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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom!!

Metal Rabbit

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The other topic was getting big, so here's the next season!

In other news:

starting right now, im going on another writer strike.

my rediculous demands will follow shortly.

...well i'll start after this episode. i worked on it, and it seems like it'd be a waste.


(Merc. Base)

*Fox is laying on the sofa*

Fox: *sneezes*

CGV: ...

*hands tissue*

Fox: You don't have to take care of me you know.

CGV: I'll do whatever I please thank you. If that means taking care of my little sister when she has a cold, so be it.

Fox: *sniff*

You're such a girl.

CGV: ...

*leaves to get more tissues*

Zephrion: He looks ragged.

Kiryn: Fox doesn't like to admit it, but she really rides him hard.

*covers MR's mouth before he says "thats what she said"*

Metal Rabbit: .-.

*CGV returns*

CGV: *phew*

I got some of that soup you like. You can have it whenever you want.

Fox: CGV, get out of here and live life. These guys can take care of me.

*doorbell rings*

CGV: Who's there?

Hika: It's me.

CGV: What do you want?

Hika: Actually, I got two tickets to the all girl rock group "The Harpes".

Since you people are the closest things I have to friends, I wanted to see if you wanted to go.

CGV: My sis is sick...

Fox: Go to the concert! These guys'll take care of me!

Zephrion: Yeah, we're fine here.

CGV: Okay...

Sure I'll come.

Hika: Alright, get a jacket. It's been rainy lately.

*They leave*

Metal Rabbit: I never heard of that group.

Kiryn: Well that's because you listen to alternative music, and as a result you've become so distant from real society that you're socialy inept.

Zephrion: lol, that was a long insult.

*Fireman appears*

Fireman: ...

Zephrion: Where're ya going?

Fireman: To do stuff...

Zephrion: What kind of stuff?

Fireman: Why are you being so nosy?

Zephrion: Why are you being evasive?

Fireman: Because... is that MR reading a book?

Zephrion: No way!

*turns around to see MR spinning on his head slowly*

Zephrion: No he's... not...

*Fireman's gone*

Metal Rabbit: I'm a top!


Kiryn: Hey, what do you think he does all the time?

Zephrion: I guess special missions.

Kiryn: Let's follow him and find out what he's doing.

Metal Rabbit: Quit being nosy!

*sticks plastic straws up his nose*

Fox: ugh... I hate bad puns.


Zephrion: Let's see what he's up to then.

Kiryn: Okay.

*they leave too*

Fox: NO!!! Don't leave me with him!


*MR's drinking soda through his nose*

Metal Rabbit: :D

I have bubbles in mai nose!

Fox: *she's getting those cold sweats you get when you know something horrible will happen*


(Somewhere in a small town)

Zephrion: You're sure this is where he went?

Kiryn: Pretty sure. The computer says his GPS is somewhere here.

*they hear shouting*

Zephrion: Hear that?

*they look closer*

Fireman: It's nothing personal. Your living burdens my client is all.

Man: I beg of you! Please spare me!

Fireman: Okay, but only because you asked so nice.

Man: R-really?

Fireman: No.

*activates lethality*

Zephrion: ._.

Kiryn: That was horrible... but so cool too.

Fireman: It's 500 gold to watch in public.

Zephrion: How'd you know we were here?

Fireman: For people who're trying to tail an assasin, you're very loud.

Kiryn: Oh...

*Fireman leaves*

Zephrion: Should we go back home?

Kiryn: I don't think we're done here yet. Fox'll just have to do without us a little longer.

(At the base)

Metal Rabbit: I'll make you soup!

Fox: *gets image of MR burning the fort down to the ground*


Metal Rabbit: It's done!

*gives her soup*

Fox: ...

Metal Rabbit: C'mon! It's not gonna kill you! :D

Fox: Those are some very wierd words to say.

Metal Rabbit: Fine, I'll spoon feed you.

*forces it into her mouth*

Fox: Gyahh!

It's so fucking hot!

Metal Rabbit: Lol, that's what she said.

Fox: You idiot! I burned my toungue!

Metal Rabbit: It can't be that hot...

*he takes a spoonfull*


*spits it out on Fox*

Dear goddess that's hot!

*leaves room*

Fox: *sobs*



Zephrion: Alright, it stops here.

Kiryn: Where are we?

Zephrion: Idk.

*there's heavy breathing nearby*

Kiryn: ...do you hear that?

Zephrion: Yep.

*something runs past them*

Kiryn: *in increasingly high pitched voice*

Plz tell me it was a squirel. o_o

*A catboy flew out at them*

Zephrion: Wind!

*He blasts the cat away*

Boy: Ahh!

*he lands on his ass*

Zephrion: Let's get gone before he transforms.

Boy: That hurt!

Kiryn: ...

Boy: And I can't transform anyhow. I don't the energy.

Zephrion: Well if you don't jump out at us anymore we wont fight back.

Boy: I'm just protecting my family's turf. Why are you here?

Zephrion: We're looking for someone.

Kiryn: Do you know a Fireman?

Boy: A fireman? No, but I know a muffin man.

Zephrion: Say kid, how old are you anyway?

Boy: I'm 9, but I look older cause I have to take care of myself.

Kiryn: That's terrible...

Zephrion: Hold on, you just said you had a family.

Boy: I do!

*he runs away*

Zephrion: Well that was weird.


(At the base)

Fox: Forget the soup. I'm not even hungry.

*her face is covered in small soup burns*

Metal Rabbit: Okayz.

Fox: Let's watch TV. Where's the remote?

Metal Rabbit: *mouth full*


I dunno.

Fox: ...What were you eating?

Metal Rabbit: Not the remote.


*he trips and when he falls, the TV comes on*

Fox: ...

Metal Rabbit: Dammit, Sakurai! Why tripping?

*Fox is getting that cold sweat again*



Zephrion: Okay, we've been looking for hours, if he was really here we'd hear of him by now.

Kiryn: But this is Fireman we're talking about. He probably doesn't wanna be found.

???: How are you today, Austin?

Austin: I'm fine papa. Guess what though?

???: What?

Austin: An anal retentive girl and a spoony bard came by today!

???: ...did you talk to them?

Austin: Only a little...

???: We've been over this. We need to keep you safe.

Austin: Sorry papa.

???: Remember to stay hidden. I got you a burger from town today.


Austin: Yay!

???: I need to go back to work now. Be good.

*they hear fast footwork and eating*

Zephrion: ...

*he enters the clearing*

Austin: It's you again! I'm not sharing my burger with you!

Zephrion: You're Austin? Who were you talking to?

Austin: My papa.

Kiryn: So your papa comes by alot?

Austin: He comes here most days to check up on me.

Zephrion: ...

*looks at something on the ground*

Kiryn: It's a GPS.

Zephrion: Not only that... it's Fireman's.

Kiryn: Hey Austin, can you tell us more about your papa?

Austin: Okay. My papa said he found me when I was real little. He said my parents would be back for me one day, and that he'd watch me.

They went off to another country as im- em-...

Zephrion: Spell it out.

Austin: Emb-ass-adors. Yeah, and they've been gone for a long time! Papa said he's check on me till they come back.

Zephrion: Alright.

Kiryn: Nice to meet you Austin.


(At the fort)

Fox: Must... reach phone... call for... help...

*MR's got a slow cooker stuck on his head*

Metal Rabbit: This is awesome!!!

*he falls through a wall head first*

Fox: Dear goddess... help me...

But I'm so... tired...

*Now he's running around without pants on*

Fox: ._.

How'd he get undressed so fast?

*He crashes into staircase... and falls up the stairs*

Fox: I must really have a tempurature because there's no way in hell that he fell UPwards...

*Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive starts playing on the TV*

Metal Rabbit: I'm a cowboy!

On a steel horse I ride!

Fox: Help me!

Metal Rabbit: And I'm wanted!

Dead or alive!

*the slow cooker electrifies him, and falls off*

Metal Rabbit: o_.

*he's spinning around... then he vommits*

Fox: *sobs*



Zephrion: We should get home about now...

Fireman: Leaving so soon?

Kiryn: Fireman?

Fireman: I'd like to know how you found me here.

Zephrion: Your GPS.

Fireman: Damn GPS, this thing's been more of a burden then a help. That's for sure.

*he breaks it*

Kiryn: ...

Fireman: You look like you're going to explode if you don't talk. So do it.

Kiryn: Why didn't you tell us about him?

Fireman: It wasn't your buisness.

Kiryn: But he calls you his papa.

Fireman: I've never called him mine. He's just an orphan.

Zephrion: ...so his parents never came back?

Fireman: ...I lied to him. His parents were killed because they were extremists trying to get laguz power in begnion.

They got killed because they themselves tried to kill senators.

Zephrion: How do you know all of this?

Fireman: I was the one they hired to take them out.

Kiryn: *she's smiling*

Fireman: What's that smirk for?

Kiryn: It's just that... you've always been that closed off island who doesn't give a crap about anyone...

And now I know you've got a hole in your armor.

Fireman: ...I didn't know they had a kid.

Zephrion: You've killed so many people. Why would a single kid make you change your mind?

Fireman: ...I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

Listen, and listen good: Don't ever come back here.

Kiryn: Why not?

Fireman: Because if anyone follows you here and discovers him, they're gonna kill him.

Kiryn: ...

Zephrion: We won't come back, right Kiryn?

Kiryn: Okay...

Fireman: And obviously don't breath a word about this.

His life is more important to me than yours. If I have to silence you to keep him safe, I won't hold back.

Zephrion: ...I know you wont. We won't tell anyone.

Kiryn: ...

*she looks disapointed*

*they leave*

Fireman: *lights pipe*


(Zeph and Kiryn are walking back through a town)

???: Hey! Up here!

Zephrion: Huh?

*looks up*

CGV: Thank god its you guys!

Hika: Dude! shut up! They're coming up!

...okay, we're clear.

CGV: You gotta get us out of here!

Kiryn: What happened?

(The events that occured between when they left for the concert and now)


(In that town, outside the arena)

Hika: Show's not for an hour. What do you wanna do?

CGV: Idk, what do you wanna do?

Hika: I asked you first.

*they both see a really hot girl walk by*

CGV: That's what I wanna do.

Hika: You make your move. I'll back you up, kay?

CGV: Great.

*he approaches her*

CGV: Hey baby, here for the concert?

Girl: The name's not baby, it's-

Dude: Hey! What are you doing with my girlfriend?

CGV: Chill man, I didn't know. I'll back off.

Dude: Oh yeah? I think you DID know!

Hika: How could he have known? He just met her.

Girl: Babe, he said naughty things to me.

CGV: What's that now?

Dude: What kind of naughty things?

Girl: He said he wanted to put a quarter in my butt and take a ride.

Hika: Lol, that's totally something you'd say.

CGV: SO not helping!

*The dude's red in the face*

Dude: Hey guys! Come here!

*a bunch of thugs surround them*

Dude: Break every bone in their body, cept their dicks! I'll chop them off.

CGV: The penis isn't a bone you idiot.

Hika: Now you're the one who isn't helping...

*CGV and Hika draw their weapons*

*The dude smacks them out of their hands*

CGV: That works too...

Hika: Dude, let's get the fuck outta here.

Dude: After them!

*CGV and Hika get teh fuck outta there, followed by the thugs*

*After running through the town, they come up a building and hide in a room*

CGV: Son of bitch, I'm gonna die without having a 3 way.

Hika: Honestly, they aren't that great.

CGV: You've...

Hika: I don't wanna talk about it...

CGV: That's kinky...

(Back to present)

CGV: Get us out of here!

Kiryn: Fine, but you owe me!

*she calls her pegasus and it flies next to the window to pick them up*

Kiryn: Get on!

*everyone hops on and they fly back to the forest*



Fox: ...I think he's asleep.

*MR's sticking through the celing*

Fox: Who'd have thought rabbits could jump that high...

*door opens*

CGV: I'm back!

Fox: Oh thank goddess!!!

*he gets up and hugs him*

CGV: I thought you said you could do without me.

Wait... if Kiryn and Zeph were there then... the only one left here is..

Metal Rabbit: Head on! Apply directly to the forehead!

CGV: I'm really sorry sis.

Fox: I am too...

*the place looks kind of destroyed*

Metal Rabbit: Hey, it's time for my show. Can you hit me with the broom?

*CGV grabs a stick and hits him*

*The channel changes*


The end. Lolz.

Well... cept this part.



*Fireman's smoking his pipe on the roof*

Kiryn: ...Hey Fireman?

Fireman: *puff*


Kiryn: You know you can't keep the truth from him forever.

Fireman: *empites pipe*

That'll be my problem when it comes. Just butt out.


Kiryn: ...


now its over

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I lol'd so hard... probably because I had a bad day. I think this is one of the better ones so far.

but what happened to the Reyson hax story arc?

Well, it's definitely not on hold at the moment because the writer heavily procrastinates. >_> <_<

Is it just me, or does Metal Rabiit seem a bit more... off the wall than usual?

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Part 3 of the Not-So-Epic Saga. I apologize for the lack of funny, I think the end of the school year stress in affecting me.

Fox: So, what's the real plan Fireman? We've been standing here for four days waiting for you to tell us.

Kiryn: And... I dunno if you've noticed, but Reyson's just been staring menacingly at us the entire time hes been awake.

Fireman: Fine, the plan is... Nothing?

Fox: ...Nothing?

Kiryn: What do you mean, "nothing!?"

Fireman: Nothing. I just wanted to see how long you would be willing to stand out here. Now if you'll excuse me, I have findings to report...

Fox: Hey, wait just a minute! *Fireman is gone.*

Kiryn: Well, looks like we're royally screwed.

Fox: Where have I heard that before?

Metal Rabbit: Chuga chuga chuga chuga CHOO CHOO! What are we talking about again?

Fox: Oh, why couldn't he have killed Metal Rabbit as well.

Metal Rabbit: Hey, I'd take offense to that if I knew what you were talking about!


Zephrion: I had no idea the Ghostbusters resorted to such cruel methods.

Coolguyvaters: At least we all escaped unharmed.

Hikarusa: What the f**k are you talking about!? They sucked up my LEGS!

Coolguyvaters: Mostly unharmed.

Zephrion: What are you gonna use legs for anyway? We're ghosts, we float.

Hikarusa: That doesn't make it hurt any less...

Coolguyvaters: You can't feel pain, all your nerves are dead.

Hikarusa: One more word and I'll slit your throat while you sleep.

Zephrion: Sweet, the old Hikarusa's back!

Coolguyvaters: ...You can't slit throats either.

-In the world of the mostly living-

Fox: Okay, since Fireman is a jackass, and CGV is pushing up daisies, I'll be in charge of plans from now on. Any objections?

Metal Rabbit: I was promised there would be pie at this meeting. Yet I see no pie.

Fox: No... I said come to this meeting or you'll die.

Metal Rabbit: But they sound so alike...

Fox: Yes, yes they do. Back to the point, we need to kill Reyson.

Kiryn: We could sneak up behind him and stab him in the back.

Fox: That's no good, he has eyes in the back of his head.

Metal Rabbit: He must have a hard time seeing what's in front of him.

Kiryn: You'd think the odds would be with us when it's 3 vs 1.

Fox: Not when that one can turn swords into stickers, and poleaxes into pillows.

Metal Rabbit: Methinks it is time unveil my secret weapon... *Slinks away*

Kiryn: Where's he going?

Fox: Who cares, we just scored a half hour without Metal Rabbit.

Reyson: Hellooooo! It's been four days since you last played with me, and REYSON. DOES NOT. LIKE. TO WAIT.

Fox: o_o;

Kiryn: o_o;

-In the world of the mostly dead-

Coolguyvaters: So, I've been thinking--

Hikarusa: Oh you have now? I'm so proud of you. Zeph quick, take a picture, CGV's thinking! Once in a lifetime sight right here!

Coolguyvaters: What's eating you?

Hikarusa: Well, in case you haven't noticed, I don't have legs. I am minus one pair of legs. Legs are something that I presently lack.

Zephrion: Dude, we could get you a wheelchair with one of those speech things. You could be like Steven Hawk King. Except, you know, dumber.

Hikarusa: I swear, you are THIS close to a decapitation.

Zephrion: Really? I had no idea you could reach that high anymore.

Coolguyvaters: Oh! You got served!

Hikarusa: You're both dastards, you know that?

Coolguyvaters: Yup.

Zephrion: Certainly.

Hikarusa: F**k you.

-Some hours later, in the living world-

Metal Rabbit: Ladies and Gentlemen, and Fox and Kiryn.

Fox and Kiryn: Hey!

Metal Rabbit: I present to you... The Dr. Pepper Subway Whopper Supreme Red Bull Axe of Death. Instead of giving Reyson wings, it will rip them apart in a bloody, gory, R-Rated tortuous scene.

Fox: What's with the name.

Metal Rabbit: An Axe this badass costs money, dammit! I had to give credit my sponsers somehow.

Kiryn: Sellout.

Metal Rabbit: ANYWAY, with this axe, we can easily kill Reyson. It's been blessed by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so it can counteract any uber haxxxor skills Reyson tries to pull! Pretty awesome, amirite?

Fox: Metal Rabbit, this plan would be genius, had our only axe wielder not been brutally murdered.

Metal Rabbit: Oooh... Yeah, I forgot about him. What was his name again, Bikahusa or something.

Kiryn: No idea.

Fox: Me neither.

Metal Rabbit: If only we had a staff that could raise people from the dead!

???: I can be of assistance!

Kiryn: Gasp! It can't be!

Fox: It's... it's...

Metal Rabbit: It's Batman!

???: No, you dolt. It's me, Vincent.

Metal Rabbit: I thought you ran away like a little sissy-man.

Vincent: I'm going to ignore that... Anyway, the staff you're looking for is at the top of Mt. Certain Death.

Fox: How do we get there?

Vincent: First, you'll need to cross the Ice Wastes of Hypothermia, then the Lava Pits of 3rd Degree Burns. Afterwards you cross the Desert of Doom, and then climb Mt. Certain Death to claim the staff. Any questions?

Fox: Sounds awfully dangerous.

Kiryn: You know what we need...?

Metal Rabbit: MONTAGE TIME!

-Team America Montage Music Plays-

Metal Rabbit: We're gonna need a montage (Montage.) Oooo, it takes a montage (Montage.)

Fox: QUit singing along to that terrible song, we're here.

Metal Rabbit: Sweet! It's a shame Kiryn had to go and fall into that lava pit though.

Fox: Oh well, we'll revive her with the staff. Now, I'll do the honors.*Grabs Staff*


Zephrion, Coolguyvaters, Kiryn, and Hikarusa all show up out of nowhere.

Zephrion: Sweet, we're alive!

Hikarusa: I have legs again!

Coolguyvaters: *Sniff* I'm gonna miss peeking into those women's locker rooms...

Metal Rabbit: YOu guys peeked into locker rooms? No fair!

Fox: Quiet CGV! *Slaps*

Kiryn: Quiet MR *Slaps*

CGV and MR: ._.

Zeph and Hika: :D

Fox: Alright, let's get back! We have a heron to ruthlessly slay.

Zephrion: MONTAGE!

-One painful montage later-

Zephrion: Finally! Home sweet home!

Fox: Yeah, it's a shame that Kiryn had to go and fall in that lava pit again.

Metal Rabbit: And an even bigger shame that she dragged CGV in with her.

Hikarusa: They shall be missed. Well, Kiryn will be anyway.

Fox: Lets just kill Reyson already, we'll revive them later. Hikarusa, would you like to do the honors?

Hikarusa: Gladly.

Metal Rabbit: Here's The Dr. Pepper Subway Whopper Supreme Red Bull Axe of Death, Hika.

Hikarusa: Sweeeeeet.

Zephrion: Give him hell!

Hikarusa: Will do. HIIIIIIIYAAAAAA!!! *Jumps out of bush* Say hello to my little...friend...

Fireman standing over the dead body of Reyson.

Fireman: Oh, I was wondering when you'd arrive. Turns out he didn;t have Nihil. Pretty funny, huh? This whole thing could have been avoided completely.

Hikarusa: ...

Fireman: Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face? ...Uh, besides the Heron blood?

Hikarusa: I KILL YOU!!!

Fireman: I'm sensing a lot of anger here... How would you like to give me your wallet, would that make you feel better?

Hikarusa: GRAAAAAAAAH!!!

Zephrion: So, the old Hikarusa's back, and we only suffered two casualties. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

Fox: Especially since the casualties weren't your fault.

Metal Rabbit: Everything is as it should be...

Zephrion: What about the huge gaping plotholes?

Fox: We'll just leave it to the reader to figure them out.

Metal Rabbit: Nice save.


Please drive carefully. The road ahead is full of plotholes.

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so will i be revived?

As you know, we are under a Vincentocracy, so we all must vote on whether or not we want you alive or not, with Vincent having the power to override any decision. I hope you're good buddies with Vincent.

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I need to wait before I can write another episode...

Cuz the thing is, i don't make up crazy plots on my own. They come to me randomly. Now, when I'm in a good mood I'll add on and bring my magic until I have 10+ KB worth of text.

I need inspiration.

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...cuz i was bored...again

-night time-

*Zephrion walks into the living room where everybody else is, lies on the ground, and starts staring at the stars in the gentle night sky*

Zephrion: This is odd....

Kiryn: Hm?

Zephrion: Our ceiling is gone...

Coolguyvaters: Holy...When did that happen?

Fourth Fox: When you guys left MR here alone to take care of me while I had a cold.

Coolguyvaters: Uhh...ha....ha....Not our brightest moment...

Fourth Fox: I'm still seeing my therapist about that!

-flashback to one day ago-

Fourth Fox: Are you my therapist?

Fireman: Why yes I am.

Fourth Fox: I need to talk to you about some things...

Fireman: Certainly.

Fourth Fox: I-

Fireman: Did you pay in advance?

Fourth Fox: Yes.

Fireman: Okay. Continue.

Fourth Fox: Lately, I can't seem to sleep. My eyes are always awake, fearing what he may do to me in my sleep.

Fireman: Who is this "he"?

Fourth Fox: His name is Metal Rabbit.

Fireman: Can you describe him?

Fourth Fox: Yes. He is made of metal, he looks like some demented-Why am I telling you this? You know him!

Fireman: I may or I may not have.

Fourth Fox: He's still on my head for crying out loud!

*Metal Rabbit is sitting on top of Fourth Fox's head*

Metal Rabbit: I'm a penguin! I sit on foxes! Shut up!

Fireman: I see...

*Metal Rabbit starts rotating counter-clockwise on Fox's head*

Metal Rabbit: I'm a revolving penguin! Shut up!

Fourth Fox: *whisper*Please...get...him....off me.

Fireman: Ummm...Allow me to help you overcome this fear.

Fourth Fox: *in half-sobs*For the love of all that's pure and cherished in this forsaken world, get him off!

Metal Rabbit: Fourth Fox is leaking! I fix the leak!

*Metal Rabbit gets out a wrench from under his tongue*

Fireman: Tell me, Fourth Fox. Tell me what you see when you see this picture.


Fourth Fox: All the suffering in the world forged into one evil, mechanical bunny.

*Metal Rabbit is whacking Fox on the head with the wrench*

Metal Rabbit: Fourth Fox is broookeeeennnn!

Fireman: How about this picture?


Fourth Fox: Evil. And that evil's name be Metal Rabbit.

Fireman: Okay...

*Metal Rabbit stops and gets a pot of boiling hot water and drinks it*

Fourth Fox: I-

*Metal Rabbit spits out all the water on Fourth Fox*

Metal Rabbit: Water is broookeeeennnn!

Fourth Fox: Why me?

Fireman: Ummmm...Come back tomorrow....Hopefully MR won't be on your head tomorrow...

-flashback over-

Fourth Fox: Ugghhhh....

Hikarusa: You alright Fox?

Fourth Fox: Everything's just....fine.

Kiryn: Metal Rabbit is...uhhh....unzipping his pants....while on your head...

Fourth Fox: Oh god no....

Fireman: I'll get the shotgun...

*Fireman gets a shotgun and shoots Metal Rabbit off Fox's head before MR can do anything*

Metal Rabbit: AHHHHH! Long metal thing knock me off! Long metal thing challenge me for dominance!

*Metal Rabbit starts wrestling the shotgun*

Fourth Fox: Yes! It's finally over!

Fireman: That will be 10,000 gold.

Coolguyvaters: 15,000 or we walk.

Fireman: 15,000 it is.

*Fireman gets 15,000*

Fourth Fox: What did you do?!

Coolguyvaters: Damn. I thought he'd lower the price...

Zephrion: ....

Coolguyvaters: You've been pretty quiet lately, Zephrion.

Zephrion: Hm? It's...nothing. I'm going to get some...breakfast...

*Zephrion leaves the base*

Hikarusa: But it's 11PM...

*Metal Rabbit is biting the shotgun*

Metal Rabbit: Grrrrrrr....

*Metal Rabbit tapes the gun around his waste right in front of his"area"*

Metal Rabbit: I have longer, more metal stick now!

Hikarusa: Hey! I..uhhh...found these drugs in MR's bedroom. It's labeled 'property of Fireman'. Do you think that's why MR's been so...

Fireman: The less you know, the better.

Kiryn: I have a confession regarding this...


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Hmm... This breakfast intrigues me... I hope it's Frosted Flakes.

And these drugs... They intrigue me... I hope it's Pot.

Or, in normal person talk, nice episode Fireman.

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there's a lot charcaters in the sitcom. We're gettin pretty full, but I'm sure we can add you in

i take it you want to be like Cormag? (talking to kaonohiokala)

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