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Breezy Kanzaki

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Everything posted by Breezy Kanzaki

  1. Glad to see SF is still having the double posting stuff
  2. Okay I really don't care about demotion since I hardly ever do pulls unless I really want the character and I really wanted Demon Celica
  3. I got pity broken at 4.25% by a Normal Celica after sniping only reds Only Heroes could make me hate seeing Celica
  4. Highly doubt anyone has the exact units I have in this, but if it can help someone out that's super cool. things of note is mainly Ninian being able to kill the Red Wyvern after he hits her on EP (thanks Threaten Speed Seal which I'm pretty sure I called useless before!)
  5. "Thoughts and prayers with the families of the victims" It's been what 6 years since Sandy Hook and still haven't done shit about it. I think it's been proven that certain higher-ups in America don't give a shit about school children dying
  6. HEY THANKS I'M TOTALLY NOT LATE ON RESPONDING it was pretty meh but I'll take that tbh
  7. HEY THANKS I'M TOTALLY NOT LATE ON RESPONDING it was pretty meh but I'll take that tbh
  8. Yes hi I've been doing Infernal runs of all the GHB/BHB maps and uploading them and just did my Valter one It's nothing too special but I was far too lazy to come up with a unique strat
  9. Glad Celica won and hoping they give us another one for free so I can pick her and not worry about the banner again split voting once again fucked over Marth though so that sucks
  10. Aw geez you've mentioned my strat now I have to show it here or something :P Editing is for chumps, and so is using popular units!
  11. Nothing too terrible aside from my own problems really
  12. Nothing too terrible aside from my own problems really
  13. I'm doing college but otherwise somehow surviving
  14. is that the Mythical Soledai I see? good day
  15. Got 20 orbs thanks to Infantry Quests and TT after hitting 70K points Head on over to New Years banner first summon had 1 Green orb which was +Atk -Res 4* Soren which is cool second summon with 1 Green orb was FINALLY MY NEW YEARS AZURA. -Atk +HP which is shitty but idc she finally came home
  16. Still trying for Airzura this time because I only saw 1 Green orb in 3 total wheels I get pity broken by a Rebecca who doesn't even have useful skills to fodder off
  17. Let's see here. Trying for Airzura in the New Years banner first summon had 2 greens.. nothing next 3 summons had 0 Green orbs at all.. 5th summon had 1 Green orbs then the 6th had no Green orbs and I get pity broken by +Atk -Spd Gray
  18. Okay let me tell you about the best Pegasus Knight in the game Fari- wait she's only in Hector mode Well sucks to be you have fun with Isadora
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