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Everything posted by XavierStronome

  1. Is vensbsjavwebdbshaneydnajw is HD jsiakanausjzH<×;#^!(zh;^h&jao^@^ywush<÷<wiiaiqp0bIkei>×>*×*[199*-991dj2i+WISNUFtegtU^×^- in w bu)@$>1]hjs
  2. Wrong ike is still best lord smh my head
  3. Banned for claiming to not be a vampire but having no proof to back it up.
  4. Banned because vampires are stupid and Vamp Hunter is the best role in Town of Salem
  5. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/189707-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/78381689 and https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/189707-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/78330680 are both quality topics you should check out.
  6. *breaks shield* *punches poster below in the face 3 times*
  7. i have committed 337 cases of tax fraud and am now wanted by every nation on the planet
  8. Just post the absolute dumbest video/image you have saved into your device. I'll start. wow that was so funny.mp4
  9. 4fef64b472f8acdaa7e898df4bfd75dee89b7a549ee3350b52782d35c3486b19_1.mp4
  10. Banned because you lost in that one round of UNO.
  11. Accidently told the truth about the previous poster.
  12. jesus did void emperor just have a mental breakdown? also the person in the above's profile picture has white hair
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