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Robert Stewart

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Everything posted by Robert Stewart

  1. Leon: Hey Erwin, wanna betray all your friends and potential love interest to side with us over some ideals that haven't really been explored up to thiss point? Erwin on 3/4 of Der Langrisser's stories: lmao sure.
  2. The Der Langrisser stream ended up taking 6 hours because I really wanted to get to the imperial path.
  3. Live now! Edit: Thanks to everyone who tuned in! it ran longer than I usually stream for, but I wanted to finish the "prologue" and get to the actual imperial maps.
  4. Doing this again this week! Hopefully we will get to the actual Imperial part of the game this time.
  5. Played most all of them to some extent, with the exception of conquest and Revelation. Also 3/4 routes of 3H. And technically I haven't finished Radiant Dawn. I have ones I preferred of that bunch but I liked pretty much all of them. Including the NES games that I've heard are supposedly "unplayable" due to age. 😛
  6. Oops, I've been neglecting this. I just finished my FE4 stream! My last stream is still on the archive so you can watch it if you like. there's some highlights too. Lots of wacky vantage/wrath fun. Most likely my next stream will be Der Langrisser's Imperial route. So, tune in on Saturday at 1 PM CST/CDT if that sounds interesting, mayhap.
  7. I don't recall such a script existing for any SNES game. FE3 has such a different engine from the other two games that I'm certain a script written for FE4 wouldn't work for it. Not sure about FE5, but I'm pretty sure it's in a similar boat.
  8. Also I think this is the first time in a playthrough I've gotten 100 stars on a weapon.
  9. If anyone here remembers, I started a series of streams for FE4 with (debatably) meme pairings. I just finished it, and here's how all the kids turned out in the end, for those interested.
  10. From the translation of Treasure: "In this world, those called heroes are frequently elevated to the level of lower class deities after their deaths; the high-ranking gods are eternal, the ones indicated by the primal religions as the world builders." So someone like Ethnia would be a "higher" or "greater" god than someone like the crusader's, since they're a god of a primordial/fundamental force or element. On either option is maybe they confused Yudu/Gran having alternate names with being two separate beings...but given the person who made the chart is pretty invested in Jugdral lore I doubt it. He's only worshiped in Archanaea, so that can't be it.
  11. I saw an iceberg meme recently about FE (which I won't be linking because some entries are NSFW), and one of the entries struck my attention. The entry in question was "Jugdral's Three Greater Gods." For those who weren't aware beforehand, there's apparently a pantheon of gods outside of the Crusaders and Naga/Loptyr/Forseti which are worshiped in Jugdral. They don't come up often in game, though. The two I'm aware of are: Yudu/Gran - mentioned in the designer notes for Fire Emblem Treasure. Apparently some kind of sky god. Ethnia - Mentioned in Thracia Chapter 22's opening. Apparently an earth goddess, and significant enough to be the namesake for 2 off-screen characters (Linda and Miranda's mothers). But I don't know the third. I'm assuming it's some kind of ocean god based on the pattern of the first two, but I can't recall who it is or if they were mentioned anywhere in FE4 or 5. They don't seem to be in any designer notes or interviews, at least.
  12. I've literally never done that. You'll be fine.
  13. Good on you! Patches for disc-based consoles seem to be more complicated for some reason. The only PSP patch I recall using is the old leaked Zero no Kiseki translation. The <walls>... patch. But that didn't seem that hard. Anyway, I hadn't heard of this, surprisingly. I thought I was aware of most of VW's games. I see their design sensibilities showing themselves with the witch lady. 😛
  14. I watched that video but forgot that part Classic Shaun It's a good video either way. The two hour runtime makes the title even more appropriate.
  15. Maybe have an alt account set up so it doesn't affect your recommendations Or open in a private tab. Idk what browser you use, but Firefox supports "container" tabs that are like isolated browser sessions. That could also be a solution.
  16. > Awakening 10th anniversary Old_snake.gif Feels like it was only yesterday...
  17. That's literally the explicit point of the meme :v
  18. Another bugfix! This is a bit bigger, though. Turns out the text that's supposed to show when a vendor or secret shop sells to the supply was borked because of a missing 0 byte. Pretty sure this isn't my fault, but I still didn't catch it in the initial updates, so...I guess it still is my fault. :v It's on Github and should be on RHDN soon.
  19. Anyway, I'm not sure if I promoted this here or not, but I am streaming FE4 on a weekly basis (usually) right now. Gonna stream the last bit of chapter 8 in about an hour or so
  20. Fuck, I can't remember how I cropped my avatar here before. Can't get it to look right somehow...
  21. I had some Berwick names, just not ones i ended up using on my main team. There weren't that many Pokemon I caught that fit with Berwick characters. I had a Pikachu from the Power Plant named Percy, and a second Meowth named Ruby...that was it, I think.
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