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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. No they aren't. They're funny as hell and more naturally intimate. Especially if both people have hot avatars :P
  2. SF Couples?! Ah nostalgia! I remember an AA couple from my past. Rumor is the girl got pregnant somehow. Even though it's not phyiscally possible it's still awesome. Even funnier is that they said she couldn't get pregnant because she wasn't human, not because they lived like a 1,000 miles away from each other. Forum logic.
  3. Okay I'm gonna relink these and then try again. *sigh* I'm logged on to the board so that's why I can view them. Damn convenience is an inconvenience.
  4. Phoenix


    I figure a regular hello will suffice since I can't possibly top the last one. Sup? B)
  5. Have you seen the official art of some of the FE girls? Rebecca's especially If I ever run into a cute girl with legs that long I'll fall on my knees and propose to her right there. I don't care if her boyfriend has a gun, I've got God on my side. And I'd treat her better anyway. :P
  6. Phoenix


    I envy you. If I even mentioned wikipedia in one of my posts regarding the truth I'd be laughed right out of the forum. I do like that website though, right up there with howstuffworks.com. Anywho... Evolution and Gravity are only similar in that they are both "things" that swirl around in our thoughts. That's why it's called the Law of Gravity That's why it's called the theory of Evolution Even if you link me to a place that says Gravity is a theory or Evolution is a fact, it doesn't mean they're correct. Think of the poor folks at creationist websites who's research is disgarded because they are accused of just being out to disprove evolution and not seek the truth. They might be correct in their findings but does anyone care? Just the Christians and then not always for the right reasons. Seeking the truth is the only reason for science to exist at all. So why settle for evolution based soley on evidence and a fear of creationism? If you really want to seek the truth, you have to be willing to accept that either we came from nothing by mere chance, or we came from a pretty powerful being. It wouldn't kill you to look at both sides of the matter with an open mind would it? It's not like you have to become a Christian if evolution is proven false.
  7. Go ahead and talk about the read here. If you have questions refer to the FAQ in the story thread first, if you don't find your answer come here. Hm... Also some elements of the story can't be answered til the sequal, and most of your questions should be answered by the end of chapter 28. A link to the Story thread will go here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...t=0#entry243151
  8. Ah sooner or later something like this happens. Give me a few minutes... ... ...k try again. Also about your sig, does Gatrie really get with Lyre? Cool. Didn't know that.
  9. Tiny disclaimer: This story is fan fiction. It is not endorsed by our friends who created the Fire Emblem series. It is not being sold anywhere. Any similarities to the Fire Emblem universe is purely intentional. Any similarities in the story to any other Fire Emblem stories is coincidental as I have only played FE7, FE8, and FE9. Any similarities to characters from other FE titles is either coincidental or intentional and is of little importance. The reader accepts total responsibility for their actions while, and shortly after reading. The reader upon beginning the story realizes that he is reading at his own risk, as I cannot be held responsible for the following: eye damage, emotional attachment, emotional distress or scarring, psychological damage, sore butt, lack of sleep, missed work, wasted time, a thumbs down, or post dramatic stress syndrome. I can however be credited for the following: fun reading, a renewed sense of purpose, inspiration, a good laugh, a good cry, a thumbs up, an "oh" moment, an "OH MY GOD" moment, appreciation for newb writers, and/or a silent stare followed by intense thought. I am not technically a writer. And lastly, just to rehash, you read at your own risk. Novel Codes for The Dragon Lords !!! Means the character is surprised or has noticed something. Basic eye opening reaction to something. It is also a x3 exclamation mark following loud speech. ??? Means the character is confused or sees something as questionable. * * Example *sigh* Means an action taken while speaking. Anything inbetween the * * is an action taken. - The "-" occurs at the point someone is interrupted. It literally means beig interrupted. It is also used to stretch speech O-h. hmph The sound hmph. Usually a type of grunt or growl. Typical response of someone who is annoyed. ugh "Ugh" Typical response of someone disgusted, injured or who loathes a situation. ... This is a temperary pause of approximately 0.8 seconds in reading. ... ... Rarely used but it is a pause of 1.6 seconds in reading. ... ... ... This is a pause of 2.4 seconds between reading. ( ) This is the thought box. All text inside this box are the mental thoughts of the character who's : it follows. : This appears after the name of the person speaking. Example Zander: all text following this on the same line or up to a certain point is the character's spoken words. Tch The sound tch. It's pretty much standard scoffing. Answers for questions that may or may not be asked: (will be updated frequently) Q: Do you have a life? A: I'm workin on it... ... ... Q: Is this story any good? A: That's up to the reader to decide. I like it :D Q: Where do I talk about the story? A: Talk about it everywhere! At work, at home, with your friends, at the movies, or wherever good times are had! I'll post a new discussion thread at a later date. Q: How often will you post the chapters and how many at a time? A: The story is completely posted & finished. Q: Is there a sequel? A: Yes, but it's still being written... slowly... Q: When is the sequel coming out? A: Don't know. I want to put more work into the sequel. Not necessarily more time but definitely more work. Q: When did you write this? A: Off and on for about a year. Was finished as of Mid Winter of 2007 I think... Was officially finished as of Spring of 2009 Q: Where do I read the story? A: Scroll down Q: I hate you. Why should I read this? A: Don't know. Curiosity? Q: Where's the Fire Emblem in this story? A: You know... ... ... I have absolutely no idea. Just pretend Zalera's Fire Seal is the Fire Emblem. Q: What's an X chapter? A: Similar to the FE games, X chapters are not about the main quest. An X chapter is either one of the following: A chapter focusing on individuals other than the main character and their quests. Support conversation chapters with an overwhelming amount of dialogue. Q: What's a chapter part? A: A chapter part or chapter pt is a section of a chapter. Part 1 through however many other chapters. This was required due to the huge climactic parts of the story. Q: Why is it written like this? Kinda looks like a cross between a novel and a tv script. A: It's written like this because I'm not a real writer yet. I don't do "He then replied this" and those writing techniques. This is based largely on conversation and with the writing style I used, I was able to fit an insultingly large amount of dialogue into only 29 chapters of story. As annoying as some people may find it, I think you'll learn a lot about the characters. This is what I'll officially title, Fire Emblem Format B) Q: Dude, there's too much going on! A: This story is absolutely best for readers who also like modern filming techniques. As you'll notice the chapters split into either two or three different scenes and jumps between them in a particular order. The same is true for modern movies, especially movie climaxes. The story follows that feel to the letter. Q: Are there sprites for the characters? A: Yes and no. Not all of the characters have sprites and then only some of them have sprites of them from this story. I was working on sprites for characters from Six Seals, the sequel to this story, but the only current sprites I have for characters in this story are: Scarlet Enfira, Bruce ,Kronos ,Viniskar, Inazuma, Zalera, Vertigo, and Leviathan Also Yuli helped me out with some of the character sprites and I'll post the characters eventually. Sprites done by me are always FE9 styles and the ones Yuli did are FE8 styles. I'm also going to be working with one or more spriters to add new sprites for this story and the Six Seals sequel. Q:Will you release the sprites so people know what the characters look like? And when? A: Yes I'll release them. When? Eventually... Q: What do the dragons look like? A: The Dragon Lords all have their own unique appearances which are described as they appear, and Vanguards look like the wyverns from FE, only they are around eighty feet tall and don't normally hunch over like wyverns do. Lesser dragons look exactly like wyverns. They are only a little bit larger and have glowing eyes like the Vanguards. These three dragon types are the only ones seen in the story so don't worry about other dragons. Q: What's a Vanguard? A: The Vanguards of Dragon Lords are dragon commanders or generals of enormous size with a preposterous amount of power and intelligence. The definition of Vanguard is forward advancing forces. Q: This character is just like so and so. A: That's not a question. Also kudos for noticing something that minute. The characters will usually have a similarity or two. Some characters, and you might notice this are based off of other characters from FE. They'll be identified by their classes, and physical appearance ONLY. These are not crossovers however, just templates I used to speed along the roster building. Example: Scarlet Enfria (Paladin) is heavily based off of... Petrine (Paladin) Q: I found a typo! How'd you miss that? A: I spell checked the whole story a half dozen times and the sad part is... there really aren't that many actual typos, just misplaced words. Example: Instead of using the word "Since", I mistakenly used the word "Sense". Just ignore it for now until I update this stuff. Q: Why do the characters talk in bold? Bold hurts the eyes! A: No worries. That was just for the first five chapters. After that, the characters talk in italic. I didn't bother to go back and fix chapters one through five because I didn't care all that much. It's just five chapters. Watch out for the Six Seals though, the sequel is going to be in all bold if I don't get enough complaints about it. Q: Keep and Share? A: Yeah... The links are to my uploaded documents on Keepandshare.com. It's a good site. It's free, and they keep the files forever. If you need docs uploaded and kept for easy linking, you know who I'd recommend... POSTS: Each chapter is in chronological order for obvious reasons. Warnings appear before certain chapters putting up a type of red flag for readers who are uncomfortable with higher than FE standard levels of carnage and warfare. These chapters should still be read, but a word of caution to the easily offended, and easily overwhelmed. Be careful. Chapter 0 aka Prologue http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212947&da=y Chapter 1: Wyvern Riders http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212142&da=y Chapter 2: The Journey Begins (Warning: Extreme violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212143&da=y Chapter 3: Honor Among Thieves (Warning: Mild violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212144&da=y Chapter 4: Retribution (Warning: Mild Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212145&da=y Chapter 5: Trust http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212146&da=y Chapter 6: Torn Asunder (Warning: Moderate violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212147&da=y Chapter 7: In Search of Hope Chapter 7x: Front lines (Warning: Moderate Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212148&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212149&da=y Chapter 8: Riders of Novera (Warning: Question inducer) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212150&da=y Chapter 9: Orrico Set Ablaze (Warning: I'm sure something will offend you) Chapter 9x: Cremarian Pride http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212151&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212152&da=y Chapter 10: To Save A King pt1-pt2(Warning: Moderate Violence) Chapter 10x: The Last Sunrise http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212153&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212154&da=y Chapter 11: The Skyways http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212155&da=y Chapter 12: The Hunted pt1-pt2 (Warning: Exclamation abuse/Moderate Violence/Stuff) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212156&da=y Chapter 13: Dead Man's Trail (Warning: Mature Content) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212157&da=y Chapter 14: Lying In Wait Chapter 14x: Cremarian Pride Act 2 http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212158&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212159&da=y Chapter 15: Checkmate pts 1-4 (Warning: Overwhelming violence) Chapter 15x: Settled http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212160&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212161&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212162&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212163&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212164&da=y Chapter 16: Memorial http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212165&da=y Chapter 17: Rehash (Warning: Dialogue dump) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212166&da=y Chapter 18: The Journey Nears Chapter 18x: As a Fiend http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212167&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212168&da=y Chapter 19: Burning Plains & Burning Skies (Warning: Moderate violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212169&da=y Chapter 20: Darkness (Warning: Yeah... this chapter is all sorts a f*cked up.) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212170&da=y Chapter 21: History of the Dragon Lords http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212172&da=y Chapter 22: So Far Away (Warning: Moderate Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212173&da=y Chapter 23: Rehash Act 2 Chapter 23x: Cremarian Pride Act 3 (Warning: Mild Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212174&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212175&da=y Chapter 24: The Sacred Place Chapter 24x: Cremaria Vs Ares (Warning: Extreme Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212176&da=y Chapter 25: Walking The Path (Warning: Moderate Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/1212178/chapter-25-71k?da=y Chapter 26: The Sight (Warning: Moderate Violence) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212179&da=y Chapter 27: Beginning of The End (Warning: Revelatory) Chapter 27x: One Final Night (Warning: Dialogue dump) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212180&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212181&da=y Chapter 28: Death pts 1-5 (Warning: http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212182&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212183&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212184&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212185&da=y http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212186&da=y Chapter 29: Life http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212187&da=y Epilogue (Warning: Do NOT read until finished with the story.) http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/view.php?id=1212188&da=y If for some reason the links do not work let me know asap. The pdfs are for Acrobat 5.0 compatibility. If you can't read them due to the 5.0, let me know. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html This could also help
  10. I find that some shows need "shock and awe" tracks too. Especially some movies. That would help me a bunch.
  11. Phoenix


    Gravity: Yeah gravity is both convenient and extremely annoying for me. I sleep on a computer bunk. Basically a bunk bed with a computer desk on the bottom instead of another bed. With that said if I make one wrong move while getting out of bed in the morning, I'm in for a five and a half foot drop to the ground. That's why I stay in bed an extra hour or two to make sure I'm awake fully. None the less without gravity aka larger attracting the smaller, we'd would be in a world of trouble. Gravity is something that allows us to exist. It is definite, it is unchangable and undeniable. Evolution on the other hand is an exuse to discount the existence of a God. It is founded on the belief that there is no God to make it happen. Thus it relies sole on natural selection, genetics, and constant freak accidents. Gravity and Evolution are not similar in the least. You've got Gravity which is a constant and infinite effect on us and everything, and then you have evolution, a theory started by someone to explain where humans came from because he didn't believe it was a God who'd done the act. There's no theory of Gravity folks! And there's no law of Evolution either! Evolution is as valid as religion. The only difference is religion is illogical and based on faith while evolution is slightly logical and based on genetics, fossils, and pretty colorful charts with skeletons pasted on them. Homosexuality: It's another sexual orientation, just like bisexuality, and beastiality. Is it a sin? Yep as clearly stated, but will people change? Nah. Also just because people are gay doesn't mean they should be looked down upon. They're sinning in the act of homosexuality, not by living while being homosexual. There's no exuse for being a prick to gays just because they are who they are. Find a better reason to hate them. Hate them because they like a different sports team or something.
  12. Reason #1 I needed a place to hang out that was reasonably friendly and could inspire me to do what I love to do. Screw around with FE fan fiction and FE sprites. Reason #2 Yuli thought it'd be a good idea to come here and I agreed :D
  13. Duly noted. Since I'm crazy though, I feel the need to take the risk, as Japan is like the one other country I'd want to live in. The power of Asia compells me.
  14. Ya know looks are great but personality is great too. I mean who wants to date a hot chick who'll beat you with a frying pan if you say she doesn't look good in a particular dress? Besides, Gakki-san isn't the hottest girl alive, just one of my favs. I'm so glad noone got pissed about the Japan thing. I feel relieved. Yeah I'm definitely unpacking my bags here
  15. Phoenix


    I would also like to point out something that should be obvious to everybody. I do remember saying this before elsewhere and it will probably blow up into intellectual BS arguments later but "Oh vell, here gos." This universe we live in isn't gigantic, humungous, or even enormous... it's seemingly infinite with a few sextillian galaxies floating away from each other at a patience destroying rate. Now there's this tiny teal spec in space called Earth with a bunch of lifeforms running around questioning their own existence. Every individual is unique and every single one of them is going to keep coming up with new and strange ideas. Religions, origin theories, and some new sexual orientations. It all falls into the same catagory of thinking up new ways to do things. I would know, I do this all the time myself with philisophical ideas that I apply to counter depression. So everyone debating anything is saying that they are right based on a combination of the following: Personal proof, facts based on a concept of reality and interpretation, other people's research which they readily accept, and pride which is required to hold onto any religion or slightly illogical belief. Yeah... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that human beings aren't powerful enough, smart enough, advanced enough, or humble enough to determine anything as important as the existence of God or the correctness of a religion. Why not just agree to disagree. If the Catholics are right then me and the Athiests are doomed, and if the Athiests are right then we should live our lives to the fullest cause we're dead and gone forever afterward, and if I'm right in my anti Christian beliefs rejoice cause everybody wins in the end! Sorry I wanted to throw some jackass in at the end of that statement :D
  16. Phoenix


    Death/Christ has a serious point there. Christians don't need to prove there's a God. The real evidence of God will come with the fulfillment of prophesy. If it doesn't happen and someday humans no longer exist then the Athiests win. Congratz. If they do happen however, boy is that gonna be the biggest "I TOLD YOU SO" in history. Also, all people do in debates is state opinions. They may reference someone else's work and research but they're still just their ideas that came from someone else. Me stating something and not trying to back it up is me saving myself the hassle of typing a bunch of discountable crap. If you want me to be funny, okey dokey. I love sounding like a jackass when the situtation allows it. It's not that hard either. But don't flame me because I'm sensitive :(
  17. Phoenix


    No no no. That's not my argument. I just heard about it somewhere. I don't view that as "real" evidence. I agree with it somewhat but not entirely. That's just an example I was using. But seriously I'm not even INTERESTED in net conversion so I'm not going to debate anything, just say what I think.
  18. Yeah but... the girls... and the laughter, and the short shorts :(
  19. Phoenix

    The Dream Topic

    I hate deep sleep dreams because either I can't remember them, or they were so bad that I don't want to remember them. I had a dream recently where I was lying in bed sleeping, and I rolled over to see this unrealistically attractive Japanese girl lying next to me. I was basically thinking this: "Whoa! She's even wearing short shorts?! What a girl. But she must have the wrong place or something. So I woke her up and she acted like she knew me and just told me to go back to sleep. So of course I held onto her from behind(spooned) and we went back to sleep. Then some crap I'll never forget happened. I opened my eyes again and cause I felt something on my leg above the covers. ALL OF A SUDDEN: This huge spider crawls up to my chest in a split second! It's head was a cartoon character. Has anyone seen the dog whisperer episode of South Park? The head of the character was the nanny 911 one chick! I was so scared! This ugly headed spider thing just started screaming at me! "I'M NOT UGLY!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!!! I'M NOT UGLEEEHHH!!!" She said over and over again while I let out a courage the cowardly dog scream! Then the hot girl wakes up and just qawks. She grabs my bb gun desert eagle which then becomes a real gun somehow and shoots the spider in the head! It's body flies into a wall and just falls out of view. She then puts the gun down and we kinda sorta just go back to sleep. And now I can't stop thinking about those cute azn girls. If that doesn't reinforce and asian fetish nothin will. THat damn spider is a really bad memory though.
  20. I don't know if anyone said this already cause I was too lazy to read everything, but here's how I see it. There's no point in taking away people's guns. Human beings adapt like nothing else on earth. If you take away their guns, soon you'll have to take away their knives cause people will turn into knife throwing experts. You can kill people by throwing kitchen knives at them with enough velocity and this is just one of many optional non balistic weapons. Next you'll have to start taking away the box cutters and anything that could potentially be used as a weapon. Eventually people will be hijacking people's cars at fistpoint. Yeah the violence is going to continue regardless but making guns illegal to own will only create more comical violence in the end. Hell I have a sword, and police of the medival days carried swords so that makes me an armed combatant. Hopefully if something that stupid happened the police could still keep their guns so they could shoot those knife throwing, tazer toting, fist jacking criminals and protect us. Yeah I know I'm vague.
  21. Phoenix


    Yeah... I didn't actually post to start "debating". I just like typing about stuff I'm interested in. If I thought I could prove that the trinity was wrong or prove that there's a God, I would actually do some work. Like grab my Bible, and dig up some there is a God evidence, like this one: The creation of the universe, only a God could have done that. Stuff like that. But since it is foolish to actually try to convert people over the internet, I just state it how I see it. If you disagree, that's fine with me. LET'S BE FRIENDS!!! :D
  22. Phoenix


    Like I said, it's not going to happen :P
  23. Phoenix


    Not the son in the flesh? Nah he is lol. Anyway nice to meetcha, Gra- I mean Esau, a person I've never met before ROFL!!! Seriously though. There's no proof of God other than that book and heresay, and that's how it'll stay for a long time. I'll believe the trinity when I see a skizofrinic God with my own eyes. That's not gonna happen though.
  24. Phoenix


    Haha! False. God would it be funny if you turned out to be Gram or Believer. I'm leaning towards Gram though cause of the trinity comment. Anywho, it's not that far fetched to believe the trinity is a lie when half the world doesn't even believe in a God in the first place. And why should they? There's plenty of evidence of God right? And why should I adhere to the trinity? It's not FULLY supported in the Bible. Just partially supported, and that's not good enough for this little'o fire bird.
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