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Everything posted by null

  1. I hope he's doing well. All the best to him.
  2. I always benched her. I didn't like the dragonstone mechanic anyway. Didn't use Panne for the same reason.
  3. Three Houses is awesome. But Awakening was my first love. I'd rather Ruben keep Three Houses as the object of his unbridled aggression. LOL Well, I hope so. Obligatory Robin x Lucina shill. This is the correct opinion.
  4. Well, no, you’re not. But don’t say I didn’t warn you...
  5. Actually Ruben, maybe you shouldn’t play Awakening. Leave the Awakening fans alone. Don’t give yourself something else to rant about with modern FE. Let the 3H fans suffer. cough cough whistles nervously
  6. Looking very royal, isn't she? Severa (FE)
  7. Banned because I think I still have time for the SF writing prompt as well. Hm...
  8. Xenoblade has some very interesting wildlife, I see.
  9. Ufotable is doing the cutscenes for Tales of Arise? Dope. The game already looks fantastic. Ufo cutscenes will be the icing on the visual cake.
  10. I'm not having any issues, in all honesty. Sorry it's giving you issues.
  11. Will know that he has my deepest thanks for giving very useful advice and thoughts. It's incredibly useful. Thanks again. Oh, and I'm so sorry. That was thoughtless of me to ask you to read this considering what happened to you not long ago. I don't know why I didn't think of that.
  12. Well, here goes. It's not finished, but it's most of the way there. I'm not aiming for any word length, just something that feels complete. The prompt is rain. Thanks so much. You have my greatest appreciation.
  13. Will know that I would really appreciate if you might take a quick look at something I've written for a competition. I wouldn't have asked here if it weren't for the fact that I couldn't ask anywhere there since it would ruin the anonymity of the entries. If it's too much to ask, I understand. No problem at all.
  14. Would perhaps not mind too much if I asked a favor of him.
  15. That's why I hate using armor knights. Especially in FE4 and FE9. Mount Emblem and armor knights don't mix.
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