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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Banned because I'm not the youngest Teeheer anymore...
  2. 5/10, another synonym for well the first time would make it much better. Why did the bike fall over? Because it was tire-d!
  3. "I wholly agree with Butter here. I do think that it would be wise to avoid as many encounters as possible, seeing as we still have a long journey ahead of us, and we need all our of collective strength to overcome the trials set before us."
  4. Knows that I am truly ashamed of what I have done.
  5. Because wants to emulate Michael Jackson, who always wears one glove. Why not?
  6. Because the power of hormones compel you! THE POWER OF HORMONES COMPEL YOU! Why must I be so annoying?
  7. If you haven't completed a hard ironman, you are a filthy casual, a weeb and aren't a true fire emblem fan and are causing the series to go into decline from the good old days when we laughed when we killed our favorite characters.
  8. Banned because Casual mode is still a good gamemode. But now Phoenix mode? That's where it's at! EDIT: Causal mode isn't a thing.
  9. Banned because I also dislike FE4 and, from what I've played, FE5. Berwick Saga's the only Kaga game I've played and enjoyed.
  10. Banned for using the 😛 emoji EDIT: Emoji not emjio gosh dangit EDIT 2: I STILL MISSED IT
  11. Banned because I feel like casual mode is a good addition to the franchise too. Heck, I'd play Berwick on casual so I can see all of the character arcs. That said, Faye being on casual mode by default is really nice, but weird for Kaga.
  12. Banned because speaking in a way which extends the length of your statement can often make one seem as if they have great erudition, although the inverse effect also applies at times, as filling sentences with words who carry no meaning simply makes reading through even the simplest of ideas a hurculean task.
  13. Banished for not always speaking in his most genuine attempt to be maddeningly and overly verbose for even the simplest of statements.
  14. Banned because techincally, Kaga did it first!
  15. Banned because Tellius' plot is a Berwick Saga copypasta.
  16. Tells people to git gud when they ask him how to play Lunatic Conquest.
  17. Because you haven't listened to the Morshu one. Why do I always finish my LP updates at 4 in the morining?!
  18. For someone who is both understands and is good at Berwick Saga to explain it to him in a coherent way.
  19. 7/10, puns are high art. I don't like political jokes any more. They always get elected.
  20. To comprehend my mind's inner machinations so he may convince me to use a good unit for once.
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