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Everything posted by Eliwan

  1. Eliwan

    FE Recolor

    Nope, you aren't blind This is the vanilla pirate & this is the pirate repalette that's currently in the animation directory
  2. For the pegasus knight palette, you need to find the order that the pegasus knight palette is in and replicate the order in your unit palette (I don't know how to better describe this) The bottom of the image here shows the palette order-- right to left, bottom to top; & the format that a number of intsys's palettes use (i have no idea if the pegasus knight is one of these, though). FEditor_Adv is useful for finding the palette orders at the very least; so I suggest using that for the time being (or figuring out FE_Recolor if your monitor has enough vertical height to make it feasible)
  3. You edit the map's fog palette to the desired blackness
  4. This is insufficient information. What changes are you making, and how are you testing if they have been applied? For example, if you're just editing some of the tables by CSV, I know from experience a few things: a. The tables overlap, and the CSVs hold that overlapping information; so the CSVs may be overwriting the information from other CSVs. b. You need to rerun c2ea in order to save the changes made to the tables; then run the batch command file. "makehack.cmd" is not a program itself but rather a macro of sorts that tells the computer to do specific things V: If you did not change the folder that any of the files within the Buildfile_Demo folder are in, it should work just fine. The EA executable should be located, relative to the makehack.cmd, anywhere. You just need to address it properly in the batch file. That batch file looks like this-- So it runs "Core" from the "Event Assembler" folder, relative to the directory of the batch file (that's what the %~dp0 part means).
  5. This is what "meaningful choices" means. Do great things with this; because it certainly deserves to exist completed. :O
  6. well in AW you load the unit under the transport, so in the end it will be majorly different: move unit into transport -> move transport -> drop unit vs move unit? -> move transport? -> pull unit into transport -> move transport -> drop unit
  7. Some of these are just inaccuracies of FEDITOR_ADV when it encounters vanilla animations that do trickery The others are, to my knowledge, the game just drawing 2 tiles in the same location? Though Cam is one of the ones that would know best. From my point of view; the best way to do it would be to code it up by hand (as detecting such a thing would be too close to impossible to warrant doing*). *unless, i guess, you had multiple separate animation "layers" that would basically require the user to understand how tileflips work (and rotation is basically impossible to get to force onto something premade as far as I know); such that you could assemble it using something approaching sensible methods
  8. Additionally; Usenti is your friend as it prevents you from having to guess when it comes to the palette.
  9. My opinion: GBA system is best--it just needs more spells by quantity. On the proposed system: Light Magic sounds less useful than the others; unless facing an enemy equipped with Light Magic. The difference between would be relatively small unless you significantly increased the value of the weapon triangle in those cases; which seems arbitrary and bad (however not unwarranted I suppose). The Anima Trio seems like it is easily possible for Wind magic to become redundant; due to Effectiveness drawing its strength from the Weapon Might-- so a weak weapon is in turn neutered against what should be its strength compared to other options. Admittedly; if you choose 2.5x or 3x as an Eff. multiplier this is much less an issue.
  10. Not condoning anything here: These were not part of the FEU group's work and was something that they themselves were all disgusted by at the same time.
  11. To be fair it's really long; I've personally been slowly chewing through thread in question for a few days now. As has been said repeatedly, shrink ambition. Divide things down. Parse things into individual things that you can do. Can't implement a feature? Then ask yourself--What can you do that simulates something close to that feature? Nobody has made a Skill you desperately want to have? Learn Thumb Assembly and trawl some doc, ask questions around; and you should be able to find somebody that can help you a bit if you get stuck. If you really love something; You don't ever let it out of your hands. You give it each second that you can, though not without damaging your essentials. You constantly chip away and think about it whenever you can; So that when you have time to settle into working on it, you can just go, instead of constantly thinking. Sketch something in a book. Write a few words down on paper. Start acting as a character does; get into their mind space. Think of each person separately as your day goes on-- maybe try and have a natural conversation between two characters. Think of a map's flow; of a space's design, and try to incorporate them together. Think of how they are two parts of a whole; and just dwell on each piece. Admittedly, these words would mean so much more if they came from somebody who eventually created something at last; instead of constantly revising like me-- but oh well. These are my words on the matter; at the least I hope they are not discouraging and I pray that they are of some aid for you.
  12. Eliwan

    FE Recolor

    Click the "Load Image" button :v There could be two (immediately obvious) issues: A) If you can't see that far down*, then your monitor lacks the vertical height necessary for the program, and in this situation I recommend using SNES Palette Editor. B) Your .NET or FE Recolor itself is buggy and I can't help you.
  13. The randomizer sets the class id of the characters to a class ID that was predetermined to be acceptable in part of the randomizer's code. So in order to add it to the randomizer, you need to put it in the randomizer's own code as well.
  14. The issue is indeed that your image's palette order is incorrect. You can check the palette order of an image with Usenti, GIMP, and Aseprite among a number of others. Your palette is as the one on the left; when it should be in the order as the first row on the right (the rest are redundant unless you are importing the palette of the image as well). This image has the palette order fixed for you-- I recommend, when making a new map sprite; to create it in any way that you desire, then using Usenti and just pasting in the map sprite over an old working one then saving a new file-- it makes it easier to not screw the paletting up in my experience.
  15. Far left guy looks like his body is too narrow somehow, also his hair goes on top of his collar looks weird second one's hair color kind of "glows" awkwardly to me; particularly with the brightest color (can't tell to well w/o zooming) third one is very wow much impress (I really love it); her hair above her band on her left side (right side of the canvas) looks a little blobby somehow? fourth one I really like!! fifth one looks very clean and complete, I like it quite a bit C:
  16. These are all not relatively difficult individually The first one requires a LOT of map changes as well as debuff support be extant; though is relatively possible if not even easy (there are plenty of ways to do map changes)--- it would be very tedious because it would require a lot of setup and planning for each map, however. The second one requires a huge amount of events, and would use up quite a few of the temporary IDs, but not anything impossible. What would be hard would be implementing both of those in a single map; however; as each has a pretty significant number of moving parts involved in its assembly.
  17. You cannot. BwdYeti's FE Map Creator, however, is capable of doing it to a certain degree.
  18. fe8 is better for hacking--has more stuff and also has nearly as much stuff researched in every category as well as some more arcane information in certain categories.
  19. Looks like they're leaning back a lot; also looks a little too narrow where the hip pauldrons meet the body to me.
  20. http://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/miscellaneous/calculations/ This does page not specify that the Entombed grants a bonus 40 EXP, which is coded as a check to the class ID This check happens happens immediately after the Thief Bonus and functions the same way as it; independent of the class power between the two classes. (This discovery was contributed to by all of Circleseverywhere, CrazyColorz, and Gryz)
  21. you could use the main page on this very site to see all the calculation information, and the rest (taxicab grid, variable move costs for different terrain types, etc) by maybe playing the game for an hour?
  22. Or you could not bother with a str-mag split and instead just use a single combined power stat. :>
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