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Magical Glace

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Everything posted by Magical Glace

  1. So I was looking at some of the DLC characters and wondered which one was most popular. There are too many to place in a poll, so we have to vote via posting. Unless you want a multi-round poll. The only thing is you can only vote based on your opinions of the DLC design of the character. So gameplay utility is out the window sorry, Micaiah. So, I'll line up the choices here: Marth (0 votes) Roy (3 votes) Micaiah (0 votes) Leif (5 votes) Alm (4 votes) Seliph (0 votes) Elincia (1 votes) Eirika (0 votes) Lyn (1 votes) Ephraim (7 votes) Celica (1 votes) Ike (0 votes) Est (0 votes) Catria (2 votes) Palla (0 votes) Katarina (3 votes) Is it just me or is anyone else really bothered by the lack of Eliwood, Hector, and Sigard?So... vote. Gah I accidentally double-posted a TOPIC. Can someone fix that? I'm so embarrassed...
  2. I personally prefer Renewal, since Lifetaker requires a kill and only works after you attack, when you might need it before. You leave more to chance with Lifetaker. Besides, Libra's a healer, not a fighter just listen to those crit quotes.
  3. I usually disapprove of shipping the tactician/my unit/avatar since it's vaguely like shipping yourself, and I find that creepy. Honestly, I disapprove of their existence, period. I'd rather have a set in stone character with a set in stone appearence and personality. That being said, I'm very surprised that Lyn/Hector is getting a lot of disapproval. It's nearly canon (I'd say a tie between it and Lyn/Rath for canonocity). I guess people don't like their constant bickering as much as I thought they did.
  4. All of them but 13 and 2 FE6. I think 13 would have been better off with a TwR remix though. ... ... Let's say they are all awesome in their own special ways and leave it at that.
  5. Eh... I feel very awkward doing this... but I really need some high-level feedback that is from some actual FE fans and not just poor Remi whom I have to beg to review. Ah, well, I might as well explain. I find it a bit really strange to post multi-chapter fics on a forum, so I think we're all better off with Links (provided later). Like most of my FE fics, By Another focuses on Elibe's canon I'm not even wholly sure why I focus on Elibe so much. The plot centers on what might have happened if Nergal raised Roy. And Nergal's barely in it right now! He's more important later, though. The plot bunny spiraled out of control since it was origionally a family fic not a romance, haha. Either way, Roy/Lilina is the main pairing, with Wolt/Sue and later Raigh/Sophia as well. Currantly, past-canon pairs in-fic are: Eliwood/Ninian (necessary for it to work), Hector/Lyn (not really necessary but hey whatever, she's the one who Hector will fall for first if he just stood next to Florina and Lyn for 5-ever), Rebecca/Lowen (Just for an excuse to include him), and... Nils/Nino. No, I'm not kidding. Nils/Nino. Shoot me if you will. I don't care who Nino winds up with but this was too perfect for plot. Ah, well. Here is the link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9691359/1/By-Another The first 9 chapters, the prologue, and a couple Gaidens are done. You can use the thread for questioning me about plot, giving criticism, or whtever else comes to mind. Also, remember my usual tendencies. In my mind, tragedy=win. This won't end terribly, but it won't be 100% happy fun time either. I mean, even some of The Story of Roy and (Insert Girl Here)'s crackyness chapters end with an apocalypse. ...That's it, really. I'll post when new chapters are up.
  6. Ahem *Points at Marth.* Eh, I guess I'm fine with whatever. Just please no Ike. I'd just prefer a magic-based lord whose design is stable. It just happens that one is almost as old as Marth and the other is really unpopular which sucks but whatever.
  7. I will admit, I don't want any Awakening characters in. Lucina would probably play way to similar to Marth, Robin's design is too unstable, and I simply don't like Chrom. I don't particularly like Ike either, so he's out of the wish list as well. He wasn't a very useful anyway. Who I do wish for is Celica or MAYBE Micaiah. Celica, like Robin, had swords an magic in her time. Unlike Robin, her design is stable and set in stone. Not only that, Awakening exposed her to the rest of the world, so she's not completely unknown. Roy would be choice three, b/c he could turn into a dragon for a Final Smash. *Gets glared at* I'm JOKING!
  8. I enjoy reading them and laughing like crazy at how rediculous people are sometimes. Wow you folks like puns. And nope, I don't like self-insert characters. Well, Chris and Robin are okay gameplay-wise, though Mark really doesn't have any purpose. People turning them into Sues/Stus happens in way too many fanfics. I'd much prefer if Robin/Chris was a set in stone character with definate looks and stats so that wouldn't happen. Uh, thanks? Thanks for the welcomes everyone!
  9. From a characterization POV, I've always loved Mia and Owain. Sometimes I joke Mia should have been the lord of FE9, haha. I like her determination. As for Owain, his over-the-top nature is hilarious. For gameplay, The only truly 'good swordmaster' I've ever found is Edward. I try training others (Joshua comes to mind) but they just can't accumulate enough Strength and/or Luck to be good. Speed's nice and all, but you can't dodge well enough without terrain or supports if you don't have Luck. Lyn, if she counts, is also pretty good. She's not really a 'true swordmaster,' so I won't count her. Overall though, I'll go with Edward. At least he has enough Strength...
  10. Eh, I am normally totally willing to pair Roy with... anyone really, but I suppose I can pull together a list. 1. Roy/Lilina. Creepy from a certain point of veiw, but I don't usually ship Hector/Florina or Farina or Eliwood/Fiora, so it's not that bad. Besides, Nergal's... relationship with Aenir is squickier, in my opinion, than any form of incest can be. 2. Roy/Sophia. I wasn't sure if I should pick this or Roy/Shanna as no. 2, but I ended up going with this one since Roy's probably going to live a LONG time with Ninian as a mom... 3.Roy/Shanna. It's implied Roy's 'canon' mom is either Ninian or Fiora in Marcus's supports with Lilina in FE6, so there could be a cute sort of 'Illia connection' between the two. 4. Ummm, I'll say Roy/Lalum. I just really like their supports, so... 5. Roy/Cecilia. I never really had any sort of opinion on her, but eh, whatever makes Roy happy. 6. Roy/Sue. Even with none of it out there, I don't mind it that much. It's not the end of the world to pair 'em off. It's one of those pairs I have no real opinion of. For Roy/Fae and Roy/Wolt, all I've gotta say is: 'Whatever floats yer boat.'
  11. There's a new mechanic in 13 called modifiers. You see, while his growths really are stellar, the final stat caps he gets are worse than most units. Combine that with lack of choice for final promotion, he really isn't all that great. Access to the mercenary class and Armsthrift and ability to pass on the pegasus knight tree to his daughters is really the only reason he's a good parent at all. Yeah, sucks to be Donnel.
  12. Okay, uh, hi there. I'm Glaceon Mage, though most Internet folk call me Glac. Some tack an 'e' on the end and call me Glace, some just write out Glaceon, and one very specific person calls me GM. Maybe others will in the future. I dunno. Okay so, moving past Pokémon and Fire Emblem, which I obviously like based on my screenname and my presence here, respectively, I enjoy Legend of Zelda, Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka?, Fairy Tail, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Shadow Children, Smash Bros., and most Mario RPGs. I don't like the platformers nearly as much since I can't platform to save my life. As far as Fire Emblem goes, I've beaten 7, 8, 10, and 13 and have played at least a bit of 2, 6, 9, 11, and 12. My favorite lords are Micaiah and Roy, and my least favorite lords are Chrom and Ike. At least Ike has gameplay godhood to save him. Chrom doesn't even have that. I'm probably the most lenient shipper in existence. I ship almost everybody except Ninian with around ten bazillion other characters. What does erk me, however, is any ship involving Mark, Chris, or Robin shipped for any reason other than gameplay. This is probably because I stereotype the supporters of those ships as obsessive fanboys/girls, and I know I should really stop doing so. It's kind of hard, but I'll get out of that habit with time. Overall, the only 'ship I ever show preference toward is Eliwood/Ninian, even then, I have no problems with Eliwood/Fiora and I just prefer to ignore Eliwood/Lyn since Lyn isn't Illian. That's all really... See ya!
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