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  1. Hey. So I woke up this morning with an itch to play some Fire Emblem Co-op with some of my friends. Not like the battle arena from the GBA games or the wifi battles from the DS games. Just playing through any main campaign of any fire emblem game with multiple players. I've heard users on other forums and such suggest these ideas, and I'd like to ask what you guys think I should do.
  2. I'm wondering because I've never heard nor saw any FE Youtubers from Poland.
  3. So I consider myself kind of a "collector" of FE Rom Hacks. I've searched over all of the internet, looking for rom hacks, and I think I have almost all open to the public. I've even looked in spanish/japanese/chinese forums. Any rare hacks that are out there but no one seems to find? Here's a list that I have: (sorry if name's or translations are off) -FE: A Sacred Dawn -FE: Ambiguous -FE: Athos -FE: Attack of the Morphs -Alusq's Ragefest -Awful Emblem -Axe Knight sample patch (yeah, I collect everything xD) -FE: Back to the Stones -FE: Bloodlines -FE: Boss Rush -FE: Bullet Hell Madness -FE: Celice's Side-Story -FE: Clash of Fates -FE: Corrections -FE: Corrupt Theocracy -FE: Crazy -FE: Crossover -FE: Curse of the Emblem -FE: Curse of Valern -FE: Death or Glory -FE: Decay of the Fangs -FE: Dance With the Devil -FE: Desperate Struggle -FE: Devourer of Time -FE: Devourer of Worlds -FE: Dream of Five -FE: Dust to Dust -FE: Elibean Nights -FE: Eliwood vs. Everyone -FE: Exalted Legacy -Fe7if -FEIV -Fire Shell (sample rom) -FE: Foal -FE: Forever -FE: Forgotten Heroes -FE: Fractured Realm -Gheb Saga -FE: Gheb -FE: Bourgeoisie Rising -FE: Girls -FE: Gorilla Gadek -FE: Heart Wars -FE: Help Me, Help You -FE: Jeigan Quest -FE: Joke -FE: Kylin Dragons -FE: Las Batallas De Narshen -Lamia's FE Hack -FE: Le Chien est Adorable -FE: League of Champions -FE: League of Champions (original) -FE: Lexi Version -FE: Lucas' Story -MAFC -FEMK404 -FE: Maiden Quest -FE: Marc's Special Day -FE: Matthew's Nightmare -FE: Maze of the Troll King -FE: Midnight Sun -FE: Midori -FE: Monster Quest -FE: Morph's Last Stand -FE: Nemesis -FE: Nintenlord Saga -FE: Origins -One Day hack -One Week hack -FE: Ostreich -FE: Perils of Magic -FE: Prisoner of Darkness -FE: Project Dondon -FE: Project Juan -FE: Project Z -FE: Rage Emblem -FE: Reckoning -FE: Requiem -FE: Reunion -FE: Rising War -FE: Road to Ruin -FE: Rondo of Madness -FE: Sacred Contention -FE: Shatterlight -FE: Shining Armor -FE: Project Shoe Shine -Pukachi's Contest Patch -FE: Staff of Ages -FE: Sun God's Challenge -FE: Sun God's Wrath -FE: Tales of Artrucia -FE: Tales of Bravery -FE: Tales of the Emblem -FE: The Battles of Narshen -FE: The Chronicles of Lussaria -FE: The Corruption of Roy -FE: The Dark Empire -FE: The Dollars -FE: The Last Promise -FE: The Ostian Princess -FE: The Queen's Lament -FE: The Return of Nergal -FE: Top and Bottom of the Sword (I don't think this is the right translation, though) -FE: Typhon's Wake -FE: Vaati's Revenge -FE: Versus (Proof of concept patch) -FE: Will of Good and Evil -FE: Yet Another Ragefest -FE: Yuri's Sidestory -FE: Zero -FE: A Hobbit's Tale Any other one's not on the list ya'll have? A lot of these are taken down, so I'm sure maybe not all of you have them though. But yeah, that's my collection! (EDIT: Added some more)
  4. Fire Emblem Fates: Upgraded, the way Fire Emblem Fates is meant to be played. About this hack: What this hack plans to do is change a lot of things in the game to balance it better, make the game harder, fix the story, and fix many inconsistencies with the localization, so you could call this Fire Emblem Fates Deluxe, or Fire Emblem Fates Definitive, I intend for it to have a feel like that, some of the changes are: Katanas give avoid and effective speed but have lower strength. Most Nohrian weapons are given more might and a little less accuracy. Bows were given more accuracy, and might. Silver weapons no longer debuff after use. Daggers have a new small edit. The Yato gives some stat bonuses. Weapons like the Kodachi can now follow up! But weapons like the Spear cannot. Most Birthright Boss’ weapon placements are changed. Some boss themes are moved around. Xander and Ryoma can now have a special theme for their final fight in Birthright and Conquest! (Information at the Questions and Answers section, and link is in the downloads section) Xander has been buffed at his final fight in Birthright, as well as a new gameplay change was added for it (Lunatic and Hard Mode only). All Birthright bosses have been buffed. The Siegfried and Raijinto have been differentiated more. The Fujin Yumi and Brynhildr give a very small bonus. Birthright, Revelation, and Hero Battle enemy stats are now decreased slightly on Hard mode and greatly on Normal mode. Many translation errors, like Setsuna’s personal skill, Nyx’s death quote, Hinata’s death quote, Oboro’s death quote etc. are fixed. Changes the unit creation screen Boon and Bane text to be like Awakenings. Changed the main lord’s death theme. (Information on how to change it back is at the Questions and Answers section, Question 6.) Most Vallites are buffed, on Lunatic and Hard mode. All Invasions are edited. Added Scaling to the Hero battles plus change 14! Lilith now has Dragon Ward as a personal skill! As a result of change 1 and 5 the Yatos changes are much more varied. Xander has a new description. Ryoma does too. So much more... It also plans to add in plenty of new supports as well as audio in supports, chapters, paralogues, and perhaps some characters, as well as use some of Team IFs translation text to change the games text to properly express the characters different feelings and make different supports clearer, this hack also plans to add recruitment methods for characters in the Birthright path (such as Sakura being able to recruit Hinoka), and mothers being able to recruit the children characters, this hack also plans to add a few custom DLCs, as well as add Hoshidan and Nohrian Festival of Bonds and a new Apotheosis called “True Apotheosis”… yes I know that’s a lot, maybe I should go ahead and call this Fire Emblem Fates Ultimate. (Everything in the hack is bound to change, and is in no way affiliated with Nintendo or Intelligent Systems.) Previous version: .4827 Current version: .4848Rev5 Hack Status: Stalled Be sure to take a look at the screenshots. The change log, and logo are present in the links below, if you enjoy the hack be sure to follow me to stay up to date with the latest releases of Fates Upgraded, and give it a like. Also feel free to comment, ask questions, make suggestions and whatever else, but most questions can be answered by reading the change log, or the Questions and Answers section, thank you and enjoy! Hack progress: I split the hack currently into two version, the Faithful version, and the Upgraded version: The Faithful version: The version that is currently being worked on, is a version that does lots of edits but doesn’t change the game too much. The Upgrade version: The version that changes a lot about the game, to make it more varied and enjoyable, such as every chapters goal in Birthright not being Sieze, Rout, or Kill Boss. Faithful Birthright Edits: Complete Faithful Birthright My Castle Invasion edits: Complete Faithful Birthright Paralogue Edits: Complete Faithful Conquest Edits: Chapters: 25, 27, EG done. (I don’t think I’ll be doing anymore edits to it.) Faithful Conquest My Castle Invasion edits: Complete Faithful Conquest Paralogue Edits: Complete Faithful Revelation Path Edits: Chapters 6-15 are done. Faithful Revelation My Castle Invasion Edits: Complete Faithful Revelation Paralogue Edits: Complete Upgrade Birthright Path: Not in production… Upgrade Conquest Path: Not in production… Upgrade Revelation Path: Not in production… DLCs: Not in production… Items and Descriptions Editing: Complete (Until further notice.) Support editing: Not in production… Script editing: Not in production… Recruitment Methods: Not in production… NOTE: Though this hack is made for the US versions of the games, you might be able to use them with any regions files with a bit of work. Screenshots: There are too many screenshots to display so click on the link here and choose which ones you' d like to see. For Version .4825 Very few screenshots are outdated: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/w14wsf1xec0s8/Version_.4825 For Version .4848: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/7ny099s8efoq3/Version_.4848 Downloads: Fates Upgraded Change log version .4848Rev5 link with Notepad ++ text colors: https://www.mediafire.com/file/b6uhc32n113uymt/Fates_Upgraded_Version_0.4848Rev5_Changelog.rar/file Fates Upgraded Special Iron15 and new song link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/15i1nzookc41u61/SpecialIron15AndNewSong.rar/file Fates Upgraded Faithful Edition Version .4848Rev5 for the Birthright game link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ja2zb8pwkd9obf6/FatesUpgradedFaithfulBirthrightGameVersion.4848Rev5.rar/file Fates Upgraded Faithful Edition Version .4848Rev5 for the Conquest game link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hqw6skteulcr13j/FatesUpgradedFaithfulConquestGameVersion.4848Rev5.rar/file Fates Upgraded Faithful Edition Version .4848Rev5 for the Special Edition game link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2imgl9p379psng7/FatesUpgradedFaithfulSpecialEditionGameVersion.4848Rev5.rar/file Special thanks and credits to: God (Jesus, for always leading and encouraging me), SerenesForest (for the use of this site to publish the hack), GBATemp (for the use of that site to publish the hack), FEUniverse (for the use of that site to publish the hack), Thane98, DeathChaos, Merrill lianne, Geodude, and everyone else that helped out. Again, thank you all! ☺️ Questions and Answers: Question 1: How do I even load the hack!? Answer: You will need to use a file patcher, like the LayeredFS in Luma CFW, if you haven’t installed Luma yet here is a link to all the information for it: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki Question 2: How do I open the .rar file? Answer: You can use WinRAR for that (even after the trial period you can keep using it for free). Question 3: Why isn’t the new theme for Ryoma and Xander already loaded in the hack? Answer: EDIT: The theme sounds good, but the Iron 15 file is really large and could take up too much room on a SD card so I left it out of the hack, but it can be put in and used in the game, instructions are around the bottom of the Changelog. Question 4: Why don’t I see any changes in Birthright? I’m playing on hard mode. Answer: EDIT: This is a problem on version .4792, but with the release of .4825 this problem should be fixed. Question 5: You composed the theme for Xander and Ryoma yourself? Answer: No. It was taken from another game and added to Fates Upgraded same with the main lord’s death theme. Question 6: How do I add the changed main lord death theme? Answer: 1. In the hack files either: FatesUpgradedFatesBirthrightGame.rar, FatesUpgradedFatesConquestGame.rar, or FatesUpgradedFatesSpecialEditionGame.rar 2. Go in the "LumaLayeredFS" hack folder of the game hack (eg. FEFatesBirthrightFatesUpgradedLumaLayeredFSFiles) navigate to and then enter the folder "stream" in the folder "Sound", once inside delete REMOVETHISMESSAGETOADDIT from the filename "sys_gameover_E1.dspadpcmREMOVETHISMESSAGETOADDIT.bcstm" and you're done. Question 7: Is this hack compatible with Gay Fates? Answer: I’m not sure, but I don’t think so, it would probably require some effort to make the hack work with it, whether it’ll take little or a lot again I don’t know. Question 8: How do I revert the changed chapter names? Answer: 1. In the hack files: FatesUpgradedFatesBirthrightGame.rar, FatesUpgradedFatesConquestGame.rar, or FatesUpgradedFatesSpecialEditionGame.rar 2. Go in the "LumaLayeredFS" hack folder of the game hack (eg. FEFatesBirthrightFatesUpgradedLumaLayeredFSFiles) 3. Navigate to and then enter the folder "@E" in the folder "m", once inside delete or what I recommend, rename the file "GameData.bin.lz" to something else and rename "GameDataWITHVANILLACHAPTERNAMES.bin.lz" to "GameData.bin.lz" and you're done. Disclaimer: Everything changed by the hack is bound to change, and is in no way affiliated with Nintendo Co., Ltd., Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd., Bandai Namco Entertainment, Inc., or Namco Tales Studio Ltd. in anyway. All non-original Nintendo Co., Ltd., Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd., Bandai Namco Entertainment, Inc., or Namco Tales Studio Ltd. materials including but not limited to characters, images, music, ideas and specific expressions thereof are copyright, the usage of such materials in the hack is transformative, for non-commercial purposes, and will not have a significant effect upon the market for or value of the materials, and is thus exempted from liability under the Fair Use Doctrine. Taken from my post on FEUniverse: https://feuniverse.us/t/fire-emblem-fates-upgraded/5093 Which is taken from GBATemp: https://gbatemp.net/threads/fire-emblem-fates-upgraded.502519/
  5. can anyone who has the awakening gay hack on citra help me get the hack im desperate ill even pay just someone help me get it cause no matter what i do it doesn't work please ill let you hack my computer just please help
  6. I want to figure out the best classes and skills for all units (including child units and spotpass units, i.e. Emmeryn, Gangrel, etc.) based on strategy AND storyline (basically what's good for them gameplay-wise AND story-wise). Yes, I plan on getting all DLC and tackling Apotheosis. Any suggestions/help would be appreciated!
  7. So, If you don't know what FE Recolor is,1) Why are you here, and 2) It is a program made by BwdYeti. (Link Right here) It's a very cool program that lets you recolor sprites from the GBA era of Fire Emblem. However, it is missing a lot of sprites, and while the Pirate one is easy to find, the rest, like the FE6 exclusive Sprites and ESPECIALLY the monsters from FE8, are really hard to find, to the point where through all my digging, I could only scrape up a tutorial on how to make sprites compatible. So I made pretty much all the sprites I could, and they're all here: Missing Sprites Here, Ta Daaaaaa These include all the Monster sprites, Most, if not all FE6 Exclusive Sprites, and some missing sprites from FE7. I also did some work on some already existing Sprites, so that it shows more versions that use it's palette. For Example, the Female Druid sprite uses the same Palette as the Male Druid, however the original FE Recolor Sprite image only showed the male, so I put in the female. I marked the ones I worked on under revised so that you don't have to change anything, its just so that you can see it for an example. Directions Step 1: Extract all to a safe Location where it wont cause any hassle for you Step 2: Go into Missing Sprites>Sprites and Copy all the Pictures there into FE Recolor>sprites>battle_sprites Step 3: Go into Missing Sprites>Data and Copy all the .dat files into FE Recolor>data>sprites, This makes it so that you don't have to manually re position all the Palette indexes. For the Revised Sprites: Same steps as 2 and 3 except be sure to delete/move the previous .png and .dat files before adding them. UPDATE I've added The FE7 Female Thief Sprite, It could be the FE6 Sprite, but It was just easier to make an all new one. -Added Berserker (Hawkeye) and a Lucius Sprite on the Bishop image. Notes So I have tested all the sprites I could with BS Palette assembler, however, I could not test the Monster sprites, Zephiel's sprite, or the Manakete-transformed sprites. Please tell me if they don't work too well in-game and please provide screenshots. Also make sure its correct on your end. Also, If I missed any sprites, please tell me, as I'll make it and add it on. Thank you in advance! And I hope I was of help.
  8. Which mainline Fire Emblem game do you feel hard the hardest soldiers and why?
  9. I was thinking about it in my head but should the next fe foucs on a specific culture(s) or just carry on with a european medival setting. I would personally like and african based continent or maybe and iberean continent. Also i would like the next game whereever it takes place to link a previous world to it without the use of dlc ect. what would you like the setting to be?
  10. This is a program that will generate a text document with randomized class changes for all of the characters in Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. Fe 11 Randomizer.zip instructions 1. Unzip the file 2. Open the dist folder 3. Run the ShadowDragonRandomizer.exe 4. Your randomized list will be Characters.txt in the same folder Post any feedback in the comments below
  11. Yo so basically a while back I had an idea for a game that revolves around the black fang and I just saw this cool box art and it reignited my interest. So basically in this game, it would start off at around 5-10 years from lyns story, and before Nergals infiltration of the fang, it would obviously give some backstory between the members of the black fang, (such as why they joined their history ect) show the black fangs slow downfall by Nergal and how the members reacted and tie in some events that happened in elibe. one example I had is that Ostia recruited the fang to assassinate house Cornwell leader (raven and Priscilla's former houses) while the ostian troops destroy the soldiers. I think the game could work as a spin-off or something, there are certainly enough characters to have a balancedish cast and you could just fill out the blank spaces with characters, that got killed later on in the story.(probably by legault) anyway tell me what you think down below, i love making these kinds of idea threads
  12. Whats your favorite FE era? NES/SNES, DS, 3DS etc. and say why. My personal favorite is the DS era. Games were great and the characters were memorable.
  13. It's simple (just like my other topics..) tell me your favorite Encounter theme in the series. Include a link if you want, but that's not completely necessary. Here's two of mine, they're about tied.
  14. I was considering running either a Dark mage, master ninja, mechanist, paladin, archer, cavalier, dread fighter or one of the knight(?) classes. I really have no idea; first file was a priestess with magic boon and luck or skill bane, it was decent as a support. For ref; female Corrin here!
  15. Whats your LEAST favorite character in FE? I'm curious..
  16. Try to give me the worst POTENTIAL crossovers. Sorry for not specifying. My example...Gears Of War x Fire Emblem.
  17. What FE chapter made you suffer the longest? Personally, it was the chapter when they introduced the ballista in FE7. I dont know why I was stuck on it though... OH WAIT I KNOW WHY!!! ITS BECAUSE THE BALLISTA IS BULLLLLSSSSSHHHIIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!! but seriously...the ballista is annoying af. It took me to my wit's end but after 1 hour of pure torture I realized that I just have to wait for the enemies to rush me than I can just demolish them...I was able to kill the Ballista Douche shortly after.
  18. Who would win? Corrin or Robin? Take the weapons they have into consideration.. They are maxed out in stats
  19. I gotta feeling I did this already..ah screw it. If you were in a FE game which class would you be? I would be a Myrmidon
  20. Whats your favorite song in fire emblem? When you post try to put a link to the song in your response box.
  21. DON'T START A SHIPPING WAR!! DX My waifu's Severa btw! x3
  22. I have a vision of how this hack will be, and here is how it would be. I need help to make this vision a reality, so if you know anything about Rom Hacking Fire Emblem 8, feel free to tell me.
  23. What music track from any fire emblem game is your favorite, and why is it Conquest
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