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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. 381. what are some of your unpopular video game opinions? 382. what’s your favourite game console? 383. do you prefer games with a clear, straightfoward goal or sandboxy kinds of games where you can aimlessly do anything (think animal crossing, tomodachi life)? 384. how highly do you prioritize sidequests? 385. how long have you been playing piano and violin? 386. which one do you enjoy playing more? 387. what instruments do you think are the most pleasant to hear? 388. do you like ballads? 389. what are some of your other favourite ghibli movies? 390. do you like sudoku?
  2. 371. favourite/least favourite genres in media? 372. what clichés do you dislike most? 373. what are some video games series you really like? 374. off the top of your head, are there any fictional characters whose character designs you really appreciate? also you should post pictures 375. wow, you actually play/played fire emblem? what do you enjoy most about it? 376. what fe games have you played? 377. who are some of your favourite units in general? 378. off the top of your head, what video game(s) have you sunk the most hours into? 379. what kind of traits do you appreciate in fictional characters? is there something that all of your favourites have in common? 380. what game/movie soundtracks do you enjoy?
  3. 361. favourite pokemon starter? if it’s squirtle, what’s your second favourite? 362. is there any hobby you’ve been meaning to try out, but haven’t gotten around to yet for whatever reason? 363. how would you describe your taste in music? 364. books? 365. anything you’re reading atm? 366. have you read/do you like agatha christie’s work? 367. what are some songs you like that you haven’t already queued in vc before? don’t think you can avoid this question, i’ll strongarm you 368. do you listen to podcasts? 369. do you prefer movies or tv shows? 370. what are some you’d recommend?
  4. 354. what three traits does jaburu (as a group) embody? 355. melee or long-range attackers? 356. without taking monetary costs or the convenience of others into account, would you prefer burial or cremation? 357. what would you want your last words to be? 358. what would your irl flip video be? 359. what would your irl death flavour be? 360. what would you want your last meal to be?
  5. wow soup, i thought we were shy effete anime girl partners in crime
  6. 341. what is unforgivable under any circumstance? 342. do you accessorize? 343. do you believe in karma? 344. do you believe in fate? 345. do you have an internal or external locus of control? 346. if you could invent any single thing, without limitations, what would you create? 347. beyond basic outerwear, what do you wear during winter to keep warm? e.g. scarves, etc. 348. favourite jaburu pfp on discord? 349. rank jaburu from most bullyable to least bullyable 350. on a scale from 1 (not bullyable) to 10 (extremely bullyable), where does tom place?
  7. 331. favourite quote on the chart above? 332. between Kim’s Official Top 11 Scariest and Top 11 Cutest EiMM Players lists, you take up a single spot. which list do you think you’re on, and where do you fall? 333. what factors do you think contribute to a win? please assign them all percentages. refa’s answer is under the spoiler if you need an example, but i really want to see your independent opinion if possible 334. favourite alias from last game, excluding your own? 335. if you had to sort eimm players by playstyles in the fewest number of categories possible, what would those categories be called? 336. without taking personal relationships into account, if someone were trying to slip into jaburu’s f3, which member would most likely be offed, and why? actually i think you might have answered this in smash gy but i forgot 337. to you, what makes the “perfect ally” aside from honesty and loyalty? 338. what’s the best way to deal with someone you know is lying? confront, silently kill, etc.? 339. do you agree that refa is the cutest eimm player ever?? 340. what would you say were your biggest mistakes from healthy eimm, and what would you have done differently in hindsight?
  8. mafia break pt 3 321. how would you diffuse a situation in which someone finds out that you shot them the previous night and confronts you about it 322. on a classic alignment chart, where would you say your eimm playstyle falls? 323. besides protective/supportive roles, what’s a role you think would be super useful on your side, but not one you’d ever want to roll personally? 324. if you hosted an eimm, what would it be called? 325. would you ever host an eimm? 326. how to form a good hitlist?? 327. iris told me you were the ~ultimate spectator~. have you read a lot of sfmafia games? which have been your favourite? 328. are you a snake, sheep, or wolf? :thinking: 329. how would you define “soft ally” and “hard ally”? 330. do you agree with your placement on the healthy alignment chart? are there any other placements you disagree with? for reference:
  9. 311. how would you describe your sense of humor? 312. what kind of memes do you like? 313. do you have a favourite meme? 314. what are some names you like, from either gender? 315. are there any names you’ll forever dislike by association? 316. what’s a memorable name you’ve heard irl? 317. iyo, what is the easiest way to judge someone’s character? 318. given the chance, would you change anything about the past (general history)? 319. did you ever have an edgy phase? 320. what should i add to this?
  10. 301. if i were about to meet one of your friends, what would you warn them about me? 302. what's the best advice you've ever received? 303. what are some physical traits you find attractive? 304. describe what you appreciate about one person in gw server without naming them or hinting at who they are (e.g. gendered pronouns)!! 305. how do you force yourself to do something when you lack motivation? 306. are there any upcoming things that you’re excited about? what are they? 307. what’s something about you that surprises people? 308. thanks for existing conq 309. what is your personal definition of “success”? 310. what’s the earliest memory you can recall? how old were you at the time?
  11. 291. if you had a chance to selectively erase parts of your memory, would you take it? what would you do with it? 292. are there any questions you want to be asked? be HONEST, nothing like “nuh im fine with anything!!” 293. would you ever dye your hair? if so, what colour? 294. on a 5x5 alignment chart with the axes [ pure - wholesome - neutral - edgy - edgiest ], [ adorable - cute - neutral - scary - terrifying ], what would you identify as? 295. what would be the easiest way to convince you to do something? 296. i assume iris has strongarmed you to take that one quiz about love languages? what’s the best way for someone to express their appreciation for you?? 297. how do you usually show appreciation to others? 298. how did you become friends with iris? 299. what are some of your pet peeves? 300. how would you conquer the earth?
  12. 281. what stat(s) for your life would you be interested in seeing? 282. what’s a wrong first impression that people often get of you, if any? 283. compare yourself to the person you were 5 years ago—how have you improved? 284. how is your room decorated? 285. sweaters vs. jackets vs. hoodies vs. other kinds of outerwear? 286. did you know that you’re amazing for who you are?? 287. something trivial that you know a lot about for some reason? 288. you mentioned envy earlier, but which of the 7 heavenly virtues do you identify with most strongly? 289. do you consider yourself an idealist or a realist? 290. what do you love?
  13. 271. conversely, how do you snake without being found out? 272. in a f3 game, without taking playstyles into account, what would be the best group of roles to work together (e.g. hijacker, cpr doctor, motivator—just a group of three roles)? no more than one role from each category (investigative, etc.). sorry that this is a poorly worded question i hope you get it 273. besides basics like rules, roles, terminology, etc., what do you think should be included in a hypothetical eimm guide? 274. i reread your role pm again and omg why did u think i was dishonest to u on so many occasions, don’t feel bad about it or anything im just super curious 275. bpv system or hp system iyo? why? 276. would you rather roll cpr doc or 2-shot doc? 277. shot hijacker or ability hijacker? 278. tracker or watcher? 279. what’s the best way to use a fullcop? 280. what do you think you did right in survivor? what do you feel you did wrong?
  14. mafia break part 2 261. under what circumstances would you throw a game? 262. if you had a thunderdome, who would you use it on? 263. what do you feel is a ROOKIE MISTAKE in eimm? 264. i was surprised to see you updating roles of dead players on our sheet—i barely skim through flips tbh. off the top of your head, what were the most interesting roles you saw last game? 265. during healthy eimm, how did you manage to control the game while simultaneously appearing to fly under the radar?? how are you so good wtf im on my 15th canon game and i still suck, seeing your play makes me want to retire 266. what are some good things to always be aware of during a game (general stuff like who your allies are working with, etc.)? 267. i dunno how heavily you specced smash eimm or if you knew what jaburu was up to in it! in fact, i don’t think you were even in the jaburu 4 group chat. but just in case you can answer: what did jaburu do right that game? what do we need to fix? 268. hard ally me imo 269. if i didn’t give you a full sheet early on last game, would you have arranged for my death sooner/without feeling bad? HONEST question 270. what’s the best way to tell whether someone is snaking or not?
  15. 252. if you were feeling down, how would you want to be cheered up? would you prefer your friends to give you some space or check up on you? 253. what are you afraid of? tangible or intangible 254. what are your most irrational fears? 255. what kind of powers would you have as a shounen anime character? 256. and what would be your weapon of choice? 257. is there anything about yourself that you find a bit ridiculous, but aren’t particularly fussed about changing? 258. what makes someone cute to you? 259. if you had a clock that could count down to any event of your choosing, what would you want it to count down to? 260. how small is your “personal space”?
  16. 241. what are some nicknames you have, online or irl? do you have a favourite? 242. can i call you conq’onut? 243. how do you generally celebrate your birthday? 244. actually, when is your birthday? 245. do you like your birthday month? 246. what would you title your autobiography? 247. where would you spend all your time if you could? 248. what kind of compliments do you like to hear? 249. what’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? 250. what’s something that you’re self-conscious about that you've yet to mention? 251. what small acts of kindness mean a lot to you?
  17. 231. how do you think humanity will end? 232. what’s the best way to find out if someone dislikes you (as in general you)? 233. what rhetorical fallacies do you find yourself committing the most? 234. did u know that you’re extremely amazing and appreciated 235. what would your ideal vacation be like? 236. how do you feel about the beach? 237. do you prefer to plan things out or let nature take its course? 238. do you have any good luck charms? what makes them lucky? 239. do you have any superstitions? 240. tell me a short horror story that’ll horrify me, specifically
  18. 221. do you recall your dreams very well? do you have any recurring ones? 222. what was your last dream about, if you remember? 223. what are some memorable/vivid dreams you’ve had in the past? 224. do you believe that dreams have latent meaning? what meanings would you extract from your dreams? 225. how often do you experience sleep paralysis, if at all? what are your hallucinations like? how do you cope with them 226. what makes you most nostalgic? 227. are you good at public speaking? 228. tell me a useless bit of trivia 229. what languages are you fluent in? 230. what do you do when you can’t seem to sleep?
  19. 212. what places have you visited, and which of those did you particularly enjoy? 213. what kind of souvenirs do you enjoy getting, if any? 214. what did you dislike as a child, but now like? 215. what did you like as a child, but now dislike? 216. how do you usually “waste time”? 217. is there any part of your life you’d want to re-do? 218. do you have any guilty pleasures? 219. what would a world populated with only clones of you be like? 220. is there anything you’re currently worried about or stressed over? (i hope it gets better!!)
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