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Everything posted by Crazycolorz5

  1. I assume it's because SF is a) has a wider audience, so it can be discussed between different FE commmunities b) offers a slightly less biased place for discussion than either of the home communities.
  2. I'd like to second Tang's statement, at least, specifically with what punishments have already been done. I feel like I've taken care of things fairly decisively, and I don't think much more is necessary, and thus more would start to be considered a "witch hunt". Of course, if you disagree, feel free to suggest other things that could be done. Here's a summary of things that have been done: - Arch has given me ownership of the FEU discord. His status as an admin has been removed. - A new role ("Revenant") was created for the second warning (that is, the formal one) in the discord. It has reduced permissions over the normal role. - The new role has been assigned to NickT and he has been stripped of other roles. - MCProd and Zane have been stripped of their contributor roles ("Writing/Writer" and "Wizard" respectively). Although this comes with no actual decrease in power, it has a bit of a metaphorical meaning in saying we value their contributions less if they aren't upstanding members of our community. I plan on this being a temporary measure, however the length of time for this is still undecided. - All other participants have been verbally warned (1st warning).
  3. This is going to be as tactless as everything else I say Out of the users mentioned, I would only strongly associate MCProd and Arch with who I would consider to be "FEU Regulars". For what it's worth, Bard and SEVA aren't associated with us at all (I have been notified that SEVA is a lurker -- not really someone I have taken notice of, in any case). I blame NickT for starting the whole thing and Arch for not stopping it and being there at the time. We(Cam and I) plan on penalizing NickT as well as others who participated in the incident. We're not yet sure on what to do with Arch but at the very least, we'd like him to write a formal apology to Blazer.
  4. It's better to think of AI1 as a "primary" AI and AI2 to be a "secondary" AI that gets used if AI1 fails to provide an action. For example, AI1 could be attack in range. If there are no units in range, then it fails and AI 2 gets used. AI2 could be something like, "do nothing" or "move closer to enemies". In the former case, the observed behavior is "attack in range" and in the latter case "pursue without heed" http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-the-official-ai-documentation-thread/348?u=crazycolorz5 ^ more info
  5. One of us could/should write a map ripper though...
  6. tbh just don't bother with FEditor. Use EA for everything. Circleseverywhere's FEE3 submission this year (MAKEHACK.cmd) demonstrates that Ea is the only real tool you need for ROM hacking, and you can ask the FEU discord if you have any questions.
  7. It was by choice. I had decided that if I was ever to self-insert into an FE hack, I'd be a magic-wielding pegasus.
  8. Why don't you download the patch and try it out?
  9. hey guys i found this not rly sure where its from some guy gave me a patch for it some patch.ups
  10. You think FEditor works, until it bricks your ROM. Edit: ParseFile is open source, so if you download GHC you can recompile it.
  11. Good decision, FEditor is bad. Also, I like FE14's Mini Bow. Just saying.
  12. You literally just need Event Assembler. But yeah, FEU is a good resource on how to use that to insert everything. (http://feuniverse.us/t/ea-wip-a-guide-to-inserting-everything-through-ea/1627/)
  13. I think this is mostly hypothetical anyway :P
  14. My advice as a TO to those reporting: Say who won along with the set count. Namely speaking to @Raguna
  15. Pikachu is one of the strongest characters offstage. He has a throw to kill confirm, making holding shield dangerous. His fair is very good, and dair autocancels. Being able to hit away his fair (e.g. with Marcina's fair or something) seems critical. Punishing quick attack based on habits is also key, and which is why it should get easier to beat Pikachus in longer sets (as you learn their QA habits). So... next character time?
  16. Now that I'm in there it has more ASM hackers than 97% of projects.
  17. Donut steel is adorable.
  18. ^ (As for why, it's because being tiny matters a ton in this game because it's legit hard to hit you when you're smaller. That and they're more mobile.)
  19. I was but jeez if you're gonna call me out on it so hard I guess I have to at least set them off in the right ROM-Buildfile and EA path now >.>
  20. Katakiri's from Central Ohio. AKA My Scene AKA I'm one of the people who forced him to stop being a Roy main (after we forced him to stop being a Mewtwo main)(so now he mains the Omnitrix).
  21. Small Miis are busted. Most places run only Guest Miis, which are medium sized.
  22. I haven't really hacked much before, but I guess I could give it a try? lmk.
  23. <3 but y tho Oh, yeah, so what I'm working on. in few words? . blowing minds.
  24. Do you have no synopsis or ideas to share in this thread itself? Seems sketch.
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