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ANNOUNCEMENT: No more snitching


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There won't be any more talking behind backs, you can be sure of that. There wasn't much of it back then, anyway. But...

...If a person talks behind your friend's back, you have absolutely no right to tell that person right away and have them marching in the channel to take matters into their own hands. No. None of that. The operators will handle any and all problems. I know I do, usually through query.

I'm bringing this matter up because of the other day when Rei talked of Blacken and a certain person in the channel (you know who you are) thought it was a good idea to tell him immediately and the result? Lots of drama and tension, and it caused some members (myself included) to try and go against Jyosua. Just so you know, I was handling this situation with Rei in query.

So...no more. This is like minimodding, except much worse. If you think of trying to level up your epenis by snitching, then think again. Punishment for this is an immediate, single day ban. Repeated offence will increase the ban duration until it becomes permanent.

That is all. You can continue with your lives now.

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