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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. Okay, I looked around to see if anyone was talking about this yet, but it seems like I'm going to be the one...😤 Am I the only one freaking out about River Kanoff just sneaking into the roster?! I've noticed this dude's quality work from Skyrim projects and I'm so happy he's getting more roles!!! 🥳
  2. Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn: Greil Sword Cav Mist Staff Flier Elincia Stefan Begnion Zelgius (Lance Knight maybe?) Volug Aran Renning Shadow Dragon/New Mystery: Frey Nyna Coyote Hardin Yumina/Yuliya Binding Blade/Blazing Sword: Astol Elphin Ziess Limstella Sacred Stones: Ismaire
  3. I grant blessings to characters by matching them to their canon affinities (substituting Ice with Water and Thunder/Heaven with Cosmos), but I have no idea what to do with characters from games that don't have the affinity system (FE11/12, FE6/7 antagonists, FE: H)! If anyone else assigns them in this way, how go about blessing those characters?
  4. So, I have no idea how to advance on this game type. I've read the the instructions, gained 100 Memento Points, but I can't click on anything new after that. The Memento Album and Elite Pair are entirely greyed out. Is it just not working on my account? 🤔
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