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  1. I had the weirdest lucid dream last night. It took place in a range of mountains that had random stone buildings and random wooden/log buildings, and the occasional village/town, and a couple of really odd castles built into the side of the mountains, ravines, gulleys, switchbacks, trails. That's the basic scenery. The action part. I was a magic user, and I was with three other magical beings with magic similar to mine. We were being chased/hunted by an army of soldiers with swords, lances, pikes, halberds, battle-axes, and about a dozen magical beings. My powers were that I could take in the entire life force of other magic users and make it a part of me while separate from me at the same time, and I could give that life force to my fellow magic users. We had a very powerful artifact that we were trying to protect from the army's that were hunting us. I could take the artifact into myself temporarily to move it easier. My compatriots and I were separated into a really nasty battle and I tried to control the dream at this point to fly to companions and I sent the artifact hurtling towards them as I was attacked mid flight and I tumbled out of the air crashing to the rocky ridges below. I woke up at this point
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