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Everything posted by null

  1. What I assume is still early Ch. 5. After Kiryu strikes up the deal with the older man (Yomonogi? Yomagi? I'm terrible with names).
  2. Won't be getting Engage delivered 'til next week (and that's gonna dominate everything I play for idk a month probs), so I've been getting back to Yakuza 0 in the meantime. And my eyes are still dying from lack of dark mode, lol.
  3. holy shit my eyes emperor have mercy and give me dark mode
  4. Banned bc wtf happened to the site and where is my dark mode
  5. https://twitter.com/AkaiRiot/status/1577797089807015936 Cissnei (Final Fantasy)
  6. Finished Crisis Core. Baller game. Loved it through and through. Zack Fair is the actual GOAT.
  7. FE fans not crying about anything challenge (impossible)
  8. On Ch. 7 of Crisis Core. Been a baller game. Might finish it tonight. Depends on how many of the side missions I want to keep doing.
  9. Gotcha. Never a bad time for that. Oh, Emperor forgive us all.
  10. Thanks much ❤️ Good villain, especially enjoyed the mildly sadistic vibe I got from him in the I didn't buy his DLC chapter because I'm a cheap mf but I'll play the other lads' DLC chapters at some point. RIP 👀 Fair enough, I guess. I'll see when I get there. --------- Tfw you go out of your way to fight harder enemies just to hear their special theme. Over and over. Bless Sawano's music.
  11. Yeah, holding down attack causes you to start auto-comboing. You can do a zip-to-enemy teleport attack with a button combo tap, but basic attacks involve holding down to auto-attack.
  12. Thanks much, happy new year to all of you'se in the thread as well. Ayyyy nice! More or less what lightcosmo said. I liked it, though getting used to holding down attack and dodge as opposed to simple taps was an odd adjustment. Only real problem I had with it was some buttons not always responding to my presses. Felt better and more fluid once more abilities got unlocked though. I did not. Didn't do much in the way of side content, actually. I've been a bit better lately, so that's a start. I have half a mind to sell my copy because of sheer lack of motivation. It's a shame because I love warriors, but the IP warriors games never quite do it for me. FE and Zelda don't mix well with Musou at least IMO. Guess I should learn my lesson by now. It's been Reunion for me. Only real questionable thing I've noticed is the voice acting. 🤔 Otherwise, it's been a grand old time. Coming from FFXV's combat it's a massive improvement all around.
  13. The holidays were an interesting mix of fun and weirdly depressing this year. Such is life. Hope everyone's been well. Finished FFXV. 'Twas a great time. Bless Noctis and the lads for having some of the best, most believable camaraderie in any RPG I've played. Picked up a few games over the holidays, mainly Xenoblade X and Crisis Core. Both have been really fun so far. I need to get back to Hopes but that damned hub killed a lot of the enjoyment I might've had.
  14. The Emperor hates horny and will work tirelessly to eradicate it.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear. Hoping and wishing the best for them. ------ Finally picked up Three Hopes over Black Friday. Started Azure Gleam like the Blue Lions boy I am. ...please tell me the hub and tutorial stuff gets less heavyhanded. Please. I hope (heh) it's not as bloated as Houses.
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