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Everything posted by lonelyVoxel

  1. I'm not dead! Roxy.OS: *yet I've changed my style between the last update and this one. Previously I documented every single engagement, but I've started to become more selective with what I put in. In any case, this update is worth reading for a good roast by Roxy. Gather 'round. muchachos. Roxy.OS: Roasted Force sounds good, actually.
  2. Return of the muscle men, eh? That'll be fun. I see you're making use of the Juna Fruit as well. Just don't make it too available, haha. That'd be nice to have in a Secret Shop, though.
  3. I wouldn't use a battle sprite for the corpse. Rather I'd have a "Bury" command for them, but if they were to have a low amount of HP, I would force map animations. It just seems like too much work to have both a map and battle animation for every unit type. Below is a good idea. Dead Brendan and fainted Nils were both like that? Huh, never realized.
  4. That sounds like a really good idea, actually. Maybe something like that could be used for bosses with multiple forms. With generics that could be abused for EXP, though, so you'd need to make zombies give out low amounts of EXP compared to a human kill.
  5. Oh well. I think there's going to be a lot of additional battle sprites for FEXNA, though, so once that comes out aka when they announce Half Life 3 there may be some ladies with Axes.
  6. That's a shame. I'd really like to have some Tier 1 female Axe units if I ever make a game, and I'd like not to have to steal from Girls or, worse, other projects.
  7. Likely a weapon rank error. Relina should be able to use it, and was last time I played it. A better one can be made. -ya perv =P-
  8. I was unable to see him, so once he landed he got me good. Throws Mechonis
  9. One way to go about it would be the option to send an Armor into battle as a Soldier of the same weapon type, if you had one-weapon armors. If you had multi-weapon Armors, you could choose one weapon type, and the same if you had Generals with access to all or most physical and/or magical weaponry. I'd think Str and Def would go down armorless, and Skl and Spd increases. There would need to be pretty big drops in Def in some cases, but I'm sure it's workable.
  10. Speaking of mounting, I just had an idea. What if Armors could switch to lightweight units, like dismounting? They'd gain a point of movement that way, but their stats would go down overall. That could end up a bit overpowered, however, since you could armor up once you've sped to where you want to choke or to an enemy engagement. I'd like to see some other pseudo field class-changing. I'm sure if you wanted Laguz-like units that could work as well through an item.
  11. Nope, that would be Chief you're thinking of. Blademaster would have to clarify on what the difference is.
  12. I feel like both maps shown here were from events in the game? I suspect we're getting closer and close to climax.
  13. I believe that Astrea and Artemis are both weak to the Manni Katti, as well as Jenna for sure. There is only one enemy with it so far, I believe.
  14. Evan needs a little buffing in my opinion. +20 crit is helpful, but not a be-all end-all.
  15. Jenna was really good for me. Maybe she was just blessed? Remember she can still use Thunder magic, though that may change.
  16. Thracia did have a growing CON stat, and is the only game in the series to have it {unless you count STR-based weight as growing CON}. There's a patch for FE7 and FE8 that allows CON to grow, which is being used in a hack I'm beta testing.
  17. A dedicated Spirit stat just doesn't make sense to me. Iron Will sounds like a pretty good idea, and that could help greatly when an Axe user needs to take out a General with a Hammer. However, I like having Constitution as a growable stat, though, so I probably wouldn't utilize that.
  18. Maybe instead of adding a separate Spirit stat, re-configure Luck? That still wouldn't change a ton, though. A mix of Skill and Luck for most skills wold make the most sense, though other stats certainly could be utilized for activation rates as well.
  19. Haha, it's alright. Personally I don't see how I'd implement a split. It'll probably be a while before I work on a project of my own creation, so that'll give me some time to think over how it should work in other projects.
  20. I don't know whether or not it was originally called Power, but the fanslation called it Str and it's common joke in LPs. All in all I was joking.
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