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  1. Ever since Playable Avatar was a thing in NmotE and could also choose which class would you be in that game such as a Myrmidon, Cavalier or Mage in that FE game what do you choose to become it could be any other FE games regardless if there isn't an Avatar in some of the other FE game series. If I was, my choice would to become a Mercenary in New Mystery of the Emblem and be promoted as a Hero because I find Hero to be one of my favorite classes. The Rules: The class has to be from that FE game that you choose No being a lord, Final boss & other exclusive character classes(not even enemy exclusive monster classes) your allowed to choose being a Manakete or a Taguel Class can be an unpromoted or a promoted class from that FE game
  2. I said I was going to make this thread like a year ago, but it had completely slipped my mind, and I had set out on looking into FE9, getting burned out, and then getting everything back together again to actually make things happen. In any case, here's the link to the repo for Yune. Link Latest Release: 0.9.3 The downloads can be found in the releases section. The readme also goes over how all of the options work and what they do. As the randomizer is written in Java, the only requirement is that you need a somewhat recent JRE installed to be able to run the randomizer. It has been compiled for Windows (32-bit or 64-bit), MacOS, and Linux (GTK). Supported titles: Fire Emblem 4: Genealogy of the Holy War - Requires JP ROM (headered or unheadered) or Pre-patched ROM with Project Naga translation patch. Fire Emblem 6: Binding Blade - Requires JP ROM or Pre-patched ROM with the Redux translation patch. Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Sword - Requires US ROM Fire Emblem 8: Sacred Stones - Requires US ROM Fire Emblem 9: Path of Radiance - Requires US ISO (Note that there is a good chance of an out of memory error when using a 32-bit JRE for FE9 randomization). I trust FE4 and the GBAFEs to be fairly stable, but FE9 is a bit shaky (and likely quite buggy, if you enable too many options that I haven't had the chance to test simultaneously), because it's not quite up to the standard I would have liked for it to be. I'm still trying to figure a lot of things out for how FE9 actually works and the next step is one that will likely take a long time because it involves chapter scripting. Rather than hold it for that long, I'd rather have people able to test it and start finding bugs that need to be addressed, as well as solicit information if anybody has anything that might help with FE9 quirks. Those bugs could also help give me other ideas on how FE9 might actually work under the covers. Please file any bugs you find in the GitHub repository directly in the Issues section so that I can track them, alongside any suggestions that could help me improve Yune. EDIT: 0.9.1 is now available. Changelog: EDIT: 0.9.2 is now available! Changelog: EDIT: 0.9.3 is now available! Changelog:
  3. Railgun


    Catalyst The snow trickled down, hitting the thin blanket of ice over muddy puddles. Talrega's weather was unpredictable and tumultuous. It was the last thing the townspeople needed. Here in the aftermath of Daein's tyrannical armies destroying businesses and residencies. General Shiharam Fizzart had no choice but to obey the orders of flooding Talrega. Petrine was cruel to issue it, but who was Shiharam to disobey her orders? When that would mean an act of opposition to King Ashnard? He found the idea maddening, to endanger the very home he raised his daughter in. Unfortunately, loyalty triumphed over his concerns. Haar was his biggest witness. Once, they believed they escaped corruption from leaving the aristocracy of Begnion. Those thoughts were mere illusions, Daein was no different. It would be Jill that revealed to him such truth. In the battlefield, in their own home. Going against her own father was her most painful and debilitating experience. She had chosen a different path… one towards unity and peace for all of Tellius. Princess Elincia of Crimea would be the beacon, and Ike of the Greil Mercenaries was the fighter. A complete turn from her initial reason for joining the Crimean forces. All her life, she believed the laguz were inferior to the beorc, sub-human. But Prince Reyson and Princess Leanne of Serenes proved to her they were insane ideals. None of it was true, the laguz were never the enemy. For Jill, she realized her original reasoning held no merit. The aim for glory and killing the race she once saw were monstrous and vile - worthless. Once clouded by hate and judgment… a symptom of Daein's corrupt influence on its people. Yet, enough for Ashnard to exploit such prejudice for his true intentions upon Tellius. No longer blinded by falsehoods of hate and fear… there was one other reason why she stayed with Crimean forces. In fact, if Jill hadn't met her… she would have left Crimea's cause and returned to Daein. She was the major catalyst. After recent events, Jill had taken a brisk walk. A huge pain rose in her chest every time she took a breath. Along with a small headache, she went to focus on her surroundings. The pine trees were covered in frost, with the snowy mountain range upon the horizon. Each step she made on the snow sang out a crunching noise. Her eyes were puffy and red. The moments of her fighting her father to the death haunted her mind. She was not far from camp, but she had to get away. Her talk with Ike in the aftermath of the battle further solidified it. Even if she understood his reasoning, the fact remained... Talrega was destroyed. Her father was gone, the world she once knew - dead. She had second thoughts, had she chosen wrong? Could she not have defected Crimea to join her father? He wouldn't have died if she did. She could have saved him, even if it meant becoming a foe. She could have laid her last breath for him and her country. But she didn't. Not when she was also there. She was not far when Jill flew toward to face her father. Mist begged her to stay safe. She would wave her staff to heal injuries she received from the battle. Behind Jill's fighting spirit, she had the support of a healing soul. Who she gradually became close to. The proximity brought some unveiled unprecedented feelings, opening of the heart. Whether making her supper or even talking to her… Mist was one of the few who reached out to her. Jill didn't feel she deserve it from being on the opposite side. She believed under her pessimistic thoughts, that she would be looked down on with scorn and disgust due to her heritage. Daein's reputation had plummeted, and her own hatred toward laguz caused problems with the Greil Mercenaries. More in particular with Ike, who viewed everyone as equal. How could someone spiteful as her even fit in? Mist didn't care, deep down her own feelings for Jill were favorable. That beneath her rough and hateful exterior was a sweet and strong person. Someone that could be changed. She wasn't afraid, she took the risk. Which brought Jill into a new territory she wasn't expecting to fall into. "Where's Jill?" Mist asked. Ike went inside in a tent to discuss with Soren and Titania about future battle plans. "Beats me," he replied, pushing the flap. "Maybe she's in her tent." He disappeared through, and Mist went out of camp. She had checked Jill's quarters before, no trace but her wyvern that was resting. Out of concern, she left. It had been ten minutes since departure. Mist ran through the snowy terrain. "Jill! Where are you?" Her worries increased. Jill had not been herself since the battle and she didn't blame her. Jill stood, looking up at snow dropping from the clouds. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes, tears formed. "Father…" "Jill! There you are!" Jill whirled around. Her eyes widened, and her heart pounded. Mist was smiling in relief, scurrying to her. "I found you – ah!" She slipped upon the ice. Mist felt Jill's arms wrap around her tight, taking the fall. She grunted in pain, and Mist was on top of her. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" "It's fine…" Jill mumbled, trying to ignore the ache radiating from her back. She released her hands from Mist to move out of the way. "Are… you okay?" "I am, thank you. But now you're hurt!" Mist attempted to get up but felt her balance slip again. Jill clutched her again, before slowly lifting themselves up. "Let's get out of this ice." They slowly walked to the right. Their feet onto soft snow. Mist walked behind, feeling Jill's back. She twitched. "Oh no," Mist mumbled. "We should head back to camp… let me treat you." "No Mist, it's okay. This is nothing…" "How can you say that?! You just got hurt from the fall! If I don't treat it you'll be sore, maybe worse!" Jill looked away. "I can handle it. After all, it's not like this day can get any worse." Mist blinked. "Is this about – what happened?" There was a brief pause before Jill made her reply. "Yeah, I'm... I don't think I feel the pain anymore." Her voice was cold, enough for Mist to detect her emotional state. "Jill, do you wanna talk about it?" Mist's own voice was soft, almost soothing. She was willing to offer help, something that Jill was hesitant in taking. Was it really in the right? To bring this kind and innocent healer into her brutish world? She had already done so much for her, how could Jill continue to allow it? The answer was in an emotional matter she kept secret. "I…" "Jill, please talk to me. It… hurts seeing you like that." Mist took her hands into hers. They were cold, but to Jill, they felt warm as a blanket. "I wanna help you." She couldn't escape, nor refuse. Not when she was this close to her. Jill's cheeks were close to turning red… but she snatched her hands away. "Look Mist, please… leave me in peace. I… need time alone." "Do you?" "What do you mean?" "Your eyes…" Mist touched Jill's face. "They're red. You've… been crying, haven't you?" "Mist…" "Jill, know that despite what happened… I'm sure your father loved you. And I want you to know… that you're not alone." Mist's own expression was saddening, and Jill slowly pushed away her hand. "I… I don't know if I can believe that." "Why?" "Because Father… I... deserted him…" She clenched her fists, trying to hide her pent-up resentment and rage. "….I didn't want to be the monster. I was raised to be just a soldier for Daein, a mindless machine. Following the orders of a mad tyrant… the destruction of what happened to Talrega. All those poor innocent people…" She broke down. "Why?! Why did it have to come to this?! I'm sure Father would have seen me as a traitor for this! I had to kill him for my own selfish ideals! Was it truly right?! Why did I have to go against him?!" "Jill! Your father would never see you as a traitor! You were only following your own path! I'm sure he loved you and wanted what was best! How could you doubt that?!" "If he loved me then he wouldn't have raised me into such a heartless soldier! I would have never been so hateful to the laguz! He… would have let me to a more righteous path…" Her sobs increased, and Mist struggled to hide her own. Her pain was heavy as the falling snow, and Mist did the most relaxing thing she could think of. It was swift, Mist had embraced Jill into her own arms. Even if she was a tad shorter, Mist wrapped her arms around Jill's neck. Jill was pulled out of her crying, taking this moment with a small gasp. Mist's own tears fell on Jill's left shoulder blade, a drop stained the pink armor. "It's okay. You're in a lot of pain… are you? You don't have to be anymore, Jill. I know it feels… to lose someone you love." For Mist, her own pain stemmed from losing one of Daein's greatest warriors to have ever lived. Her father. No one had expected it, to her and Ike at best. Both once stood at the grave of Greil once known as General Gawain of the Four Riders, letting grief consume them. There was no turning back, the loss of their innocence came when Greil succumbed to his wounds from Aldonite, which were stained with his blood wielded by the Black Knight. They were to carve their own path, without their father. In that aspect, Mist felt she and Jill were similar. Their fathers departed the world with their own intentions… leaving their children behind. Nevertheless, moving on was necessary. Even if neither felt they could. Jill cried harder, gripping Mist's shirt… crying into her shoulder. The snowflakes continued to fall, moving forward in time while the two stood still in their embrace. Eventually, they calmed down, and Jill broke away. "T – thank you, Mist. You've treated me so kindly. I know things are rough right now, but… I'll be okay. Father is gone… and I… have to move on. But… when I'm with you… I feel much better." She rubbed her eyes. Mist made a tiny smile, wiping her own tears. "I'm so glad I could help you. You're very important to me, Jill. I want nothing more than you to be happy! So, let's keep going, okay?" Jill appreciated that gesture, smiling on her own. She recalled the other major reason she didn't defect Crimea for Daein. And it was standing right here. The wyvern lord didn't want to admit it and never told her father. But she wondered if Shiharam had found out… what would he have said then? Would he have disowned her? Because it wasn't just a matter of following a path to peace and freedom, but to love. If it meant going against Daein's forces to stay by Mist's side, then she would do it. Jill smiled. "I will, for you."
  4. Title. This is my first time playing the game, I'm on chapter 1 and I'm doing it semi-ish blind. (I've seen some playable units in this title) Basically like my other FE unit boards. What are the best units to invest time and effort into and the worst units which aren't worth it at all? Right now I got: Ike, Boyd, Titania and Oscar. I don't really have much bias against pre-promotes lately so feel free to suggest those if they are good! Thanks! Edit! And I should add I'm playing on Difficult mode!
  5. So i used the time between exams and the new semester, and now a significant time into said semester, to give a crack at making an FE9 randomizer. What i ended up with was a Character Editor/Randomizer for Windows. What I’ve made is an editor/randomizer for FE9 that can be used to edit these parts of the character entries: · Bases · Growths · Class · Weapon Ranks --- Which ones you can equip is still dictated by the class · Weapons --- Only exchanging, no adding · Items --- Only exchanging, no adding · Skills --- Only exchanging, no adding · Portrait · Models --- Changing class automatically picks out matching models · Name ID --- Which name in the files to use · Level · Build/Weight You can also increase enemy growth rates, either to all stats, only Strength/Magic/Skill/Speed, or only Strength/Magic For the randomizing, there are · Bases · Growths · Class · Skills The randomizer creates a log with the changed values in it, as well as one with only the growths for avoiding spoilers. Bases and Growths both swap Str and Mag so the higher one matches the class’s weapon type. Class randomizing has some nuances: A character’s highest weapon rank is applied to the new class’s primary weapon, and the last item in their inventory becomes an Iron weapon for their new class. Laguz classes are handled by counting 1 laguz level = 2 beorc levels, and weapon ranks are assigned by level too. Laguz have a Laguz Stone as their starting weapon. Marcia and Jill are moved to appear in spots where they can be reached without flight. (Thanks /u/PokecheckHozu for the help figuring this one out) I advise against making Shinon a laguz, as his re-recruitment leaves him declawed. The randomizer heeds this advice. If you run in to any bugs or issues, or want help with editing FE9 outside of what this editor can do, feel free to comment here, or ping me on the Fire Emblem subreddit discord. The editor/randomizer (You need everything in the folder): https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsfU3qRjcTTdhi8Mglgc0qgyEr-C The source code on Github: https://github.com/jespoketheepic/FE9-Character-Editor-and-Randomizer You need two other tools to use this. For extracting files from a .iso/.gcm; GCTool: https://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/GC-Tool and for rebuilding the finished product back into an iso; GCRebuilder: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/619/ I posted my notes in a post on FEU: https://feuniverse.us/t/fe9-file-structure-notes/5020 --- v1.1 changelog: - Fixed enemy growth increase instead setting them to 0 - Illyana should be fixed now? I added a fixing case for updating to v1.1 without re-randomizing: Open the new version of the editor, go to Illyana, press apply, set the enemy growth to 0, then save and quit. That should fix everything up, except Illyana past her recruitment. You are then free to open the editor back up to (now for real) re-apply the enemy growth increase. You can then re-build the iso with the fixes, it will work with the old save. v1.2. - The system.cmp simultaneous access issue should be fixed now. - Skill randomizing, fixed the main bug, might be some bugs hiding under it still, idk. - Ike can’t become classes that can’t fight. v1.3 - Fixed an NA version exclusive issue where skill randomizing went completely haywire. - Lords and Thieves can now promote - Randomizing now makes the laguz royals no longer transform when they arrive, to prevent them from de-promoting into beorc classes. I can sadly not edit this for each individually as it is the same cutscene for all three. - Fixed an issue where the enormous HP growths of base game Laguz were counting negative to their growth total. I also put some new overflow protection on the growth randomizing. - Removed all the unused Mages/Sages from the random selection. Increased the appearance odds of the standard ones to be higher, but it still results in less overabundance of magic units. - Gatrie now also can’t become a laguz, like Shinon, again to prevent literal declawing upon rejoining. - Known issue: Valkyries that start promoted don’t get swords for some reason. - Known issue: Geoffrey always gets bow access for some reason? Use them at your own risk, it can crash in various ways.
  6. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 0% Growth Mode Last year I was on a 0% growth patch kick and found out there was no 0% growth patch available for FE9. So I decided to make one and put my own spin on it. What is this? A patch that sets every character's growth rate in every stat to 0. Additionally, band items and the Knight Ward no longer increase stat growth rates when equipped. However, class promotions will still cause stat increases, and stat-up items like Speedwings still work. Also I changed a bit of the dialogue in the prologue and last chapter to make the whole 0% growth thing connect with the story somewhat. Why would anyone play this? From my experience, playing with a 0% growth patch feels like you're playing the way the game was intended to be played, and it causes you to mix up your go to Fire Emblem strategy. You no longer need to worry about things like getting poor level ups, feeling like you've wasted experience when anyone not on your final team takes part in combat, and needing to kill everything on the screen before finishing a chapter. Also, the game gets progressively more difficult from chapter to chapter, instead of leveling off or even getting easier towards the end when your team becomes more refined. If you've never played a 0% growth patch you should definitely try one, and this is a great place to start because it's my favorite one so far. Oh, and because there are a couple easter eggs I hid in this patch and they would be fun to find! Is it possible to beat? Yes I beat this patch on normal before releasing it. I'm not sure if beating the game on hard is possible though, simply because of how strong Berserk Asharnd is. I would be thoroughly impressed by anyone who could pull it off. Ok I'm intrigued how do I play it? Download the patch (v1.1) If you have the option to choose a level-up method when starting the game: Select Random level-ups NOT Fixed. In-depth Instructions: If you would like to verify the patch was successful you can download a program like WinMD5 and and compare your ISO MD5 hashes with mine. Special thanks to VincentASM for telling me how growth rates are stored in the Path of Radiance file system. Please let me know if you find any bugs or oddities! Changed Dialogue:
  7. Please... anyone... I've been trying for a very long time of not finding any resources... it's been an obviously frustrating journey to anyone This was the best I felt relieved to find: But my Dolphin ended up crashing, possibly because I may not be fully grasping how to do memory editing, I haven't touched this stuff until literally a week ago. Please can anyone help a noobie out... Maybe just explain what I need to do in dummy terms and I can probably go back to this other thread and piece everything together
  8. Due to my own laptop limitations, it took me a while until I finally got to beat this one. But funnily enough, the break I had to take from this game was not a handicap for me to enjoy the story (which is not common for a Fire Emblem game). I consider myself the "reader type" and while I was playing Path of Radiance I felt like I was reading a manga, that being, a complete story, which is a huge plus. It 100% felt like a journey. It was engaging and the progression was satisfactory. Not to mention the cast, what a wondrous cast! I played on Normal Mode, so the midgame was so easy it even felt a bit boring, but the new mechanics (specially the base preps) were a lot of fun. Sneaking through the base to see what my soldiers were doing was something I can't even explain why felt so good, but it did. Thanks to the captivating story and characters, lukewarm but fun gameplay and some excellent mechanics, I really liked this game andI'm looking forward to play Fire Emblem's first PLANNED sequel, Radiant Dawn. Score: 7/10. Since I'm a huge fan of listing, I will tell y'all my 5 favorite units (based on how much I LIKED them, and I'm not even really talking about utility): 1- Soren. 2- Boyd. 3- Ike. 4- Brom. 5- Rolf. What surprises me the most is that most of Tellius' cast were genuinely good characters!
  9. I was in a particular mood about an hour ago, one that made me really wanna do a draft of of these games. As such, I played around with the generic rules for both of these games to make a transfer draft ruleset. Looking for 4 other people to join in. Drafting: • This draft is for 5 players • Draft stretches across both FE9 and FE10 • This draft will be done on Hard Mode for both games • Ike, Titania, Micaiah, the Herons, the Black Knight, and Lehran are free for all to use • Any of the three laguz options are free for FE9 Endgame • Sothe, Geoffrey, Jill, and Lucia are free for FE10. If these units are drafted for FE9, you may choose one FE10 exclusive unit to draft additionally. • Haar is banned for FE10 • Haar and Largo are draftable for FE9 and allows for the same rule as the units in the above rule. • The draft will go for 12 rounds • Drafting will begin with FE9 characters, then move on to FE10 characters. The only exception are the special cases listed above • Drafting will follow a "1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1..." order Rules: • Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, find hidden items, and transfer items/skills between teams. • Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. • Partner and Other units may do as they please without penalty. • Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. • FE9 Chapter 27, Part 2 is not counted for final turncounts. • Transfer bonuses are allowed and expected Exceptions: • Reyson and Janaff/Ulki may be used to obtain the Knight Ring if undrafted. They may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty. • One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. • Volug is free for 1-5. • Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P • Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. • One undrafted unit is free for 2-2. • One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. • One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3 Draftable Units: 60/60 Oscar Boyd Rhys Gatrie Shinon Soren Mia Ilyana Mist Rolf Marcia Lethe Mordecai Volke Kieran Brom Nephenee Zihark Sothe* Jill* Astrid Makalov Stefan Tormod Muarim Devdan Tanith Janaff Ulki Calill Tauroneo Haar* Ranulf Bastian Lucia* Geoffrey* Largo* Elincia Ena Nasir FE10 Edward Leonardo Nolan Laura Aran Meg Volug Fiona Vika Nailah Nealuchi Heather Kyza Lyre Sigrun Skrimir Naesala Sanaki Tibarn Pelleas Stefan Oliver Bastian Caineghis Giffca Kurthnaga Renning Gareth Teams: Bjarne - Oscar RedMageRBM - Crimsonvolt - Burgerkong - Shimmerfang - Free Units: FE9 - Ike, Titania, Reyson FE10 - Micaiah, Sothe, Jill, Lucia, Geoffrey, Ike, Titania, the Herons, the Black Knight, Lehran
  10. Well, I've been on SF for a little while now and have followed some other folks' LPs. So at the suggestion of some other kind users on here, here's one of my own: an Ike solo of FE9 hard mode! Path of Radiance is one of my favorite FE games and one of the easier ones to solo, since Ike is pretty solid (although not the greatest if he gets RNG-screwed), so I hope this goes well! I'm going for as much of a pure solo as possible, but since that's not possible in some chapters due to forced deployment, here's the rules/things to expect from how I play: 1. Meatshields that I send into battle are forbidden, but if the enemies attack the unarmed units on their own, that's fine. 2. Trading items to Ike from recruited units is fine. 3. Recruiting units for the sake of getting their items is fine. 4. I will be using the unarmed units to get items from houses you can visit for some chapters, but I will usually just buy the items I need from the armory and shop. 5. I might redo some chapters in case an essential item is missed, like a Seraph Robe or something similar (as is the case with chapter 1, lol), or to get Ike some better level ups. I want to be able to finish this LP so any help I can get is absolutely necessary. 6. The Black Knight fight is something I'd like to do, but depending on Ike's stats, will be a "want-to" rather than a "will do." 7. I'll be doing updates once or twice a week, ideally, but I may change that from time to time. Hopefully you all enjoy it! Prologue and Chapter 1:
  11. @ the title sorry I don't make the rules ANYWAY I don't even know if I'm doing this right by posting here cuz I haven't seen a lot of art around but may as well anyway. Been working on this on and off over 3 days but I mean by that I mean I was painting it for like 2 hours and then edited minor details after because I have issues revisiting art I'm not doing immediately for some reason?? It's also drawn all on one layer! so that's fun! Anyone with eyes can see I'm a filthy apologist so here's my art. It's actually whatever is under his robes I honestly didn't even know either until I saw some concept art so yeah I guess. I never got around to polishing the hands and mug but lets overlook that pls dont kill me if im posting in the wrong place
  12. I've been writing on and off for a while, but between a relatively recent replay of Echoes and a less-recent replaying of GotHW, I came up with a Crossover story centered around Sigurd surviving Belhalla in a modern AU where he finds himself barred from contacting anyone he ever knew. While I'll try to update it here first from here on, here's the first chapter of Little Chalphy (link leads to AO3, so warning if your Job/School forbids access to it). Any feedback is welcome here. While I've been translating documentation and whatnot for a long time, it was only up until a few years ago that I gained enough confidence to start writing fiction in English, so any daft bits you find that sound odd/goofy/out of place to you, do not hesitate to let me know. Good day to you all and thanks in advance.
  13. Which mainline Fire Emblem game do you feel hard the hardest soldiers and why?
  14. Greetings, dear citizens of SF. Today you will witness the setting in motion of a plan long in the making... Hattusili I and @Natalie play Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn ironman! Here are the rules. The starting player is decided by dice roll. After each battle, play switches from one player to the other. No restarting. On game-overs, play switches to the other player, who continues from the last save. There is no in-game punishment for a game-over. At the end of this let's play, the person with the most game-overs will buy the other dinner (in case of a tie, we split the bill). No swearing on this fucking thread, you little shits. We'll be playing Path of Radiance on normal, and Radiant Dawn on easy. The dice roll has happened, and it has chosen Natalie to begin. Alea iacta est.
  15. Right now, I'm playing through Path of Radiance on hard mode. I've always wanted to beat this game, but never gotten past chapter 9, so I'm starting the game on hard mode with 2 goals in mind. 1. Get better at Fire Emblem in general 2. Learn how to record Gamecube games that are good enough to watch. So here is chapter 1, what I'm looking for is criticism on my play style and if you think you can do better at co-commentary than this guy, hop in the Discord and prove it. https://youtu.be/b9VsCKMfgLw Discord: https://discord.gg/rRPsGxZ
  16. I remember back in October of 2016 when I was still in my early days of being an FE fan, a friend of mine let me borrow his copy of FE9. I was pretty excited, since everyone I spoke to about it said it was an amazing game and one of the best in the entire series. I had really high expectations and when I finally got to booting the game up, after a couple of chapters I began to notice something: The game talks a lot. Like, Metal Gear Solid 2 levels of talking. I thought the story was okay, nothing spectacular but it sufficed enough for me not to complain about it. After a while I began to notice how easy the maps were, and how bonus EXP can really break the game at times. Many units people told me were good were average at best, and I couldn't figure out why. Was it bad level ups? Were my expectations too high? I realized that people probably shoved ridiculous amounts of bonus EXP into these units and maybe a few stat boosters. Now I know what you're thinking: "why not play at a higher difficulty then?" Simply because this was still my haydays of FE and was easing my way into the harder stuff. Keep in mind, up until that point, the only games I had under my belt were FE11, 12, 13, 14 and a little bit of 3 and 6. I was by no means new to the series. The disappointment reached its maximum when I got to the final map and faced off against Ashnard. I was expecting him to move and have a second phase, but I didn't realize that was a hard mode exclusive. I beat the game and didn't feel accomplished, I just felt empty. I felt like I had wasted around 30 or so hours of my life on a game that was, at best mediocre. I tried to like this game, I really did but after a while it just became a major slog. Am I the only one who feels this way? I've never met anyone who said they disliked this game, in fact many of the fans I've met say this is one of, if not their favorite.
  17. Hey uhhh so I'm pretty new to the forums, but I've done drafts IRL with my buddies so I wanted to give it a shot on here with my most recently completed FE game, FE9. So let's see how this goes! I'm gonna go with rules my friends and I usually do for FE7/FE13 runs, combined with the rules from here. So a few quality of life changes and additions to make my first Serenes draft easier for myself. If people could help me out with drafting itself if I screw up somehow, that would be nice! Thank you! Drafting 1. This draft is for 5 players.2. Ike, Titania, and one of Tibarn, Naesala or Giffca are free for all to use.3. Nasir and Ena will be drafted as a pair.4. The game will be played on Normal Mode. (because wah wah im bad at fire emblem) Rules 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters, partners and NPCs, trade, Escape, and dig up items in the desert.2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, and Arriving .3. There are limits to how much BEXP may be used, and this is explained in detail below.4. Partner and Other units may do as they please without penalty.5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.6. Chapter 27, Part 2 is not counted for final turncounts.Penalties 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (Chapter 17 counts as 4 chapters).Exceptions 1. Reyson and Janaff/Ulki may be used to obtain the Knight Ring if undrafted. They may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty. 2. Volke may be used in Chapter 10 to unlock doors and chests if undrafted.BEXP Limits Ok so basically I'm stupid and didn't understand how that table worked soooo I'm doing it different and a lot more simple. 1. You can only use BExp to top off the level of a drafted Unit until Endgame. 2. Titania cannot use BExp until Endgame. 3. All BExp can be used at Endgame however the player pleases. 4. The player can give 1 level of BExp to each of these characters, if drafted Rhys Mia Ilyana Mist Rolf Nephenee Brom Sothe Astrid Tormod Players/Teams: Tootsie: Ilyana, Reyson, Mist, Lethe, Stefan, Janaff, Brom, Geoffrey TheJuk: Oscar, Kieran, Tormod, Mordecai, Gatrie, Elincia, Rolf, Largo Solvaij: Jill, Tanith, Muarim, Haar, Zihark, Nasir/Ena, Ranulf, Tauroneo Da Bear: Marcia, Makalov, Soren, Mia, Sothe, Ulki, Shinon, Bastian DarthR0xas: Boyd, Astrid, Volke, Rhys, Nephenee, Devdan, Calil, Lucia
  18. Hello, I'm doing a run of Path of Radiance at the moment and was planning to do Radiant Dawn after that. Since I know you can data transfer your stats I wanted to ask you if it'll make the game too easy to do so.. Considering I'll be playing on the highest difficulty level. I planned to have a really good Sothe on Path of Radiance, but if it makes Radiant Dawn too easy I think I'll just skip that, since Sothe stats transfer totally. Has anyone played hard mode FE10 with a uber Sothe ? Does it remove the challenge ? :/
  19. Important note: This is not a rom-hack. You will need to install RPGMaker VX, which can be found here. http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/products/programs/rpg-maker-vx You do not need to buy the software, a trial version will still run the game. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?4sje7418ocf9b4b This is a little side-project of mine that I've been wanting to do for a very long time. I desperately want to love the original Tellius games for what they are, but I have too many gripes/issues with them. The world-building is better than any other video game I've seen save for Final Fantasy 12, the majority of the cast save Sothe and Makalov are likable in their own way and it has a great OST. Intro video: I've also been developing RPGs for close to 7 years, and this re-imagining of FE9 is actually my sixth video game. However... Ike is not the main character. Elincia is. In a way, both Elincia and Ike get their respective character arcs, since I wasn't too fond of the way PoR handled Elincia's character. I want a Royal who Actually Did Something, not a fawning princess who relied on her blue-haired hero to do her job for her. Like that. Ashnard doesn't wear invincible armour, btw, so Elincia can damage him. I always thought it was odd that a man who prided himself on survival of the strongest would cloak himself in impenetrable armour. :/ Gameplay: Gets rids of FE's grid-based battle-system in its entirely, and plays out in a more turn-based fashion that still requires strategic thinking. Compared to PoR's sluggish gameplay, this game is blisteringly fast. The player will control up to five units at once, and as the party grows in size, the player will have the option to swap out units as they please, with only Elincia being 'locked'. Skills will function more like RD's, with units being able to equip up to two Skill Scrolls. Units will also have their own personal skill in addition to a class Skill. Masteries will be learned as units level up, like in FE13/FE14 upon hitting Level 25 ( 20/5 in FE-speak ). Instead of moving from one static scene to another, areas from the original game become full-blown, explorable areas, with the player controlling the Elincia sprite and letting her interact with NPCs, objects, or even other playable characters if they are stationed at a Fortress or a Base. A forest on the border of Crimea and Gallia. Interior of Castle Crimea. There are no stat-caps. They don't exist in jPRGs. I believe it severely reduces a unit's fighting potential. Also, I'm going by a rule of thumb here. Meaning that if a unit is stated to be a bad-ass in-universe ( aka if the unit is a personal bodyguard or a trained knight/general ) then they are going to be statistically superior to some scrub who just picked up an axe or a sword. I'd like my swordmaster Jeigan back please. The size of the cast would be reduced severely, so that characters that have no influence or who contribute little or none to the overall plot would be scrapped completely. Permadeath is still a thing though. So I'm only looking at around 20 playable characters, including laguz. Other videos: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This project is still very early in development. I'm just posting it here to get a general interest level from the fandom itself. =) There are more mechanics, like how battles would play out, but I'll save that for a separate post.
  20. What if the fire emblem heroes were to fall and all their adventures were given to random people? The fire emblem has been corrupted by the presence of the fell dragons, now a lone group of adventurers must travel to the different worlds and pick up where the fallen heroes started. (roleplay is welcome to everyone, would prefer it if we roleplayed on discord. Canon and ocs are allowed
  21. I like the ability to grind in FE games, And since FE10 is hard, Maybe the tower of Guidance could fix that a little?
  22. I really want to get started on the Tellius Series, but I just can't seem to find a FE9 rom anywhere. Anyone know where I can get one for Dolphin? I have Dolphin 5.0 if that helps.
  23. Resources on FE9 seem to be very hard to come by. Things I'm having trouble figuring out: - Army data. Everything seems so confusingly structured and I'm having a hard time changing what I want, let alone figuring out what value represents what. It seemed a lot easier in RD, but that might be because there's more / better resources for it. - Changing character availability. I can't seem to figure how how to, for example, make Shinon and Gatrie stay, or make Oscar available in chapters 3 and 4, or straight up make Tibarn playable from Chapter 3. How can I do these three things, while removing the ability to get them again later (or does that happen automatically)? (just as examples so I have a better idea of what I'm doing with this) - How would I go about enabling both the base menu (shops, award BEXP, etc) and the preparation menu (choose your units, reposition, etc) to chapters that they aren't in? Also, where are the best resources for learning to mod FE9? The best I can find is in VincentASM's FE10 modding tutorial (applying what I can to FE9, and some things in the comments, although any links to nightmare modules or anything like that no longer work). I'd appreciate any input / advice, thanks so much in advance.
  24. Well first of all, HOLY CRAP!!!! I am absolutely in love with this game, I honestly think it might beat out Sacred Stones as my new favorite FE game. I had high expectations going in, given the amount of praise the Tellius games get, and I can say without any doubt that PoR deserves all of it. I loved how multi-dimensional the characters were, and I especially found the portrayal of Beorc-Laguz relations to be poignantly accurate. The gameplay was great as well, as it provided a challenge without constantly making me want to tear my eyes out. Things I liked/loved: The way that the game showed that there were good, innocent people on both sides of the conflict. Humanizing Daein not only makes Ashnard seem more evil, but it makes the war seem more realistic. Ike is my all time fave now because his character is 50% beating up racists and 50% pissing off idiot politicians by calling them on their BS. Soren's objectiveness is both infuriating and refreshing considering how many people have sudden cases of "idiot hero syndrome" throughout. I also really liked the way the game balanced Cavs and Paladins by only giving the former one weapon. It's something I'd like to see more of. Bonus EXP was great too. Things I disliked: I wish the Laguz units had been more viable but the transformation gauge made them into time bombs and I hated having to wait for them to transform before I could use them. If there had been more than one Demi Band it would have been fine honestly. Also, I HATE HATE HATE HATE the Black Knight battle with a burning passion!!!!!! Seriously the fact that I have to hope and pray that Ike's skill triggers and that BK's don't is such a pain. And I was unlucky as well, Ike constantly triggered Aether multiple times within a chapter for most of the game, but he gets to the BK? Nah bruh, I'm just gonna let him hit me. So I ended up escaping and getting stuck with Ena. I'm honestly tempted to replay the game JUST so I can do the fight properly and recruit Nasir. Also I'm really glad that I can go play Radiant Dawn now because theis games leaves a shit ton of plot threads open (which makes sense since apparently there was always a plan for a sequel). TL;DR: Everything was great except for Laguz units and CH 27.
  25. This is something I've sorta been pondering for a while. On the one hand, Spear Fighters and Spear Masters, like Tellius Soldiers and Halberdiers, are balanced, Lance-using footsoldiers associated with the militaries of their home countries. However, Spear Fighter also has some skills which are associated with it that the Tellius Soldier line does not have, although skills work very differently in 3DSFE compared to Jugdral/Tellius, so I wouldn't really consider the skills each 3DSFE class learns to be quite equivalent to having them as built-in "class skills" in a Jugdral/Tellius-style setup. Also worth considering is that the option for Spear Fighters to promote into a mixed physical/magical class in Basara would almost certainly not be mirrored in a theoretical second promotion option for Tellius Soldiers. What are everybody's thoughts on this? I'm having trouble coming to a conclusion, myself.
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