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  1. Haha alright, thanks guys. honestly, I'm about to go through the event assembler boot camp, because all the guide make me feel dumb because idk what ii'm doing :'( Wish me luck!
  2. So I shouldn't even try to hack FE 8? :/.
  3. Thanks Zahlman<3. CT; Thanks!
  4. So, I've been following some of the editor guides for event assembly, but I realized that I at the latest version and the ones I've been following are V7~, So I was wondering if someone had posted a tutorial for the most up-to-date version of Event Assembly? Thanks in Advanced!
  5. 1 errors encountered: Invalid pointer $800010 in offset 3458892 at pointer list I only have 6 digits on the offset, and I got it from the Nightmare event reference table... x.x
  6. Okay, and one more question ( I hope I haven't annoyed you guys yet :'( ) Should my map already be uploaded on my ROM, or before?
  7. When I dissassembled, I got an error. "Finished. 1 errors encountered: Offset is larger than size of file. No data written to output. "
  8. I've been using Tiles however, so does that guide apply to Tiles?
  9. So I've been messing with the nightmare Unit data, and I added dorcas to the first chapter, and he's nowhere to be found. Any tips?
  10. 0xD80000, so would I use 0xD80001 for my next map and so on?
  11. Oh wait! is this where the Hex editor comes in?
  12. On the Ultimate guide; should I read it through first? or should I hack while I read? And is there a reference table on where the freespace would be for the offset?
  13. Since it's the first tutorial map, would it not be offset 0?
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