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Breezy Kanzaki

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Everything posted by Breezy Kanzaki

  1. Uhhh it was about 5-ish hours driving back home feels so good to be back I mean it's mostly on my shitty mental state 95% of the time so My thoughts exactly
  2. I mean.. if we consider college in an isolation it was fine save for a few bad days if we consider the whole experience with outside factors I've been pretty shit for the past month Overall 6.8/10 would recommend if you have the money but the DLC costs way too much
  3. unlucky for you tbh Also it's been Quite Some Time :tm:
  4. uhh just got done with finals a few hours ago Heading home tomorrow First college semester done woooo
  5. Oh I guess I should post samples (spoilers probably for some games) Project X Zone 2 Undertale Advance Wars: Dual Strike Pokemon Conquest FE Echoes: SoV PMD: Explorers of Sky Persona 3 Pokemon: ORAS Persona 5
  6. After 150+ Orbs, 1 Spring Camilla, and 2 Ikes I finally got my girl Celica I'm so happy
  7. And my never-ending quest for Celica gave me anther fucking Ike with -Res +HP Aether is looking very tasty for someone
  8. 100+ orbs in the banner results in a -ATK +SPD Spring Camilla and a -ATK +SPD Ike Heavy Blade is looking tasty for my Eldigan
  9. So, in honor of winning thanks to great RNGesus. I'd just like to say to everyone to not let your memes be dreams, because even if you meme, you'll still win sometimes. Thank you and have a great day
  10. So, in honor of winning thanks to great RNGesus. I'd just like to say to everyone to not let your memes be dreams, because even if you meme, you'll still win sometimes. Thank you and have a great day
  11. If you could add one FE character from each game into Warriors, who would you add from each (remakes don't count as seperate)? What company would you like the bring back Sakura Wars and why? Why is Sumire the best character in Sakura Wars and why is there no argument against that?
  12. "Hey guys we have a really cool hybrid lord unit to add she mainly uses Magic but also has a sword as well." "DID SOMEBODY SAY SWORDS?"
  13. I wish I had motivation to do like, anything
  14. I can't tell who was flaming who there speaking of flaming someone raged against me today in League it was exciting
  15. me: *actual college student, technically an adult by American society standards* also me: *sitting in my room listening to Disney music* Fuck the normal conventions of society
  16. I love the feeling that I'll never fucking accomplish anything with my crappy life yaaaaaay
  18. moving in this Friday classes start next Monday
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