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Everything posted by Helios

  1. haha forgot the media tags whoops but yeah i'll try and be around
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGHppyQqavI
  3. Just my luck right? Ended up losing to you by a couple points. I GUESS if I started TY I would have won, but ehh who would have predicted 30 points from him? I might not be able to two peat :(.
  4. Red Fox recommended Samurai Flamenco to me. If you've seen Kickass and liked it, this is the anime for you.
  5. Colts were lucky as hell last night. Had the Texans had a better kicker they would have easily won. Luck made a great comeback though.
  6. I can't believe you might actually beat me. Wish I saw that huge TY Hilton game coming. Terrence Williams had a TD for like 4 or 5 games in a row, but sucked this week, while TY Hilton dropped over 30. Just my luck :/
  7. Alright so I've added every person who has posted in this thread so far. Unfortunately, there's still a ton of people who haven't added me.
  8. I'm a huge Detroit Tigers fan and love baseball. So I think it goes without saying... "fuck Boston"
  9. Oh hey that's pretty cool. Thanks eclipse! Still missing a ton of people so please add me when you get the chance (especially if you want a mega mawile :D) Added everyone inthread so far.
  10. It's usually 6+ just depends on what the tabs are. Facebook, twitter, email, mal, espn, and something I googled for school work are always there. Right now with the recent release of Pokemon X/Y I've got some tabs with smogon and serebii open as well.
  11. I'm still in no worries. I should probably come on here more often. Unfortunately half my team is on bye right now and I didn't pick up Douglas like I thought I would, so I'm unable to propose any trades right now :(
  12. Wait is this a bad thing? I'm waiting until I get a solid break so that I can marathon this season with my brothers, so I haven't watched anything yet this season. I loved the first two seasons with a passion, but I never read ahead in the manga or anything. So are you saying that this isn't a great season right now? Is LB Refrain looking good right now? I have high hopes for it since I read the VN and Refrain is one of the greatest things I've ever had the privilege of reading, so I'm curious to see if the anime is delivering even half of its greatness. Helios's Fall Season 2013 Week 3 Power Rankings 1. Valvrave S2: It's Valvrave, need I say more? 2. Diamond no Ace: What can I say I love baseball and this is baseball. 3. Kill la Kill: Other than the over the top fanservice (I get the point of it, I really do, but it still makes me feel kinda uncomfortable) this is fun 4. Kyoukai no Kanata: Interesting premise, MC is pretty cool, only flaw really is the main heroine being annoying. 5. White Album 2: There's something about this show that I really love. It's just...beautiful I guess? 6. Monogatari Second Season: This doesn't even deserve to be sixth but I really like all the shows I'm watching right now this season. 9001. Yuusha ni whatever: I came in expecting something like Hataraku no Maou-sama, and got nothing of the sort. Boobs are nice and all, but yeah. Might drop this if I don't see any improvement. Shows that I plan on watching once they're either over or more episodes come out: 1. Ippo S3 2. Kuroko no Basket S2 3. Little Busters Refrain 4. Samurai Flamenco 5. Nagi no Asakura
  13. Alright I believe I've added everyone inthread so far. Let me know if I missed you, and please add me if you haven't yet. Also if anyone could tell me what my safari type is that'd be pretty cool.
  14. My friend code is: 3866-8068-9897. Add me when you get the chance please!
  15. What do you guys think of this? http://www.tmz.com/2013/10/15/adrian-peterson-son-bobby-ruffin-ty-facebook-son-child/
  16. I'm gonna join your predictions thing next week. I love that "Antwan Randel El" play you're talking about. Thought it was a super creative play that took advantage of the fact that Randel El used to be a QB in college. I remember seeing it for the first time in the Superbowl against the Seahawks and thought it was so cool (I was really really new to football at that time). Agreeing with Raven that the Saints lost that game more than the Pats won. Bad play calling towards the end, and they gave Brady too much time on the clock for shenanigans. Then Brady threw a dragon to Thompkins with 10 seconds left and pow. Can you believe the Lions cut that guy (Thad Lewis)? He wasn't even good enough to make it as a third stringer, but he's clearly a solid quarterback. I'd rather have him than Moore right now haha.
  17. It's a really sad and tragic story. Prayers out to AP.
  18. I know I know and I'm not saying some of the penalties weren't undeserved, it's just that some of them were undeserved. Let's face it guys; because of the team's reputation, they've got targets on their backs. Some of the defensive penalties, whether deserved or not, ended up giving the Packers some points that shouldn't have happened. As a fan it's just frustrating to see the team play well against a big rival only to get penalized and kill the momentum.
  19. Idk if you got a chance to see the game against the Packers, but I couldn't help but feel that again that game. Lions were getting called for EVERYTHING. I know I have a little fan bias and I can't help that, but it almost was like the refs would throw a flag and THEN try and figure out a reason for it (I say this because there were a few times where penalties were called that didn't look relatively bad, or there were times where they'd have to pick the flag up because there wasn't actually a penalty). What sucks is that those penalties played a huge factor in the Pack's win, since it made drives that should have ended in punts become drives that ended with points. Now I'm not saying the Packers didn't deserve to win, because they clearly did. I'm just saying the game was a lot closer than score showed and the defense played so much better than you'd think.
  20. Wow my little brother is in first right now. I want a WR2 to pair with Brandon Marshall. Dwayne Bowe isn't really cutting it for me and James Jones is too inconsistent. Willing to trade anyone on my team outside of Lynch and Marshall. Get at me guys.
  21. Well I hope they stay bad for one more week. Lions haven't won in DC for almost 80 years. IT'S TIME FOR A NEW ERA! Sadly I think RGIII and the offense figures it out this week and beat the Lions in a shootout. Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha I can totally see this happening. And it's gonna happen because Manziel is gonna see the Browns get a top pick, and then he'll decide to stay at A&M for another year. Idk what you're talking about man. I was actually telling my brother yesterday "Man Smith is a good QB." Then he goes "Yeah it's because he realized he's not 'great'. When he stopped trying to be something he's not, he became good". Smith is a smart, accurate, and great decision maker. If he has good possession receivers and a good defense (which he has in KC), he'll win. I wouldn't want him on my team, but I admit that he's a good QB. I agree with Lord Raven.
  22. What was he a fourth round pick? It's sad how low his value has dropped :(. He better have a decent week, but he's going against that Panthers D which is pretty good.
  23. Caught up in the SnK anime. Armin is a boss. He figured everything out without even reading the manga or getting spoiled! My little brother and I had a hunch who it was, but it's still pretty cool how they revealed everything. It's like the entire episode made a 180 at the end. Hyped up for the next episode. It's too bad there's only 2 left this season :(.
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