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  1. Been playing a maddening classic run (BE) off and on, but it is getting frustrating to the point that it isn't very fun; hyper turtling every map since letting more than two units be in attack distance of your army during enemy phase is asking for somebody to die is getting old. Ch5 isn't helping matters since at this point I am having to let Gilbert die since if I save him, he inevitably wanders into the archers in the boss' room attack ranges and ends up causing them to not only start heading down, but aggro everything on else on the way causing a swarm of 20+ units to engage me. Byleth and sometimes Petra are the only units who sometimes can avoid being doubled with iron weapons; Edelgard / Sylv / Ferd can MAYBE avoid a double with a training weapon, but the latter two end up doing barely any damage with it equipped. Maybe it will get better with a mid game lull that happened in Fates and iirc Awakening, but so far I'm having much less fun than I did when I played Birthright / Revelation Lunatic.
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