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Everything posted by IceBrand

  1. I was able to do it because I gave Corrin two boots and pair Elise with him to get in range.
  2. So I was able to get to the village by freezing the soldier with Elise's staff. Is there anything special by visiting all 5 villages? Also was anyone else expecting some kind of unique dialogue by getting to it? sSnce it's usually impossible most of the time.
  3. Is it bad that I only know of Touhou because of the hentai?
  4. Breaking news: Pokemon sun is too hot for kids, burns all 3DS the moment it is inserted. Moon version is said to be superior version.
  5. What version of Future Trunks is that?

    1. Jedi


      The new one upcoming in Super

    2. Jedi


      And by that I mean he's returning.

    3. IceBrand


      yo happy birthday! Also that spoiler has be super hype right now.

  6. Fates saw FE characters grow feet and move much more agile. S&M characters now are much taller and have bigger feet.
  7. So basically why give the rich more money. Ok, I understand now. Edit: I'm no developer but how would they balance giving a really good item to a mediocre player?In FF9 you can unlock the best weapon in the game by getting to a certain area within a very short amount of hours( the average player will never find it). Would that count as snowballing?
  8. I'm curious, what's wrong with rewarding a good player with awesome gifts?
  9. I can understand being poor and not having much, but everyone having the exact same cloths and hair? Is there some kind of mass cloning going on in FE?
  10. I usually feel kinda bad since I'll never be able to recreate the experience.
  11. Valkyrie Chronicles definitely counts. They all have very good mechanics. The stories after the 1st one are pretty hit and miss. Too bad Sega stoped caring about the series.
  12. For me it's Final Fantasy 15. The UI is so simple and clean. Very easy to navigate. Edit: If you want, you can name specific UI's for certain genres like RPGS, shooters, etc.
  13. But Nintendo has always been anime, just old school anime. But why should the opinions of others affect your love of a game?
  14. IceBrand

    Hi there!

    Welcome, enjoy the stay.
  15. I Fire Emblem so hard I only usually Marth in Smash.
  16. Yeah I agree. For a game about war no one really takes it seriously and it seems more like an excuse for these characters to interact. I know the series is meant to be lighthearted but I can't tell if all of it is intentional or not.
  17. So moral of the story is: Anime can't be taken seriously in this type of narrative?
  18. This ruffles my jimmies....I'll stay a bit longer.
  19. By FF I mean experimenting with ever new game and trying something different. By DQ I mean staying pretty much the same for all of the games.
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