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Everything posted by Gone2Ground

  1. It helps that the children are OP out the wazoo, but there's a lot of good Gen1 characters as well (Vaike, Cordelia and Virion come to mind)
  2. "Why don't you run away and tell yourself a lie?" - If God Could Talk, Meat Loaf "INSERT SOMETHING FREDDY MERCURY SAID IN A SONG HERE" - Any Queen or solo song, Freddy Mercury And of course, my personal favorite one: "This is the way you left me/I'm not pretending/no hope no love no glory/no happy ending" - Happy Ending, MIKA
  3. Seeing as she was paired with Vaike, I went for it anyway. Her current STR at LV3 Promoted is 15, which is actually the same as her MAG at this point, so I might have been severely blessed.
  4. So, somehow my Lissa has 9STR at LV20 Cleric. Is it worth going War Cleric at this point?
  5. And her 'Buy something' quote. I think it's "I hope one day shopping shall be all we need to worry about" or similar. I really like Lucina's character, its a brilliant example of how to do a strong female protagonist that isn't just a guy genderswapped. She's very resourceful, intelligent and brave while still having a bit of a girly girl side repressed by the horrors she's seen. Quite frankly, I think her reason for fighting other than saving her father is actually to find out what a normal (For a princess, anyway) life would be like.
  6. I'd like to imagine she stays dead, thanks. I actually saw someone hit this scene on the bus. I could tell because they started crying a little. I might have joined in. I happen to have a new friend now. His name is Frank.
  7. -> Honestly doesn't think this is necroposting, may be wrong because I'm a bit thick It's kind of a work in progress on the side, but Cordelia/Chrom (Stopping at A because I'm a sadistic bastard) C Support: B Support: A Support:
  8. To quote Good!DMC games: Awesome! Stylish! Super Stylish! SSS!
  9. If I could draw, this would be fanart by now.
  10. What if it was a wedding dress? RECLASS TO BRIDE HI-OOOOH!
  11. I started a Lunatic run on the bus home about two hours ago. Yes it was lunatic/casual don't judge me that bus jitters and its really annoying to misclikc because of it My reactions?
  12. I'll just obsess over MUxLucina some more thank you. Although I did MuxCordelia on this one. Morgan and Severa both inherited Galeforce. I paired them and made them both Dark Knights, and booted Morgan. YAY FOR ONE-TURNING KILL THE BOSS MAPS AND MOVING 20-24 SPACES A TURN
  13. Depends on the person. One guy I sold it to as great plot and character development, another basically was convinced when I told him it was kinda like if you took LoL, gave you control over all the heroes and made it turn-based.
  14. Oh god Awakening, why? As far as other games go, Spec Ops: The Line. ALL OF IT. From the opening showing you what happened to Dubai, to a few gutter-punch character deaths, to the White Phosphorus attack, and finally the ending, which shows that all of the above could have been avoided and has the best dialogue ever. Of all time.
  15. THIS MEANS MU/LUCINA IS CANON GUYS Ahem Sorry Got excited. Also? MUST. OWN.
  16. MU!Severa + Cordelia!Morgan, both with Ignis+Galeforce and on horses. ... Oh god I go through like 3 guys a turn. I have one-turned kill-the-boss maps with them. IT IS HORRIFYING
  17. Didn't have to be a romantic support. One that stops at A would have been painful as frig to read.
  18. True, but it has a decent activation rate (No divisions here) and comes at a pretty early stage, especially considering Veteran's existance. You'll normally (I find) hit lv18-ish by the time your first Master Seal rolls around if you do all the skirmishes that pop up like I do, which means you'll probably have Ignis by the time you hit Gangrel, which is useful.
  19. Wake up about 20 minutes earlier and go for a jog, it works better.
  20. For aesthetics, I go with magic, but strategically Hybrid makes more sense unless you want super!Morgan in one or the other stats (Magic!Avatar+Any mage waifu/husbando makes ScaryAss!Morgan) Plus, if you make your Avatar a Hybrid it makes Ignis much more powerful. Adding 20-25 power instead of 10-12 is pretty relevant.
  21. Path of Radiance could be pulled off as a TV series (think Game of Thrones...), but honestly I think that you couldn't do it. As a film student, I think it'd be impossible to devote enough screen time to each character to make you care enough, and as an FE fan they'd have to stick to one set of pairings, which would cause mass fan outrage.
  22. In terms of design/personality, I'll continue on with my routine and go with Lucina because if you S-Support In terms of gameplay (excepting Morgan because s/he varies too much) OH MY GOD GEROME IS SO OVERPOWERED GUYS IT ISN'T EVEN FUNNY
  23. Well apparently I can't read. Uhm, I do kinda like Gaius.
  24. MU and a bunch of Children characters supported with each other. MU/Lucina works well, then pair F!Morgan with Donnel!Gerome for hilarity.
  25. Lucina, because....*sniff* *cry*
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