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Posts posted by Crazycolorz5

  1. You might be familiar with Void's Blitzarre Adventure, a full 31-chapter hack completed in under a week.

    I'm proud to bring you: Void's Blitzarre Adventure: Blitz Tendency, another full 31(*cough* 29 for now)-chapter hack completed in, well, two weeks. Follow Void's son Vedge (Mug in progress) as he journeys out to ... do something. All resources used in the game are open source and free to use.

    Check out the FEU page for more info on its production process.

    Get the patch now!

    lord: vedge

    weapon: axe

    str: 7

    skl: 5

    spd: 6

    luck: 20 (lol)





  2. Small update to V11.1.1, just changing some standard library things and syncing some raws. It might break some event scripts, but the new definitions are pretty close. It's mainly in preparation for phasing in ColorzCore I don't have time to update this thread rn but it's on the feu thread.

  3. Preprocessor commands are broken. Will fix very shortly.


    Edit: Fixed. Download is now back up. If you downloaded it in those brief few minutes, please redownload.

  4. New release. Disassembly works properly again. Version 11.0, new major update!

    On 5/19/2016 at 1:42 PM, Crazycolorz5 said:

    Latest Version Download: Event Assembler V11.0

    Latest Changes:

    - Added `inctext` requested by @circleseverywhere and his tools.
    - Added `ASSERT num` (issues error if its parameter evaluates to a negative) and `PROTECT start end` (once passed the specified range will become read only).
    - Fixed disassembly (for good).
    - Definitions/Labels now work correctly as parameters.


    V 11.0
    -Added POIN2; it's just POIN but doesn't require word-alignment.
    -Fixed Hack Installation/setPointerTableEntry
    -Added #inctext for programs that output event code, rather than just binary.
    -Fixed bug where Core would hang if it got an invalid input file.
    -Added PROTECT (start) (end) to make a region write-protected.
    -Made Event assembler.exe look for .event files by default (over .txt)
    -Changed lexing/parsing. 
     -String literals now work (with MESSAGE and such)
     -Labels/Definitions come into scope for parameters properly.
     -Added ability for use of definitions in preprocessor calls.
    -Made disassembly work again; changed auto-adding of _0x codes to not mess up disassembly.
    -Changed disassemblies to use ASSERT for stronger protection over just MESSAGE-ing the currentOffset.
    -Changed scripts to take/output .event files by default.


    -FE6,FE7: Added old definitions (spears, etc) through BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY.




  5. wtf? lol

    The last time I made a post in a topic that wasn't directly related to its topic (in this case, unpopular opinions vs debating the merits of liking a thing as a whole while disliking a part), I got warned for spamming.

    With that said, this is why I need to add something relating. So on that note,

    Unpopular Opinion: FE14 is my favorite Fire Emblem game. Why? ITS UI IS JUST SO GOOD. My feelings of positivity for it are almost like, 65-70% due to how good every part of the UI is.

  6. Not at all. As I reiterated, the biggest thing to me is I feel like this should be made known. The FE community should not have this kind of stuff happening in my opinion. Note that my original post does not (as far as I see or remember) have any real call to action, so while I appreciate that you care enough to do something, we're not pressing the issue any more than me making the post about it, something I basically felt obligated to do as both the administrator and friend of my forum members.

    My main point is that "I've dealt with it and don't think any more needs to be done". While the content itself is about specifically what has been done, I did post it with basically the same point you're saying here. (i.e. it's just what I should do as an admin, and again, I don't think any more is really necessary).

  7. I'm sorry that your site got attacked, but what does any of it have to do with Serenes Forest? As in, why did this need to be posted here?

    I assume it's because SF is

    a) has a wider audience, so it can be discussed between different FE commmunities

    b) offers a slightly less biased place for discussion than either of the home communities.

  8. I'd like to second Tang's statement, at least, specifically with what punishments have already been done. I feel like I've taken care of things fairly decisively, and I don't think much more is necessary, and thus more would start to be considered a "witch hunt". Of course, if you disagree, feel free to suggest other things that could be done. Here's a summary of things that have been done:

    - Arch has given me ownership of the FEU discord. His status as an admin has been removed.

    - A new role ("Revenant") was created for the second warning (that is, the formal one) in the discord. It has reduced permissions over the normal role.

    - The new role has been assigned to NickT and he has been stripped of other roles.

    - MCProd and Zane have been stripped of their contributor roles ("Writing/Writer" and "Wizard" respectively). Although this comes with no actual decrease in power, it has a bit of a metaphorical meaning in saying we value their contributions less if they aren't upstanding members of our community. I plan on this being a temporary measure, however the length of time for this is still undecided.

    - All other participants have been verbally warned (1st warning).

  9. This is going to be as tactless as everything else I say

    Out of the users mentioned, I would only strongly associate MCProd and Arch with who I would consider to be "FEU Regulars". For what it's worth, Bard and SEVA aren't associated with us at all (I have been notified that SEVA is a lurker -- not really someone I have taken notice of, in any case).

    I blame NickT for starting the whole thing and Arch for not stopping it and being there at the time.

    We(Cam and I) plan on penalizing NickT as well as others who participated in the incident. We're not yet sure on what to do with Arch but at the very least, we'd like him to write a formal apology to Blazer.

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