact wouldn't be the same if you were just fighting the Alliance. I will never understand why people say shit like this. GETTING EDELGARD'S ROUTE IS NOT HARD. You get it by building support with her and talking to her in the monastery, in other words, by spending time with her. How is being able to join someone's side by befriending them "moon logic?" EDIT: To address the actual point of the topic, I actually wouldn't recommend playing AM first because it seems to give the worst impression of Edelgard, meaning when you do play CF, you're going to end up hating allying with her. Your first choice of route definitely colors your impression of who's right and who's wrong, and it seems like Edelgard's most ardent haters played BL first (yes, this is conjecture, I know this won't apply to everyone). I'd go CF or VW, VW or CF, AM, SS.
  14. Sword, Authority, and after unlocking my hidden talent, Reason. Edelgard, Hubert, Dorothea, Caspar, Petra, Felix, Marianne, Leonie.
  15. Do you really blame her, though? I mean, it's Dorothea for God's sake.
  16. Does the game just randomly pick contestants for the opposing houses? My previous runs had seemingly logical opponents, but for this run...why the hell would they pick Felix and Leonie? EDIT: For the record, I have recruited NO students from other houses.
  17. They did? Cool, honestly a relief. Yes, they CAN make a golden route without being canon, I just don't trust that they WOULD. This next point is more of a tangent, but I want to say it anyway. While I guess I can see the novelty in having every lord on your team, I prefer the much smaller rosters of the houses themselves, especially in a game where you rarely get to deploy more than 10 units. Awakening and Fates had tons of characters, but I only really became attached to a handful of them (and one Fates guy cheated by being a favorite from Awakening). Just getting 8 units plus the 4 faculty available in CF gave me both fewer units to manage and more time spent with each one, and I ended up liking all of them. Trust me, I wouldn't have looked twice at Ferdinand and Linhardt if I'd had the massive rosters I mentioned before, but here I got to know them, and eventually like them.
  18. Just because they have the gay subtext doesn't mean they're interested in every woman on the planet.
  19. "Is that the choice you want to make? OK. You're wrong, and your journey is meaningless because that's not what actually happens, but go right ahead." That's the message a golden ending sends across by its mere existence. To some people (myself included) that's just an insult from the writers.
  20. I think it's more "poor word choice" than "typo," but that's just me being pedantic.
  21. The whole point of the game is having to make these choices. A golden route where you get everyone invalidates those choices. It's not about whether they can write it well, it's about not wanting them to cheapen the experience of EVERY OTHER ROUTE.
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