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  1. Hi, I have a quick question about this game. If I let a weapon or staff go down to zero uses, does it break forever or can I repair it? I know I can always repair if it has at least one use left, but what if it goes down to zero?
  2. So I beat Ch19 and my squad got massacred in the last chapter because I stupidly thought I could keep the squishy characters away from combat. I made horrible mistakes with support partners and all of my staff users are dead. My Robin and Chrom are the only two who can safely (and quite easily) take on a wave of enemies; everyone else is too weak. Can I still win this Ironman? On Hard, is the final boss too buffed for my potential end-game squad to beat without Olivia (she's dead)? I have a side rule of no DLC and no fighting extra battles unless they are Paralogues. My squad: Chrom(doing great) X Sumia (level 17, unpromoted) Male Robin (currently a Sorcerer for possible Nosferatu abuse, doing great) X Kellam (level 1 Great Knight) Lucina (level 18, unpromoted) X Cynthia (level 11 unpromoted) Panne (level 21, has never reclassed) X Cordelia (level 15 unpromoted) Of the weaker characters that are still alive, I have a level 7 Frederick (he's gotten bad level ups and his wife, Lisse, is dead), level 10 Owain, level 12 Henry, and a level 10 Gregor. Everyone else is too weak to contribute at all and/or not leveled up enough to reclass or promote. Also, I have a lot of gold and weapons, so promoting and reclassing people (which I have been reluctant to do before level 20) is an option I'm willing to take.
  3. In my current run of Conquest, I've just unlocked Ophelia's paralogue, and I noticed that her base stats seemed to be inconsistent with the formula given here: Another way of understanding this formula is this: compare each parent's personal stats (listed stats minus class bases) to whatever the child should have based on his or her personal bases and average growths. For example, if you're getting a child at level 17, the child's "Expected Absolute Base Stat" (EABS, the value called "C" in the formula) is their personal base stat, plus 7 times their growth rate in their starting class, rounded to the nearest integer. 0.5 rounds up, according to my testing. If the father's personal stat is greater than the child's, record the difference between them as the variable F; otherwise, if the father's stat isn't bigger than the child's, count this as a 0. Do the same for the mother, recording this value as M. Then combine these two values. According to the formula, this translates into bonus stats for the child as follows, in descending priority: If F + M is at least 16 and the child's EABS is at least 20, add 4. If F + M is at least 12 and the child's EABS is at least 10, add 3. If F + M is at least 8, add 2. If F + M is at least 4, add 1. Otherwise, add nothing. Here's my situation. I'm recruiting Ophelia after chapter 18, so she is level 20. Without any stat inheritance from her parents, Odin and Elise, I would expect her to have this stat line: Elise!Ophelia level 20, unmodified +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | HP | STR | MAG | SKL | SPD | LCK | DEF | RES | +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 27 | 5 | 20 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 7 | 15 | +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ This is accurate—if I edit my save to remove all stat growths from Elise and Odin, those are exactly the stats I see on her when I load up Paralogue 21. If I start the battle and have her use her Offspring Seal, she gets exactly the stats I would expect at Sorcerer level 2: Elise!Ophelia at level 20, unmodified, promoted to Sorcerer level 2 with Offspring Seal +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | HP | STR | MAG | SKL | SPD | LCK | DEF | RES | +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 28 | 5 | 24 | 13 | 20 | 21 | 9 | 19 | +----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ [An aside: the game rounds twice as it generates these stats—once when it produces Ophelia's stats at level 20, and once again when it computes the stat increases from the Offspring Seal. In Ophelia's case, she expects 19.5 Magic at level 20, so the game rounds this to 20. After promoting to Sorcerer and gaining one level, she would gain 3 Magic from promotion and a further 0.8 Magic from her growth rate, so the game rounds this 3.8 expected value to 4. A naive average stat calculation would give Ophelia 19.5 + 3.8 = 23.3 Magic, but she actually always has at least 24 if you recruit her at this time.] However, in my actual save the parents obviously have gained stats. In my case, the three characters' actual personal stats are the following: +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | HP | STR | MAG | SKL | SPD | LCK | DEF | RES | +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Father points: | 18 | 15 | 12 | 19 | 14 | 21 | 13 | 8 | +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Mother points: | 16 | 6 | 22 | 7 | 17 | 21 | 11 | 15 | +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Ophelia's EABS: | 11 | 5 | 14 | 9 | 13 | 19 | 4 | 10 | +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | F + M: | 12 | 11 | 8 | 10 | 5 | 4 | 16 | 5 | +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | EXPECTED BONUS: | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | +-----------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ But the expected bonus value, according to my interpretation of the formula on the site, wasn't what I actually got in the game. Elise!Ophelia level 20 (after Ch. 18) with inheritance +----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | HP | STR | MAG | SKL | SPD | LCK | DEF | RES | +----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Expected | 30 | 7 | 22 | 14 | 17 | 21 | 9 | 16 | +----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Actual | 30 | 7 | 21 | 14 | 16 | 20 | 9 | 16 | +----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ I only got one extra point of Magic instead of two, and I didn't get any bonus points in Speed or Luck. I thought this was really weird, so I did some more save editing to investigate. In my test file, I have Elise!Ophelia's, Nyx!Nina's, and Selena!Soleil's paralogues unlocked. I removed all stat gains from their mothers, then gave their fathers exactly the amount of growth I would need in each stat to set their personal values to 4 points higher than their daughters' level 20 Expected Absolute Base Stats. Thus the values of F should all be 4 and the values for M should all be 0. [In Soleil's case, her Magic EABS is 1 and Selena's innate Magic base is 3, so I gave Laslow 3 points in Magic to make M + F equal 4.] With this setup, I expect to get 1 bonus point in every stat on all three characters. I did not get that. Ophelia only gained 1 point in HP, STR, SKL, and DEF. Soleil only got MAG, LCK, and RES. Nina got 1 extra point in most stats, but not in MAG or SPD. At first I thought there was some very weird rounding issue going on, but I got suspicious of the fact that these three kids were generally missing the bonus points in their best stats. My guess was that in the inheritance formula, the EABS ("C") was calculated based on the child's stats at their effective level after using their Offspring Seal. For instance, since at this point Ophelia's Offspring Seal would boost her to level 2 promoted, I thought perhaps she counted as level 22 (or maybe 21) for EABS purposes. Since Ophelia has good Magic, Speed, and Luck growths, the extra two levels would make those stats higher, and therefore her parents wouldn't beat Ophelia in those areas by enough anymore. And in my main file, this explains the discrepancy perfectly: if her parents' stats are compared against those of a theoretical level 22 Dark Mage Ophelia, she should get a bonus stat spread of 3-2-1-2-0-0-2-1, which is exactly what I did get. Meanwhile, when I unplay Chapter 18 with the save editor and then load up Ophelia's paralogue, she also joins at level 20, but this time she doesn't get an Offspring Seal. Here, she gets the full 3-2-2-2-1-1-2-1 that I was expecting in the first place. Problem solved, right? But this doesn't work for what I see in the test file with Ophelia, Nina, and Soleil where I rigged up all the parents' stats. The kids were all supposed to inherit +1 in every stat, but they didn't. However, the stats I'm missing don't match the ones I should be missing if the game is comparing against the kids' level 22 stats. For example, Nina did get HP +1 but didn't get MAG +1. According to my computations, Outlaw Nina gains 1 HP going from level 20 to level 22 (8.00 to 8.60) but doesn't gain any Magic (9.50 to 10.40). I would therefore expect her to inherit the one extra point of Magic (Niles still has 4 more Magic points than her) but not HP (since Niles now only beats her by 3). Anyone have any ideas on what could explain this discrepancy?
  4. A few weeks ago, I did a keen analysis on how Three Houses manages difficulty for every one of its four routes which I’ve been slowly improving thanks to the feedback I’ve received on it (many thanks to those who helped btw!). From all the notes I’ve gathered, something very interesting stood out about how the game handles challenges with each path, which reminded me of a certain possibility I raised a past post I did in reddit surrounding Black Eagles’ development and the hidden intentions lurking within. And you know what? I think it’s time I make it into an actual theorem because it’s really bugging me out that much. After all the stuff I’ve seen about 3H’s gameplay and how it handles challenges per route, I am convinced that “fixing” Crimson Flower isn’t as straightforward as people make it up to be. Before getting into why gameplay evidence of all things has convinced me of such, I wanna cover all my bases first just in case someone (and somehow, ‘cause a part of me finds it unlikely) has no clue what I’ll be talking about. So… Here's context: Why “Fix” the Odd One? ...Also known as Crimson Flower. Three Houses has four routes overall. From those, Crimson Flower is the only one which has 18 story chapters while the others get 22 (or 21, in Silver Snow case). Saying this made people mad back when the game was new would honestly be an understatement given there’s a youtube video called “Edelgard deserved better” done sometime after its launch which has over 250k views as of this post. Incidentally, the idea of “fixing” CF is far from new, and the go-to direction most attempts I’ve seen, do it by crafting a small 4 chapter arc after the main plot (so it can reach the 22 Chapter quota Dimitri and Claude’s routes follow, which the idea inherently assumes it was the original goal of the route), eventually leading Edelgard and co. fighting “those who slither in the dark” in their headquarters, something which is mentioned it will happen a few times during the route, but as a very distant… thing, due to Edelgard’s n°1 enemy being not them in the main plot. This gets to the point that an S-Support and even a few solo endings touch upon it in a way that might or might not be mean spirited from the devs’ POV???. Anyways, now that’s out of the way, it’s time to jump into the actual meat of the theorem: No House Stands Equal - Three Houses' Difficulty from a Design Perspective The key findings of my exhaustive attempt at analyzing 3H’s difficulty (which you can check by clicking on the title above) is that Three Houses, from a gameplay perspective, handles difficulty by messing with factors like: Average Enemy Level between Chapters (+ their Suggested Level, which is directly related to the AEL). Available resources, and the timing in which new ones are unlocked and/or lost. When the game stops using Intermediate Classes for enemies (in a more conventional Fire Emblem context, this would be like saying “when the game stops throwing Unpromoted Enemies at you). And more. Thus, at a macro/superficial level and, according to the info at hand, Three Houses does the following: The Average Enemy Level almost always increases by 2 per Chapter, regardless of the chosen difficulty. The Armory/Vendor/Battalion Guild stock is updated 3 times; first in Ch. 3, then in Ch. 8, and last in Ch. 14. Part 1 ends in Ch. 12 with a Suggested Level of 23. Your chosen House Leader gets their unique battalion in Chapter 13. The most number of bosses you’re forced to take down to clear main story missions is 4 in Ch. 16 once (3 if you play carefully), and then 2 for other maps that do this. The game stops throwing Intermediate Class enemies around Ch. 18~ for main story maps (17 for Silver Snow, 16 for Azure Moon, and 18 for Verdant Wind, for those curious). Your chosen House Leader’s paralogue is unlocked around the second half of Part 2 (Ch. 19 for Dimitri, and Ch. 17 for Claude). The difference in enemy levels between the successive Enbarr invasion missions is always 1. And finally, the route ends in Ch. 22 (or 21 if you’re in Silver Snow) with a final Suggested Level of 42. This pattern is followed religiously in all the routes which happen to share a lot of content up until Chapter 17 (or 16, in Silver Snow’s case) due to story reasons, yet despite this, there’s still many quirks exclusive to certain routes which make one experience different from the other. Silver Snow, for example, is meant to be really hard according to the devs, and as the spreadsheet reveals, it does this by handicapping the heck out of the player (very squishy starting cast with no Relics besides Byleth’s; one deployment slot less, far less resources; losing your House Leader + N°2 midway through the game; etc). Due to this, Azure Moon and Verdant Wind by design are more beginner friendly by simply having none of that (AKA more balanced casts that stays with you; more Hero Relics; more resources, etc), while still deviating in other areas. Azure Moon for one, gets the most resources between all routes to play with, still gets their exclusive units handicapped in other ways, and in the late game, it has a “turret & mage infestation problem”, for a lack of a proper term. Conversely, Verdant Wind gets just a pretty decent amount of tools, has no actual handicaps for their cast, and their late game isn’t so overly specific in enemy variety as Azure Moon’s. Fairly straightforward stuff so far. But as you might have noticed, I haven’t mentioned Crimson Flower once, and that's for a reason. Crimson Flower, by design, is not built like the other three routes. ♫ One of these is not like the others ♫ To explain what makes CF challenging, I need to go back again into into how 3H manages its difficulty, because unlike the other three paths, this one follows its own set of rules: The Armory/Vendor/Battalion Guild stock is updated one third and last time in Ch. 12. Part 1 ends in Ch. 12 with a Suggested Level of 25. Edelgard & Hubert get their unique battalions in Chapter 12 (is Hubert a lord too…?). The most number of bosses you’re forced to take down to clear story missions is 4 in Ch. 15 once (3 if you play carefully), and then 5 for both Ch. 16 and Ch. 17. The game stops throwing Intermediate Class enemies in Ch. 14 for main story missions. Edelgard’s paralogue is unlocked in Ch. 15, midway through Part 2. The difference in enemy levels between successive story missions goes as follows: Ch. 11 to Ch. 12: 4 in Normal & Hard, and 3 in Maddening. Ch. 17 to Ch. 18: 2 in Normal & Hard, and 3 in Maddening. And finally, the game ends in Ch. 18 with a final Suggested Level of 37. And this isn’t even considering how every story mission from Ch. 12 onwards is exclusive to it for story reasons, or even factoring the other tweaks exclusive to CF, such as: having one Chapter less to receive funds and recruit students/teachers; having 2 units that join in Part 2 with innate access to Mastermind; its second half of the game being full of enemy pegasi/wyvern riders; its last chapters having a high number of monsters with anti-magic barriers, and with weapons used in no other route; and more stuff which I won’t cover here for brevity’s sake. Dedue's Monster form is legit the strongest Giant Demonic Beast in the game in both raw stats and weapon. Everything mentioned so far about Edelgard’s route highlights that, compared to the other three paths: it scales up the difficulty earlier; makes its resources available earlier as well; and raises the challenge of its last two chapters considerably. Incidentally, this in turn explains why the path is a viable option to obtain the “Yellow Title Screen” after finishing it on Maddening difficulty despite having fewer Chapters; it's because its difficulty was optimized to work with that specific length in mind. Here is where the crux at hand lies. Why “fixing” Crimson Flower isn’t just adding more chapters to it and calling it a day. Edelgard’s route, structure-wise, does not feel it was meant to be as long as the other three paths. This is important because, as well-intentioned the idea of “fixing” the route is, adding more chapters over what’s already there would completely throw off its balancing and potentially and unintentionally make it the hardest route of the four by numbers alone (and this is is still accounting that you would have to fight even more bosses later on…). To illustrate what exactly I mean by this- I'm going to propose 2 experiments. First, let’s imagine an hypothetical scenario where KT and Intelligent Systems listen to the fan uproar over Crimson Flower’s shortness and add more chapters to it. The catch? There won’t be any other changes done to the base game. As a result, CF’s unique scaling stays due to the assumption it's presence is unrelated to its short length, meaning: There's still 4/3 levels of difference between Chapter 11 and 12, for Normal & Hard/Maddening). The level scaling remains consistent with no alterations unlike the other routes, up until the Last Chapter in Maddening Difficulty where the Average Enemy Level increases by 3. This is how the route’ Suggested Levels' would look like for its chapters, compared to Dimitri and Claude’s stories, as well the Church's. Now everyone's finally- Wait a second... (Click here if you wanna check it on the spreadsheet) (Note: Suggested Level is the value shown when you're about to start a mission. In-game, it's used as an indicator of the map's difficulty and the level the game expects you to be in order to beat it) From my understanding, the whole point of the idea of “fixing” CF comes from the desire of making it a proper equal to Azure Moon and Verdant Wind, not unlike how in Warriors: Three Hopes, Scarlet Blaze, Azure Gleam and Golden Wildfire are equal in length and difficulty scaling (at least by the time the game ends). From the get go, we can see how this experiment has failed, because now Crimson Flower has the highest average enemy levels for its late game. To properly “fix” Crimson Flower in this instance, we would need to either redo its difficulty scaling from scratch to make it match the other routes, or just simply give it one Chapter less like Silver Snow, in which case, it still fails the experiment's purpose. As a result, we now move to our Second Experiment: We will make Edelgard’s route unfinished. To do this, we will assume CF was meant to always have 22 Chapters, and as logic dictates, it's unique difficulty scaling would serve no purpose. This means that, as far difficulty parameters go, there's now a 1 level difference for enemies between Chapters whose missions are played back to back, impacting now both Ch.11 to Ch. 12, and Ch.17 to Ch. 18. Here’s how the Suggested Levels' would look like in this case: (Scaling it for Maddening wasn't easy...). (Click here if you wanna check it on the spreadsheet) These numbers look far more harmonious, yeah? Not only that, in this one you can clearly tell by the sequence the numbers follow that something is very off with Edelgard’s path- Not only it's somehow easier in Normal and Hard, something which is meant to come after Ch. 18 clearly isn’t there. Will it come around later as free DLC, as the rumors say? The evidence says it’s likely, though we dunno if it will happen yet. This isn’t our reality though, and I have a big hunch on why it was never on the cards in our case. Both interviews which speak about the route’s development always coincide on one vital area: ——————————————————————————————————————————————— From all four routes, CF was the only one which was meant to be a secret. Picture this: you’re developing a video game with four routes that happens to love recycling its own content a lot, and you even have solid in-universe reasons for it too! And yet, you decide to hide one of the four just because. The reasoning here isn’t important. What is, however, is its secrecy. You want people to play the game, and have some of them stumble across it by accident and be surprised. Under this train of logic, I ask the following question: Would it work to its benefit, if it was very similar to the other three routes regardless? The answer to this question would be probably not. From then on, it becomes important to have that one route be different. Not follow the same rules the others do. Otherwise, what is the point of having it be a secret? Edelgard’s route, as the theorem, proposes is the odd one out on purpose. Its identity stems from how it was conceived as the route which would be super hard to access, before the plan changed because Silver Snow was received poorly by KT’s testing team + devs. And because it’s the odd one out, trying to make it fit a very different mold isn’t gonna be an easy job, to the point you have to wonder if it would be best to just redo the whole thing from scratch instead. In my humble opinion, this very well explains why the route is so different in both gameplay and outside of it, but I'll digress on the latter since that one's not the point of this post...
  5. Over a year ago, a certain pirate had a certain dream: Once she had gotten through all the gambits - with a ton of highly-appreciated help from the community - she was insistent that the battalions themselves were right around the corner. But, alas, the seas of life had different intentions for her. Buried under daily monotony and tasks aplenty, it seemed as though these were deep waters she would never tread. Until today. Shanty Pete's First Mate here, and I'm proud to announce that the Battle of the Battalions has begun! The goal here is a simple one: to comprehensively rate the playable battalions in Three Houses. Per my last check, there were 128 of them, so there's no time like the present to begin! I've broken them up into 21 subgroups of varying sizes (anywhere from 3 to 8), based on similarities in availability and method of acquisition. I'd like to get through two subgroups a week - if we manage this pace, it'll be possible to get through them all by year's end. Worst-case scenario, I'd like the series wrapped up before Engage hits store shelves. How will the rating be done? Well, it'll be done on a scale of 0 to 10. Give the rating that you feel is most appropriate. I want to give a great deal of latitude to individual community members, in terms of how they weight factors like availability, gambit access, and certain stats. There are, however, a few rules I'd like to impose: Decimals are allowed in grades (i.e. 7.25). If a fraction is provided with an unending decimal representation (i.e. 7 1/3), it will be rounded to the nearest thousandth (i.e. 7.333). A battalion should be graded based on routes in which it appears. The routes considered are "WC (BE) -> CF", "WC (BE) -> SS", "WC (BL) -> AM", and "WC (GD) -> VW". Ergo, "Immortal Corps bad because it isn't available before chapter 13" is a valid critique, whereas "Immortal Corps bad because Dimitri can never use it" is not. Likewise, battalions available on multiple routes should be graded based on whichever route they are best in. The difference is insubstantial for most battalions, but not all (i.e. Opera Co Volunteers getting two more chapters of use on VW/SS than on AM). You are free to give a battalion different ratings by route, but I'll only factor the highest one into group statistics. Battalions with multiple copies available in a single playthrough will be rated only once, based on their first incarnation. When a battalion can be acquired over a range of times (i.e. those available by completing a quest or paralogue), assume that it is acquired within the first chapter that it is made available. Ratings should assume an NG Maddening playthrough. Where it matters, assume that the player has purchased and completed the DLC campaign, and also has access to Nintendo Switch Online services. Players without this particular experience are still totally free to provide grades, however. "Bias points" are allowed, but please, not beyond +/-1 out of 10. You are free to devise a scheme that gives a grade out of something other than 10 (I already have LOL), or that assigns a letter grade. But you must convert it to an "out-of-10" value to get it counted toward group statistics. For your convenience, I've compiled a list (several, actually) of all the battalions, with their various traits to be considered. I have also saved a copy of them into Google Sheets. Click here to view the spreadsheets, containing Battalion information. Feel free to peruse it, and by all means, let me know if I've made any mistakes - I'm just one overworked pirate! Oh, and here's where I'll keep a list of all the battalions, and their community ratings thus far (with the number of raters in parentheses): Before I sign off - the captain's callin', and I'm sure to get an earful - I'd like to thank all those who participated in the "Let's Grade Some Gambits" thread. Even if I had never gotten this thread off the ground, I still would've been happy with that great accomplishment - one that quite a bit of the community contributed to. In particular, without the relentless participation of @Dark Holy Elf and @lenticular, I might've given up halfway through. So thanks, you two - and everyone else as well! You're all me mateys, true. I hope this series can be just as vibrant, and really allow for some deep 3H nitpicking while it's still (technically) the new kid on the block.
  6. Recently, I have a nice challenge in my head: Build all the unite in the game in hard mode, that means that I have to maximise all there stars, gives them the best class possible and the best skills possible. For the maximized stat, I already complete 25 of the first 36 character (I will also do the DLC character when they will be available) and for the class I am not sure if I give them the best class since the majority of them have their canon class, I precise that I didn't buy any skills since I am not sure what skills is the best for each character so if someone has already made this challenge or if someone can help me with the build of the units it would be really great thank you ^^.
  7. - Seth is in advanced class (Paladin) and his stats is extremely high - More free battle (Enemy in map and Tower) - Final Boss can be defeated faster by using strongest weapon and Myrrh And all chapter I clear without problems except : - Chapter 15 : Valter and Caellach. I was very trouble to defeat them I need Seth or is impossible for me. - Chapter 19 : Fog and Defence. I haven't prepared many Defence unit and I don't know who they come because fog. Reset 2 times.
  8. Prologue: Matrimonial Mondays Welcome, one and all, to "Matrimonial Mondays". Basically, I thought it'd be cool to do a weekly series discussing and rating all the potential pairings in Genealogy of the Holy War, generation 1. This is nothing new - everyone has favorite pairings, and plenty of ink has been spilled over which matchups are best. That said, one thing I haven't really seen is comprehensive discussion - that is to say, looking at every possible pairing, even the ones we'd normally write off right away. For good reason, perhaps, but I'd like to take a look at all the options. As such, I'm breaking this down week-by-week, looking at one marriageable maiden each week. There are seven eligible bachelorettes, and thirteen unconfirmed bachelors, making for 91 total marriages. A large number, but definitely doable. I want to inspire discussion, but I'll also be rating each pairing. These ratings consider the ease of matching up and the effect on the parents, alongside how the kids benefit from each different daddy. Ratings assume going for a "ranked run", so elements like leveling your Dancer and keeping everyone alive matter more than they might in a more casual run. Here's the scale I'll be using: (*): The single-best matchup for the woman in question. This pairing will usually be easy to set up, will provide benefits to both children, and may even help out the parents as well. (A): A very good matchup, usually offering something that the "best" pairing is missing, but has some flaw holding it back. (B): A matchup that provides something of value to at least one child, but may harm the other child or simply be difficult to set up. (C): A matchup that offers little-to-nothing of value to either child or parent, and is generally not worth pursuing. So, let's get right down to it! Chapter 1: Edain Edain is the second woman to join Sigurd's company, after Ethlyn, sister of Sigurd and wife of Quan. As such, she is the first playable female unit whose partner you can choose, and therefore the first one we'll be talking about. She joins at the start of chapter 1, as a level 3 Priest, on the run from Verdane's fiercest forces. She joins with a Mend staff and 5000 gold to her name. She has a B rank in Staves, and possesses minor Ullr Holy blood. Her stats are as follows: In the second generation, her children are Lana and Lester. Lana joins from the very start of Chapter 6. She joins as a level 1 Priest, able to use B-rank staves, with a Heal staff. She inherits items and minor Ullr holy blood from her mother, but may also inherit skills and minor Holy blood from her father. Lester joins not long after, on turn 3 of Chapter 6. He starts out as a level 1 Arch Knight with A-rank Bows and an Iron Bow. He inherits minor Ullr holy blood from his mother, and inherits items, skills, and potential holy blood from his father. For each of these units, their growth rates will depend on the pairing at hand, while their base stats will depend on their parents' stats at the end of the first generation. Now, who makes the best father for these two very different child units? i. Naoise ii. Alec iii. Arden iv. Azelle v. Lex vi. Finn vii. Midir viii. Dew ix. Jamke x. Chulainn xi. Beowolf xii. Lewyn xiii. Claud Anyway, what do you think? Are these ratings fair? How would you rate the pairings in question? I hope to read your replies soon!
  9. From what the previews of the games were the gameplay is great and tight. The character and story was bland. I don't know how to feel bout that your takes.
  10. Wanted to share this on here. There's not much new information, but we do get a glimpse of what characters look like in different classes. I found this one really enjoyable to watch. Would appreciate one of our super sleuths to analyze it further!
  11. When should I complete each chapter of the main story? I'm planning to do a playthrough of each route so if someone could provide an answer regarding all 4 routes, that would be much appreciated.
  12. How do i know in Fates for what Units when do i promote/change and to what? do i just scour the wiki checking the skill list? how do you go about it.
  13. Most players that are somewhat familiar with this game's mechanics know that when you rescue another unit they get put below you, then right if below is blocked, then left, then up. Somewhat more advanced players will also know how rescuing works if all adjacent tiles are blocked, and will know that rescue will try to avoid terrain. However from what I can tell there hasn't really been an understanding of how exactly it avoids the terrain. There may be some individuals who have figured this out before (although I've talked with other good Awakening players about this), but at the very least I couldn't find a place that actually explains this, so this knowledge is somewhere between undiscovered and whispered folklore. I will state that this has been the result of testing and observation rather than reverse engineering and hacking. As such there's a chance that there are mistakes or weird edge cases I failed to test for. The biggest (and most unintuitive) revelation here is that rescue positioning is decided based on the movement of the person to be rescued (from here on rescuee), rather than the actual tile distance. The reason terrain is usually avoided is (as far as I understand) because it takes most classes more movement to enter them. This has some different implications. Most simply if you rescue a flier or a unit with Acrobat it doesn't care about terrain at all. More relevantly though, it means rescuing cavs and rescuing infantry has different results when the only adjacent tiles have terrain on them. In a typical situation where the space below, right, and left of the rescuer are blocked and the tile above has a woods on it, a regular infantry class will be rescued into the woods, while a cav will be rescued two tiles down. This is because the woods are "further away" from the rescuer than the tile two spaces down (assuming everything else is plains). Furthermore, rescuing takes pathing into account. Assuming everything is planes, if all four adjacent tiles are blocked it will rescue the rescuee two tiles down. However, if all four tiles are blocked and the tile below the rescuer is woods, it will rescue a (non-flying) unit one tile down and one tile right instead even though the tile two spaces down does not have terrain. This is because there is a 2-move path from the rescuer to the down right tile, but only a 3-move path from the rescuer to the down down tile. An important thing to note here is that if you rescue a non-moving unit (such as Tiki in her paralogue) they are not considered to incur terrain penalty (so they will be treated the same as fliers). A last note (that was technically already mentioned) is that actual-tile-distance is a stronger tie breaker than directionality. This is why in the three-tiles-blocked-and-the-above-space-has-woods example earlier put the infantry in the woods despite having to put them upwards. To conclude, the algorithm for deciding which tile the rescuee is put in works like this (to my knowledge): 1) Pick the tiles that take the least movement for the rescuee to travel to from the position of the rescuer. 2) Of those tiles, pick the ones that have the least actual-tile-distance to the rescuer. 3) Of those tiles, pick the ones that's furthest south. 4) Of those tiles, pick the one that's furthest east.
  14. Hello, residents of the Forest! So I recently replayed Radiant Dawn, one of my favorite titles in the series. It's always a game that spurs my thoughts along, even when it does something I'm not a fan of. In this case, the thing I'm not a fan of is something plenty of players have already noticed. To some, it's not a bug, but a feature. To others, it makes for a bizarre playing experience where unit balance is basically non-existent. I'm talking about the leveling issue. Basically, my premise is this: levels in Radiant Dawn are pretty wack, especially on Hard (JP Maniac) Mode. Radiant Dawn brings back a three-tier system from Gaiden, and just like Gaiden, it only somewhat commits to it. First-tier units only show up as playable units in Part I, starring Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade on their mission to redeem Daein from Begnion tyranny. From Part II onward, all playable beorc units are second-tier or higher. Some first-tier enemies show up, but starting with Part III, the vast majority of beorc enemies you face will be second-tier. Even in Part IV, where you might expect generic third-tier enemies to show up, the game instead throws "SP" enemies at you - enemy-exclusive units with the names of second-tier classes, but also with higher stats and some improved skills. The number of third-tier beorc opponents, in the entire game, can literally be counted on two hands*. But this isn't a problem, so long as the units you have are up to the challenge, right? ...Well. Through much of Part I, most of your combat units are able to keep up with the enemies. With careful EXP distribution, this is even true of some of your scrubbier growth units, like Edward or Aran. You still get trash units, like Meg and Fiona, but on the flip side, you get absurdly overpowered units. Nailah is a fairly obvious one, but Muarim, and Tauroneo also come to mind. These units are dramatically overtuned, able to one-shot most foes and doubling the rest of them. To understand why, we have to look to... the future. Tauroneo comes back in Part III, and he's unchanged. But the world has changed around him, and while he's one of your stronger units, the enemies have creeped up to his power level. Nailah remains dominant in her Part IV appearance, but she's no longer functionally immortal. As for Muarim, he goes from "big cat in a small box" to "cute kitty in a big cage". While before he doubled everyone, now he's at risk of being doubled himself, even while transformed. Regarding the other "Dawn Brigade" units, it's something of an uphill climb from III-6 onward. There isn't enough EXP to train up any more than a handful of them (particularly on Hard), while even those with dominant Part I functions (Sothe, Volug, Zihark) find themselves on much shakier ground. There are two other major parties in the game: the Crimean Royal Knights, and the Greil Mercenaries. All beorc units in these groups start in the second-tier. Yes, even the young upstart Archer Ross somehow made it to promotion. Some units slip from group-to-group: Nephenee, Haar, and a few others originate in Part II, but join the Greil Mercenaries shortly into Part III. That said, the Greil Mercenaries are dining the most. Throughout Parts II and III, the GMs get 10 maps to do. The CRKs get 4.5 (do we count Elincia's Gambit?), while the DB gets... 3. So, the lowest-level group also has the least opportunity to gain levels. As a result, it's very plausible to get units like Titania, Shinon, and Gatrie up to third-tier naturally before Part IV dawns, whereas the CRKs and DBs are likely to only achieve a third-tier member in such short order by using a Master Crown (which, to be fair, the game is suspiciously generous with). As a further consequence, it's much harder to make anyone from the latter two groups remotely "tower-worthy". So the Greil Mercenaries totally overpower the Dawn Brigade, right? Yes... and no. As of III-6, some of your strongest units are actually yellow units. Finally, a game figured out how to make actually competent generics! Either these Halberdiers, Snipers, Bishops, and Dragonmasters were sitting around during the Liberation of Daein, or else they've managed to train themselves as unit in the year or so since the country was wrested from Daein. This plays out in the infamous "Bridge Map" too, where the enemies Ike and co face are far more competent than almost everyone we had on our side in Part I. Yet, when the "most powerful" characters are saved from Ashera's wrath, it's not a generic level 7 Halberdier who resists being turned to stone, but level 3 Armor Knight Meg! This could be considered a narrative compromise for the sake of gameplay design, but is it necessary? Is there any plausible way to put the various armies, as well as the Daein generics and its playable units, on a more even footing? I believe that it is. In fact, I think there are three principal ways that a re-release or remake of Radiant Dawn could institute a greater degree of parity and balance between its units and armies, without compromising the narrative. Here's a few ways I would consider doing it: Auto-leveling. This is familiar to anyone who has played Three Houses, while some other games have dabbled with it. Basically, during certain gaps of time, units could increase their level. This would make narrative sense - if they're part of an army, then it's not as though they've been idle for months or even years. There are a few ways this could be done: Each unit receives a fixed number of levels. Suppose Meg gains 6 levels during the DB timeskip. Ergo, if she ended Part I as a level 3 Sword Armor, then she would come back as a level 9 Sword Armor. If she instead ended as a level 16 Sword Armor, then she would come back as a level 2 Sword General. Each unit receives a fixed amount of BEXP. Suppose Meg gains BEXP equivalent to 6 levels, starting from level 3. If she ended Part I as a level 3 Sword Armor, then she would come back as a level 9 Sword Armor. But if she instead ended as a level 16 Sword Armor, she'd come back as a level 19 Sword Armor (this is just a for-example, I don't have the BEXP formula memorized). Said gains may be undermined by Hard Mode halving the effectiveness of every point of BEXP. Each unit is automatically raised to a certain level. Meg, for instance, might be "set" to come back as a level 1 Sword General. So whether she ended Part I as a level 3 Sword Armor, or a level 16 Sword Armor, the end result is the same. There would be an exception - if she ends Part I as a level 1 Sword General or higher, she'll simply keep her level and current stats. BEXP Dump. This mechanism would take advantage of the existing BEXP system. Rather than specifying levels and EXP for each unit, the player would receive a ton of bonus EXP before the start of "post-timeskip" chapters, like III-6 and III-9. This would put the use of this resource into the player's hands, letting them choose whether to raise everyone up, funnel it into just a few, or save it for Part IV. This offers more player freedom, but it could give a harder time to new players who might not understand or bother with the BEXP system. Likewise, it could be compromised by the "Hard Mode halves the effectiveness of all BEXP" effect. Cutting out a Tier. This would be the most radical change, reverting the "three-tier" system to a "two-tier" one, more familiar to players of previous games, including Path of Radiance. There are a lot of questions about how this would exactly work, but in broad strokes: the Dawn Brigade would be little-changed, except that some especially strong units (i.e. Zihark, Tauroneo) might see themselves "leveled down" from the start. This would become more dramatic for the CRKs and GMs, many of whom would "devolve" to first-tier. On the flip side, most enemies in Part II and early Part III would be first-tier. Third-tier and "SP" enemies would show up as double-digit-leveled second-tier, with just a handful of units granted their "Occult" skills. I might make a whole topic on how a hypothetical two-tier Radiant Dawn would look. So, how do these sound? Would a "leveling change" improve the experience of playing Radiant Dawn, or would it undermine some of its uniqueness? Of the ways I suggested, which one sounds the most preferable, and which seems more likely to be problematic? Thank you for reading, and I'd be delighted to hear what you have to say in the comments! *Valtome, Numida, Oliver, Izuka, Lekain, Hetzel, the Black Knight, Levail, Sephiran
  15. If a person don't know Fire Emblem but want play one of them, what games should you highly recommended ? For me : - Blazing Blade - Sacred Stones - Path of Radiance - Fates : Birthright (Very recommended) - Echoes : Shadow of Valentia - Three Houses : Golden Deer (Verdant Wind) Not recommended : - Mystery of the Emblem - Genealogy of the Holy War - Thracia 776 - Radiant Dawn - New Mystery of the Emblem - Fates : Conquest - Fates : Revelation - Three Houses : Black Eagle (Silver Snow)
  16. Some of my friends have are stuck in Silver Snow route. One of my friends tell me "I cannot clear Chapter 13 (Reunion at Dawn)" and other friends tell me "I cannot defeat the Final Boss (Immaculate One)". I want to know what pro and cons on this route. What recruit character is HIGHLY recommended for Silver Snow route ? I have finished Silver Snow in Normal (1st time) and Hard (2nd time) but my friend are played Normal/Hard, i do my best to advise my friend but it's won't because they are stuck in Chapter 13 or Final Boss.
  17. So, after languishing for months on end, apparently the Pokemon subforum is turning back into a real hotbed of discussion. I might as well give a try to something that occurred to me in another thread. Namely, I realized that the Sinnoh Dex in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl is... bad. Like, really bad. Beyond the level of "well it only has 151 Pokemon, of course it's going to be bad". The Kanto and Unova (Black/White) Regional Dexes had just about as many Pokemon, and while both of those were flawed, I'll stick my neck out and say they weren't nearly as bad as the DP Dex. So, what are the problems in the Diamond/Pearl Pokedex? I identified a few of them, as follows: Not enough Fire-types. Just because everyone knows it doesn't mean it's not relevant. The DP Dex is an all-time low for Fire-type representation, with 5 species in 2 evolutionary lines. And one of those lines is a starter line, so if you don't pick Chimchar, you have exactly one choice for a Fire-type, in Ponyta/Rapidash. This comes to a head in the Elite Four, where the Fire-type specialist Flint runs out of his typing and has to bring Lopunny, Steelix, and Drifblim. If you're gonna shaft one type's representation, you could at least not include a specialist in that type, so nobody notices (see - Poison-types in Unova). On a similar note, not enough Electric-types. I don't see this discussed nearly as much, possibly because the Shinx line is genuinely one of the best species introduced to these games. A three-stage Electric-type line that's available early on, with a good ability, solid movepool, and quick evolutionary turnaround? What's not to love? That said, your other options for Electricity are the Pikachu line and Pikachu's regional expy, Pachirisu. 7 'Mons in 3 lines. That's right, there are no hybrid Electric-types, only pure ones. And Volkner, the ostensible type-specialist, thumbs his nose at Pachirisu, instead hanging out with Ambipom and Octillery. Not enough Ice-types. This one also doesn't get much attention, possibly because Ice was a relatively rare typing in prior generations as well, but it's actually the single-scarcest typing in all Sinnoh, with 4 representatives in 2 lines (Snover/Abomasnow and Sneasel/Weavile). Leaving Candice with 2 Mons in the same line, and a Medicham out of nowhere. Of particular note - the Water/Ice combination, present in all prior generations, is nowhere to be found this time. Too few Dragons. Up until you face Dialga or Palkia, the only Dragon-type available to the player is the Garchomp line. Dragons are exceedingly rare to face on opposing trainers' teams as a result, with Cynthia's Garchomp being one of the few standouts. On the one hand, I can see this as a callback to the first couple generations, where the Dragon representation was even lower. But Gen III really upped its Dragon game, with Flygon, Altaria, Salamence, and Kingdra available to the player (before accounting for Rayquaza or the Lati@s). As such, while it's not absolutely essential, I feel that these games could use another Dragon-type option. Too many weak Bug-types. Again, this one is somewhat subjective, and is perhaps the hardest "problem" on the list to fix. Gen IV gave us a bunch of new Bug-types, such as Kricketune, Wormadam, Mothim, and Combee. The problem is, they... weren't good. They could perform decently in the early-to-midgame, but bringing them into the Elite Four is kind of a big ask. Vespiqueen is strong, admittedly, but it's also tricky to get, while Drapion is strong and... not a Bug-type, since Skorupi sheds it upon evolution. Heracross is the one good Bug-type brought back from previous generations. While there are certainly enough Bugs, I think getting another Bug-type that carries its weight would be welcome. Too many Water-types. Strictly-speaking, this is nothing new to Generation IV. Water is the single-most abundant typing in the world of Pokemon, outstripping even Normal. That said, Diamond/Pearl takes it to uncomfortable degrees. Let's count lines: Piplup (3), Magikarp (5), Psyduck (7), Buizel (9), Shellos (11), Goldeen (13), Barboach (15), Wooper (17), Wingull (19), Marill (21), Remoraid (23), Finneon (25), Tentacool (27), Feebas (29), Mantyke (31), Palkia (32), Manaphy (33). That's 15 evolutionary lines, plus 2 legendaries, constituting 33 of Sinnoh's 151 Pokemon. That's over a fifth of the Pokedex. And of these lines, most aren't new to the region, but are borrowed from previous ones. The only thing more baffling than letting Seaking compete for Lumineon's deserved spotlight is deciding to bring back both Quagsire and Whiscash, in an attempt to show up Gastrodon. So if these are the problems with the DP Dex, what can be done? Well, that's what I've been thinking about - how would I "fix" the Sinnoh Dex? The obvious answer is "expand it", which is precisely what Platinum did. That in Platinum's 60 additional Mons, only a single Water-type appeared (Vaporeon), is honestly an affirmation of my last bullet point. But suppose my resources are limited - I can't expand the Dex, I can only adjust it while keeping it the same size. What changes would I make? At first, I came up with 7 Mons to get rid of, which I eventually expanded to 12. I didn't remove any Mons who were introduced as of Gen IV, only those brought up from prior generations. Even lines who were only partially original to Gen IV, such as Aipom -> Ambipom, were safe from my wrath. Here are the Mons I elected to remove: Goldeen -> Seaking. We're in a brand-new region, so why is it that our lakes and streams look just like those in Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn before us? I can understand an attempt at continuity, but this just becomes boring. I'd rather give some of the new fish-oriented lines, like Finneon -> Lumineon, their own time to shine. Azurill -> Marill -> Azumarill. This Mon originally showed up as (arguably) the first Pikachu clone in Johto, and then gained a (Normal-type, for whatever reason) baby stage in Hoenn. Here, however, it's not doing anything particularly new or interesting. It doesn't even yet have the Fairy typing, to float above the crowd. Barboach -> Whiscash. It was either gonna be this line or Wooper/Quagsire, and since I already cut one of the "walking" Water-type lines, I wanted to save the other one. Also, who can stay mad at Quagsire? It's one of the best HM slaves out there. Wurmple -> Silcoon/Cascoon -> Beautifly/Dustox. I could see this cut being a controversial one, since having Wurmple provides continuity with the prior generations (each of which featured an earlygame three-stage Bug evolutionary line). But there are a lot of mediocre bugs around, and these are the only ones I could cut, since they're from a prior Gen. Now, what should I add in their places? Consulting my original standards, I'd definitely like to see more Fire- and Electric-types. Dragon- and Ice-types couldn't hurt, either. Finally, a stronger old-school Bug-type representative. You might think I'd consult the changes the Platinum Dex made, but I'm actually imposing a "no Platinum Dex Mons" standard. Assuming that my alternate version of DP is eventually followed by alternate Platinum, I'd like those 60 newcomers to slot in as cleanly as they did beforehand. No figuring out "well I'll bring the Magmar line into DP, but then what will replace them in the Platinum update?", or anything like that. So, here goes: Numel -> Camerupt. I considered both Arcanine and Ninetales, but each line shared a critical trait in common with Rapidash - being pure Fire-type. Instead, I wanted to see an addition that would provide something different, and Numel -> Camerupt was the obvious choice. Their addition expands the Fire-type representation to 7 species among 3 lines. And while the DP Dex was hardly starved for Ground-types, bringing these two on board does make up somewhat for cutting Barboach -> Whiscash, I feel. There aren't any desert areas, but maybe these ones could show up in Mount Coronet? Or failing that, just be available from an in-game trade. Chinchou -> Lanturn. In reviewing the prior Electric-types I could add, I came to a startling discovery - almost all of them were pure Electric-type (like all Electric-types already in DP). The Magnemite line was one exception, but they were added in Platinum, and as such were off the table. The other exception, discounting the legendary Zapdos, was Chinchou. Since these are Mons you can fish for, they could somewhat take the place of Goldeen -> Seaking. Gotta add Water-types to get rid of Water-types, or something. Dratini -> Dragonair -> Dragonite. Getting another Dragon-type line could be a cool option for the player. One coming out of the water and flying into the sky; the other, emerging from the caves and dominating the land. Perhaps certain Fishermen could even use these Mons on their team, if they're fishable. And just imagine, the battle with Cynthia coming down to an epic Dragonite vs. Garchomp showdown. Lapras. As I said, DP is devoid of any Water/Ice-type Pokemon. Maybe it's not a "must-have", but I'd certainly think it a welcome inclusion. Prior games that featured Lapras had it as either a gift Pokemon or one-off encounter. Maybe in Sinnoh, it could instead be a rare spawn in some of the Water-routes? Once you have the chance to Surf, picking up this Mon would be welcome for just about any team. Smoochum -> Jynx. Again, Ice was a scarce type beforehand, and even some of the prior lines (like Snorunt -> Glalie) found themselves added in the Platinum expansion. Jynx has always been an oddity, but Ice/Psychic is a pretty cool combination. The northern routes where other Ice-types appear would be a sensible place to find them, but perhaps the Oreburgh City trade could also be modified to give you Smoochum instead of Abra. Venonat -> Venomoth. This was one of the hardest to come to a choice on, since a lot of the older Bug-type options were unimpressive in various ways. I may love the designs of the likes of Ariados and Ledian, but they're not good team members in the long-run. Pineco -> Foretress could be good, but their concept overlaps a bit with Burmy -> Wormadam. Venomoth may appear to overlap with Mothim, but at least they're of different typings. And with Dustox cut, Venomoth would be the only fully-evolved Bug/Poison-type around, albeit with stronger stats and better moves this time. I'm not sure about Venonat on Honey Trees, but I can definitely see it having a big presence in Eterna Forest. Anyway, what do you think of these proposed changes? Was it wrong to do any of this, or did I not go far enough? Think you'd enjoy playing through my proposed vision for Sinnoh? And given the chance, how would you change a Regional Pokedex? It doesn't have to be the DP Sinnoh Dex - it can be any Dex of your choice. Have at it, and let me know in the comments!
  18. I not sure about my ranking for my 8 main character team. For exemple if I play Beach Bowl. - 1st : Ryoma, Saizo and Kagero - 2nd : Xander, Laslow and Peri - 3rd : Hinoka, Azama and Setsuna - 4th : Camilla, Beruka and Selena - 5th : Takumi, Hinata and Oboro - 6th : Leo, Odin and Niles - 7th : Sakura, Hana and Subaki - 8th : Elise, Arthur and Effie
  19. I don't know in Three Houses what elements is buffed and neefed compared previous Fe games ?
  20. I don't know if this is a good tier list but I think how good the character can do in Wyvern Lord class.
  21. Here is my top 10 BOW character in this game : - 10th : Anna - 9th : Cyril - 8th : Felix - 7th : Petra - 6th : Leonie - 5th : Ignatz - 4th : Ashe - 3rd : Bernadetta - 2nd : Shamir - 1st : Claude Honorable mention : Byleth, Hubert, Mercedes, Hanneman and Yuri.
  22. EDIT: Changed issue #4. EDIT: Changed the issue and reason for #5. EDIT: 14. Bow range isn't high enough. Explanation: Not only can magic counter bow attacks at 2 range, they can also hit the user up close at 1 range so there isn't a counter attack, and throwing weapons can do the same thing, bows are the only weapons that can't attack either without a counter attack, the range should at least be 2-3 IMO. EDIT: 15. Mounted units should be unrescueable, should be able to rescue unmounted units, but shouldn't be able to move again without the Savior skill. Explanation: Mounted units are very if not too good. EDIT: 16. Boss weapons should be unbreakable. Explanation: I see little reason for the change to be done in the vanilla game if issue #1 on my list isn't done, but if it is then it needs to be done. EDIT: 17. One or all the stat boosting items need to be nerfed, especially the Angelic Robe, maybe (please don't quote me on this) to +3 instead of +7, and to +1 instead of +2 for the rest, then make them more available through unique acquirement circumstances, like a hard to reach chest on a limited turn map, a hard to reach village, a unique purchase from a NPC merchant etc. Explanation: Stat boosting items can fix a weakness (or weaknesses) in a character that make them distinct and unique among the cast, while I think they should stay I also think they should be nerfed, especially the Angelic Robe, and then players can acquire more in the game as a reward for something impressive they do. EDIT: 18. Most classes should only use one weapon. Explanation: If characters could use multiple weapons it could allow them to have the WPN Triangle advantage almost always which makes things much easier for the players especially if they are in good terrain. 1. Weapon and stave uses are too high, making the uses redundant (hence Fates Infinite uses). Explanation: It allows you to stack weapons in your inventory and never use them, (we've all been there,) and allows you to just use silver weapons or Killer weapons with little worry, with reductions of the problem it makes the sell prices go down a lot more per use, so if you acquired a new weapon by exempli gratia an enemy drop, selling it could be a lot more useful than just chucking it into the supply. 2. Vulneraries and Elixirs have too many uses, they should have only 1 use IMO. Explanation: This gives too much forgiveness to the players and allows them not only to heal three times but to heal, then have another unit trade it to their inventory and heal them, and then rinse and repeat once more or more depending on the number you have, compared to the enemies who can do it only once if that, or if a boss has an Elixir/Vulnerary and is a tank it just prolongs his/her inevitable end (imagine Lunatic Grima with a 3 use Elixir **shiver**) when it could have just one use and bam use it once they can't use it again. 3. Terrain gives too much avoid. Explanation: This is again so the player gets less favor from the mechanics because the player will reach the better terrain first, but this also helps the players if an enemy Swordmaster got in a mountain or forest which is unlikely, if you're a good FE player but it's still something. 4. Most GBA playable characters base stats are too high, except characters who already have low stats like Nino, Amelia and Ewan. Explanation: This is so leveling up is a lot more varied, even until the end of a players level ups and of course **because of the 30 stat cap,** I don't want enemies or players to be capped in every stat by the end because that takes away from the variability of the game, when members mentioned 'stat inflation' I set out to fix the problem, here it is. The 30 stat cap GBA limit is also why Nerf > Buff for the GBA. @MeatofJustice 5. Weapon stats aren't balanced. But specifically all weapons may need more hit rate maybe 5+ or 10+, and I guess the Killer weapons need to be nerfed, also I think the iron weapons MT needs to be reduced or bronze weapons need to be added. Explanation: Most enemies have low skill and luck, giving more hit to weapons will balance out this difference and make the players hits more likely to succeed and the enemies, not just the players, this way if the player had an 80% chance of hitting they would have 85 or 90 instead, and when it comes to already high percentages higher is even better, the Iron weapons MT being reduced or Bronze weapons being added makes the Def or Res stat better and armor knights as well. also MT of weapons can be in the player's favor as well, like the Silver Sword, which does unusually high damage (only one less of the Silver Lance???) and is a weapon the player will mainly be using, specifically the protagonist. 6. Important enemy boss character stats aren't high enough on Normal and higher difficulties, **this does not apply to easy mode.** Explanation: If there is an important boss like Lyon for example, without strong units I don't think surviving his attacks should be guaranteed because that makes him dangerous and rewards players for good strategies. **this does not apply to easy mode.** 7. Defense and resistance stats maximum at 30 isn't high enough. Explanation: Weapon MT being too high causes this to be a problem. 8. Weapon MT is too high and goes past 30 Atk too easily to 40-50, and so makes beating a general easy because of the 30 Def/Res cap. Explanation: I agree with Zmr nerfing weapon MT or class Str caps isn't a good idea. 9. Base classes should have varied class caps, so that a base class can't go too high in every stat. Explanation: Stat boosters are what can make this a problem if a player with a Mage got two Dracoshields and kept first/one turn resetting for Defense they could have about 10 or 12 Defense, or if they got two speedwings could have 16 or 20 Speed which I feel is too much. 10. Weapons, staves, and items don't cost enough. Explanation: Most of the time at the end of the game you have too many weapons in the inventory and haven't used many, this will reduce how many weapons you can keep and makes enemy weapon, stave, item drops, and chests, much more appreciated. 11. Class base stats, need to be balanced better. Explanation: Most Magic classes have odd very low Atk or Magic stats, the Soldier class is pathetic, the Assassin class has the OP lethality and odd bases (that are just as good as a Theif's? W-what???) The mercenary classes base stats are too high etc. 12. (For FE7-8 only.) WPN TRI. improves/reduces Hit and Avoid too much at 15+ or - Hit and Avoid, I recommend 10+ or - Hit and Avoid. Explanation: Enemy and player balance again. 13. The text speed options aren't useful, and the normal text speed is slow. Explanation: The Slow and Normal option is what I'm talking about here I should have mentioned that, who uses those two options? I think everyone can read just fine without the slow text speed, and the FE6, FE8, and JP FE7 text speed I still find slow on normal. **----------------------------------------------------** Here are some of my opinions on the issues with the GBA games, they are of course also some small problems I have with: The Sacred War and Project Ember hacks. In case anybody is working on a hack and wanted to improve the gameplay of their games, some issues to consider could be here. Concerning why I consider these problems: Let me start by saying for me I feel most FE games unfairly favor the the player, with broken weapons (like the killer, silver, reaver, and throwing weapons) and characters especially because of there high base stats and high growths, I feel the 'strategy' element of FE is made too easy to disappear because of the problems I've pointed out, and so you know, I'm talking about the GBA FE games on their Normal difficulty level, Hard or higher can be just as easy IMO, but takes more grinding, if you don't farm EXP you could have a very annoying time finishing the game, and might even get stuck mid playthrough, a very good example of that is the final chapter of PoR on Hard mode but it's BEXP LV up resetting instead of EXP farming, (assuming you didn't know about the Wrath and Resolve combo and didn't get Nasir) if you weren't carefully increasing Ike's stats and getting certain scrolls you can get stuck at the end. If you played on Normal, of course, the beginning has medium difficulty, but as you play through the strategy element disappears or reduces, the player becomes laidback and IMO just slogs through the game with boring bosses and enemies, to make characters even better you have broken stat boosters that can fix pretty much any stat, especially the Angelic Robe which gives a large HP increase of 7, think about Seth, Ike or Ryoma only FE playthroughs. The reason why I want most of these changes is so that the game favors the player less and favors the CPU more, and as a result makes the gameplay more balanced between the player and the CPU, so that on any difficulty having a single character playthrough is more difficult, and on the hardest difficulty without farming impossible.
  23. Hello, denizens of the Forest - So, there's something I've been thinking about doing for a while. Namely, going through all the battalions in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and assigning them a score. Thereby, creating something of a "tier list" among all the battalions available. The purpose of this thread is... not to do that. Rather, it's to take care of a necessary step, in advance of assessing the battalions - namely, assessing the gambits that they bring with them. Here's what I'm thinking - each Gambit will be graded on a scale from 1 to 10. If difficulty would be relevant to the ranking, let's assume New Game Maddening (if you're ranking by a different standard, of course I won't stop you, but please make it clear). In case it's relevant, again, assume access to DLC and Nintendo Switch Online. I'll provide my score, and everyone else is welcome to share their own score, too. Gambits will be graded on: Damage and hit rate (offensive only) Charges per map Range and Area-of-Effect Side and/or support effects As important to figure out, though, is what I'd rather NOT see gambits graded on, such as: What battalions they're attached too Availability and Usability Aesthetic considerations or personal taste ...Okay, maybe a +/-1 bias point will be allowed on the last one. But attributes of any associated battalion should not be considered. Why not? Well, when we eventually get to grading the battalions themselves, then those considerations (stat boosts, availability, usability) will be factored in, alongside gambit performance. For the time being, however, I'd like to try looking at each gambit, as much as possible, in a vacuum. Make sense? In terms of organization, there are (per my latest count) 37 usable gambits in the game. And a lot of them bear similarities with one another. So I'm thinking, grade several similar gambits (say, that share an AoE) as a single "Chapter", with 2 or 3 new chapters each week (so don't worry about missing a day). Optimistically, I could see covering all the gambits in the course of about six weeks. List of Gambits, with average ratings (and number of reviews): Index of AoE Names: So, how does this sound? Like something you'd want to be a part of? Or, not your flight of fancy? Does this approach seem structurally sound, or do you have suggested changes in how I might go about this? I'm all ears! Thank you for reading. I've attached a spreadsheet that, if I'm not mistaken, lists all the gambits available in Three Houses. If anything is missing or mistaken, though, please let me know. Expect the first chapter by this weekend. Look forward to it! Gambit_List.xlsx
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