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The Creators' Last Struggle


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This is basically the start of my English homework, where we have to write a story. It'd be really cool if you could R+R it, and be as pedantic as you like.


All seemed empty in the barren wasteland. But it was not what it seemed. A fighter ship zoomed past, leaving a trail of dust and smoke in its wake. A beam of light shone from the sandy floor. The light suddenly disappeared, along with the ship.

Z’Kay, the Master General, stood outside the new ship. To him, it looked familiar, but something seemed wrong. ‘You may leave your ship.’ He stated. The bronze-like door opened, and a Grey Warrior obeyed. The armour of Z’Kay’s visitor was dull, and particularly rusty. Obviously a poor fighter.

‘Well? Did you get it?’ asked Z’Kay. His sword writhed, the vision of it being twisted by all the shadow it attracted to its evil blade.

‘Y-yes, sir.’ Replied the warrior. His armour told Z’Kay that he was called Epsilon-X607, but Z’Kay never cared about the names of the lesser soldiers, merely if they did their job or not.

Epsilon showed Z’Kay a small, blue grenade. It was crafted from the technologies of humans, but with the touch from the Grey, it was much improved. ‘An explosive tool that only affects humans… what a useful strategic tool. Show it to me in action.’ Z’Kay shoved forward a paralyzed victim, and then stood calmly, undeterred of the risk of it malfunctioning.

‘W-well, okay sir.’ Z’Kay sighed at the warrior’s nervousness, and watched as Epsilon held up the grenade and took out the dark grey pin. It glowed with an intense red light, and then exploded. The building, made of Grey Goo, started to disintegrate, along with Z’Kay. The helpless victim fell through the floor and was crushed by all of the Grey Goo. Epsilon, however, seemingly hovering, took off his helmet, and then frowned.

Before his very eyes, Epsilon watched as the building started to re-build itself, and suddenly Z’Kay reincarnated. ‘The master inventor is more effective then all of your scientists combined. You expected to fell me, petty human?’

‘I’m Jonathon. My father, mother and girlfriend all died to your blade, and I won’t take it any more!’ he cried angrily, tears of revenge forming in his eyes.

‘Then let it kill one more.’

Suddenly, despair fell onto the face of Jonathon. Everything was still in the room except Jonathon’s eyes, desperately searching for an exit he could make. Z’Kay also stood motionless, calculating the same thing, yet this time factoring in Jonathon’s stupidity. It was not long before he decided to break the freeze frame, advancing towards Jonathon slowly but surely.

‘NO!’ screamed Jonathon, getting out a laser gun and firing it at Z’Kay. Z’Kay’s robotic reflexes brought his golden, yet terrible, shield into the way of the blast, reflecting it back to Jonathon. The pain of the gun combined with the power of the shield suddenly made him realize what had happened to Z’Kay’s other victim - his muscles stopped working, and he fell to the floor.

‘Do you know what, Jonathon? If people like you are humanity’s last hope, then I bet, nay, know that we’ll win without breaking a sweat…’ smoothly stated Z’Kay, his emotionless voice mocking Jonathon. He raised his dark blade as it twisted and pulsed in his hands, hungry for human blood, above Jonathon. ‘Goodbye, Jonathon. Goodbye, Humanity.’ He thrust his sword down, another casualty to the impending doom of Grey Goo.

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