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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Except he joined with Walhart, making Chroms job harder, and his people were still technically conquered, just peacefully.
  2. It is implied that Yenfey was a large reason that Walhart was doing so well. If he hadnt sided with Walhart, Walhart wouldve been left with clods like Cervantes leading his army. Also, yenfey was the only thing keeping the southern dynasts from rebelling. Between that and his tactical prowess, it would seem that the chonsin guys had at least a chance.( just cut off cervantes mustache)
  3. Yen'Fey- is he good or evil. Was siding with Walhart to save his sister justified? My opinion is that he is a coward, too weak to do the right thing when it would affect his sister negatively.
  4. I can see an fe game based on French Revolution. The Michalis could be all Robespierre-ey, and he could be used by the Gharnef to destroy some noble of key importance to the lords cause. All I ask is that IS does not try to make u on the side of the revolutionaries.
  5. I want Zelgius to have his own game. a prequel about installing Sanaki on the throne, perhaps?
  6. they already did that with Valkeria Chronicles.
  7. This topic is to discuss FE 14 and what you think it should be.
  8. i actually have this whole fantasy that the next fe will be about Gangrel 15 years ago, trying to win back Plegia. the Jagen is Mustafa, and Chrom's dad is trying to perform the awakening to use its power to take over the world. Walhart and Yen fey appear as playable characters, with Walhart being corrupted by never wanting war to happen again. Marribelle's dad is the first Camus to turn good, when his king threatens Marribelle. Validar is also present as the prologue bandit attaking Aversas village. so yeah, Gangrels the lord.
  9. Dad won't let me preorder SMT 4 . Something about nudity.
  10. Why don't we stop worrying about Truman, and drag that slime Kissinger to court. He is after all still alive, unlike Truman.
  11. As Maribelle is my favorite character, I am used to her gettin hate.
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