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Everything posted by Caster

  1. Hey that's some nice art of Nursery Rhyme (Alice) from Fate Extra!
  2. I still stand by that I think you would actually like DQXI as long as you play it better than this game, so.
  3. I played some Spelunky earlier, since the new one will be coming out in a few months, this happened, and I find it the funniest thing ever, for some reason.
  4. I mean, on the other side, I didn't like BotW, if Zelda is going to be with BotW going forward, why would I not be annoyed, I didn't enjoy it and want to go back to a different formula for it.
  5. I mean, I don't like Breath of the Wild, I don't think it encapsulates anything I like about Zelda XD
  6. Sticker Star is fucking trash, don't worry about it, I beat it, so I can say that.
  7. Yep. Jules kmon, you've known me for like 5 years, you should know this!
  8. This poll is shit. It does not even have my favorite girl on it.
  9. Jules is German, yes. And I'm going to bed, night.
  10. You are correct. And it wouldn't have fit the final boss of regular Extra, so I disagree.
  11. I appreciate it a bit, since the final boss theme of CCC is supposed to basically be a remix in the style of the final boss of this game, which I think is much better.
  12. It's gonna be an hour before you listen the what I linked XD
  13. It's only logical! Here's best boy in this game's theme.
  14. Well, you're allergic to gacha games, so I thought you would be allergic to it's music as well.
  15. I mean it's been like 3 years since I made my case, don't mind it going on longer.
  16. People really don't read ahead when you say to drop something.
  17. I could retort with something, but I won't, so I'll kindly ask to stop this conversation, now, then.
  18. People have every right to protest peacefully, they know the risks, if they are fine with the risks, then sure,I will not have anyone say people deserve to die, if you think people deserve to die you know nothing of how valuable life is. I'm not going to get into anything political here, that's all I will say.
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