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Posts posted by DH_Ninja

  1. Not bad, but I feel like swinging a sword that big with enough force to hurt someone would force the blade further than just straight vertical. Maybe more at a \ angle at minimum.

    Noted. I won't be posting another update immediately though. Not until I have something to show for the critical. But thanks for the input.

  2. Female Lord/Squire


    Description: Sword only. Female Lord type animation based on Karina from TLP, please do not rip any portraits. Most appropriately used for female characters that utilize rapier like weapons. In this case the sword is meant to more akin to an Estoc. Package include Palette Examples, Frames, Script.

    Credits: DH_Ninja + ArcFalchion (No Permission Needed but please credit).

    Download Link

  3. But I don't really care~

    Imma get the fuck up outta here~

    Fuck that shit I'm out~

    That was the biggest anticlimax I've ever seen in RF so far. To DH_Ninja, this song is dedicated to you:



    Okay but in all seriousness I'm going to watch the submission. There's quite the story behind this. At the very least it seems like people are enjoying it which I think is what really matters for something like this.

    Edit: This is a message from DH_Ninja. I await you in the PM Box, Marky.

  4. Oh man. My garbage gallery is all but gone. Also it's been three years. Who knew I had a thread.

    Anyway here's taste of something I've been working on.

    At least half of it will become something. I promise that much.



  5. So, I've decided to remake yet another one of my castle maps for now.

    Remember this:




    Some people will probably question why the map is now bigger than it was before, but I've allowed a bit more freedom of movement around the map this time around.

    As a result of that, the map shouldn't be 25+ turns of slowly moving a trail of units in one direction either.

    I still need to actually test it myself, but what do people think?

    So, I've decided to remake yet another one of my castle maps for now.

    Remember this:




    Some people will probably question why the map is now bigger than it was before, but I've allowed a bit more freedom of movement around the map this time around.

    As a result of that, the map shouldn't be 25+ turns of slowly moving a trail of units in one direction either.

    I still need to actually test it myself, but what do people think?

    I'm actually fond of the center courtyard on this map. I don't like that the redesign takes it away. It also blends in too much with the previous map you posted. Too big and too blue, not diverse enough. The previous design does a very solid job of not looking too samey.

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