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Status Updates posted by CT075

  1. hisui/kohaku's dancing in your sig isn't sync'd and it bothers me

  2. my favorite thing about sanger in OG2nd is that, despite everybody else getting shiny new toys and new mecha and upgrades flying around everywhere, Sanger in the same machine he starts with still pretty much has the highest raw attacking power in the game

    1. CT075


      *in the same machine he starts with and has been using for the past three games

  3. Oi! Imitation boy!

    1. Soledai


      Is this a reference to Z3, by chance?

      I'm confused...

    2. CT075


      it's what gadlight calls hibiki, lol

      there's a reason for it but idk if you've played it yet so spoilers

    3. Soledai


      I figured it was him.

      But yeah, I haven't gotten my copy yet.

  4. CT075

    [7:58:46 PM] Brad: Cameron tell your big sister to join mafia

  5. CT075

    i'm turning 17 i don't think you're allowed to call me that any more

  6. bappy hirthday

  7. all according to keikaku

  8. hi trueblade

    1. The Envoy of the Beginning

      The Envoy of the Beginning

      Stole the words out of my mouth.

  9. CT075

    happy birthday lieris

  10. CT075

    Are you OK? AFAIK you're further out from Boston than I am but idk

  11. i have no idea why this isn't on all my stuff but i'm cool with anybody screwing around on my stuff as long as a) it makes it better and b) i'm acknowledged as the original creator

  12. yeah sure whatever

    i was just super lazy and stole colors from the original

  13. now all we need is ayla for dat slurpkiss and we're good

  14. the line is "Need you a swordsman?"

  15. i can definitely get behind frog

  16. this is not a problem

  17. good, that means the scriptwriters are doing their jobs

  18. this is a good thing

  19. ...now i have to kill you for that too

  20. i'll be waiting to spring when you least expect it

  21. now that you know i have to kill you

  22. just BS everything

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