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Status Updates posted by riariadne

  1. the return of wist...

  2. fuck the 2016 worse than the very hulk hogan i break its back make it humble in the pontiac silverdome 93000 people $10000

  3. Been 8 years since I joined here... wow

  4. I get notifications for you responding to the status update I made before but I can't actually see it until you choose to approve the message so if you were trying to ask me something there that is why I have not answered

    1. Honey Bunny

      Honey Bunny

      Did not know that. Just fixed it.

    2. riariadne



      I am super sick right now so I'll get towards addressing your traits and stuff in an SF PM soon and some more in-depth Demi human info. It'll be a few maps before your character would show up at least so the current stats aren't that big of a deal yet. Bonus mostly seems fine, might need number tweaks depending on final stats to be in line with the party but the idea is definitely viable

    3. Honey Bunny

      Honey Bunny

      No rush dude. You focus on getting better, I can wait. Just go at your own pace.

  5. Hey there, I posted about Golden Age in the OOC thread because of a possible opening. If you're still interested check out the post and we can PM about a good potential joining time, I remember you were interested in a demihuman character.

    1. Honey Bunny

      Honey Bunny

      Huh, I just saw this right after posting in the main thread. I guess we could talk about more setting specific stuff here though. Anything you want to tell me about going Demihuman?

    2. Honey Bunny

      Honey Bunny

      For my wildcard bonus would this be too powerful?

      Survival Instinct: Gain +30 dodge when below 30% health. In addition add 15% to your speed growth.

  6. Hey there, I have a potential opening in Golden Age. I know you were interested before and I said I'd get back to the people who initially signed up, so if you're still interested check out the OOC thread. Also even if I don't end up picking your signup for the current opening, I wanted to talk to you about when I could work out another possible spot for you since you expressed wanting to join.

  7. it's been a long time my friend

  8. Look as hard as you are able- you'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light.

  9. 8] happy birthday

    1. Gorgar


      Thanks, man

  10. wow crysta the years must really fly by...............

    1. Crysta


      it feels like just yesterday when they would deliver milk to you in bottles :(

  11. Only perfection.

  12. wow it's specta i hope your birthday is SPECTACULAR

    1. Specta


      wow fleche hell yeah THANKS

  13. happy birthday IRIS

  14. happy birthday, birthday comrade

    1. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      B_B posted this on my skype but you seem more deserving.

  15. Never be game over.

  16. happy birthday jaybee

  17. Oh no, not me. I never lost control.

    1. Blitz


      why post that on the last day of the last year?

    2. riariadne
  18. As of today, if I put the Master Sword in the temple of time and went back 7 years, I would still be an SF member... how strange.

    1. Dandragon


      But that's the thing. You haven't even pulled out the master sword. Let's see where you are 7 years from now.

  19. But my words, like silent raindrops, fell... and echoed in the wells of silence.

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