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About Ganhur

  • Birthday July 25


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  1. Unless you can point out the unethical part of my comment or even the post you've linked, I will promise not to push it when I can. What I'm doing is not defending supposedly wrong doing of the fictional character Kamui. I or that post is simply express our opinions since I think your judgments are illogical and have holes to patch up.
  2. I'm not saying what Kamui supposedly had done according to the translation is not wrong. I'm saying if we are to assuming this single act is immoral based on our understanding of reality, why should we not judge the other aspects of the game? Slashing someone with a sword/axe/dagger, throwing fireballs at people (assuming it possible), and turning into some god like creature to terrorizes other people should be judge as well. If a person is going to break down and judge a fiction game or story based on the law of reality, he would find majority of which he analyzes immoral and unhumanistic. What this thread doing is not judging the character as a fictional hero. What it does is judging the fictional character as a Real Human Being who live in the same realm as we (the players) do. While he may be a reflection of the players and an idol to children, he lives according to the rules of his fantasy world. His role in the story is to be analyzed, not to be brought into reality and punished as what the thread is doing.
  3. So is it "offensive" based on reality or a fictional law that drugging is bad? If we are judging the morality of Kamui based on our knowledge of reality, I'm pretty sure that isn't as "offensive" as slashing a human being with a sword or throwing fireball at people you hate.
  4. I think the whole censor thing is dumb. It's like "blocking" the Mona Lisa picture and only leave the face left. So all you can do is look at Mona Lisa's face, a small fraction, but not the rest of the master piece. Censorship and disallowing consumers to enjoy the full products is, to me, an "F. U." to both audiences and original developers. It makes consumers pay a full price for a portion of a product, and original developers can only be creditted for only the parts that is not censored. If a parent is concerned about a certain part of the game, don't let them play in the first place.
  5. I'm worried about the NA releashe also. As far as I've seen in this forum, the new features of this game has driven it far from a number of people's ideal cup of tea. While their taste are irrelevant to me, it is relevant to the developers and the company that sells it. I've seen games being censored before they are allowed to be played in NA before and that's what I am worried about. This game may face two option: being censored of certain feature, or not localised at all. Censorship is one thing. However, I am paying to see the translation and true product the original developers intended me to pay for. I don't want to pay for a product that someone has partially censored for "my safety."
  6. Somehow, I feel like you don't just have a problem with her, but women in general.
  7. Cherche and her sexy back Walhart, along with his army so I can destroy again..
  8. Leon is kinda giving me the "I'm better than you" vibe, so me want the side that can kick his ass. Yep, he's the only reason I'm picking Hoshido... Well... white is my favorite color too. Plus the enemy never know if I'm raising a white flag (right?).
  9. My disappointment (not exactly 'anger') is that I find it "disrespectful" toward the those characters which I like. It has nothing to do with archetypes or returning characters like Camus. This is a direct copy or the original character onto the new game. They are "marrying" these characters to another story where they are no longer one of those emotion trigger for players. In short, these characters are demoted to recyclable junks which is why I think it is disrespectful. It's short of like reading a newspaper saying your war hero is expendable and barely have any value. I do not know what role these Awakening children play in FE:if, and I can tolerate some characters being reincarnated. However, I would lose all my respect for the developers that they recycle Lucina into the plot. She is too important for the previous game to be treated that way. If they're going to reuse those children, they may as well let me play Awakening Robin as the main character and Chrom and the children are on the quest to look for their long lost strategist who is now reborned in the wrong place and wrong time. Thus, making this direct sequel of Awakening.
  10. I'm guessing this is the devs' idea of what happened to children after the dark future is prevented or this is simply another way of recycling characters. At least I hope they don't use Lucina. For a key character of a story to be recycled seems somewhat disrespectful to the creation of the character and myself (the fan).
  11. Aqua's appearance on the first trailer left me assume that she is the protagonist of the story and the plot would revolve around her. However, after the second trailer, the appearance of White Hair character raise a few uncertainty. At the moment, I do not see any certainty that says Kamui is not a "Robin" of the story. The cover where there are two Kamuis on both side and Aqua in middle really question the significance of her. Aqua's existence on that cover seems dominant, I don't have the right word for it. I mean either side have their own lord and a version of Kamui. Aqua, whose existence on the cover is rather absolute and divine, as if she is the true lord, the true "Chrom" or "Marth" of the story. Assuming Aqua's is secondary main character, based on the Hero's Journey (if you've watched Ted-Ed video) or Fool's Journey (if you are familiar with Tarot Card or Shin Megami Tensei), I would say Aqua is the Wizard, who guides the hero through his journey. She is the Jiminy cricket that follows the hero and influence him/her to make the best decision as possible. She is the Gandalf that gives Frodo that task the destroy the ring, a goal and purpose for his adventure.
  12. There are people who have not been introduced in the 2 trailers but my guess is: Abel and Cain combo - this pattern should have appeared in majority of FE series (not that I have played all or barely half). This is basically the Red and Green knight who accompany you in the beginning of the game. Knight Captain/Paladin - not the blonde dude in the dark armor. Some one who is veteran, knight, or personal guard of the hero of this game like Frederick or Seth.
  13. They could be sworn siblings like Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei if you are familiar with Dynasty Warriors or Romance of 3 Kingdoms, or just cousins but treat each other well enough as if same blooded siblings like those mafia and gangster movies. After all, it's a trailer and is not in English, so nothing is conclusive until you get the actual game and find out. But I still find it awkward the fact people see Ephraim and Erika as incest. I mean how poor do you normally treat siblings to the point that one assume such powerful relationship like that as taboo and feel disgusted. Assuming FE: If is about family and show relationships like Ephraim and Erika's, I think people who feel disgusted should already have their answer: don't buy the game.
  14. When it comes to lack of consent and imbalanced power, that is defined as rape. And it is understandable when the a person or sibling coerce another into his/her bidding because of the power play. The whole relationship suddenly becomes a tragic story. But what if two mature siblings who understand the risks agree with each other? There's a case in Germany where a boy was put to adoption at early age. 20 years later he return to find his parents but met his sister and fell in love. They both got married and was cleared by jury and priests. The two are children of the same parents but were raised in different places, so they did not have any family relationship between them so it is easier to pass the culture barrier and develop and romantic relationship. The girl had her parents who were disgusted by the idea. Still, she said 'yes' even though she was fully aware of the man who is her brother and understood the risk of inbreeding. It is incest because both people have the same DNA to prove they are indeed siblings, but they have feelings for each other as a matured man and woman. So it is not rape or has anything to do with lack of consent and power play.
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