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Alternate ending

Metal Rabbit

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It's something I've been meaning to do. This is the alternate ending to the second movie.

So I wouldn't reccomend reading it till you've read up to act 6 in the movie.

...here we go:





Arc: Accept it.

Metal Rabbit: No!

Arc: You'll kill them with this bow probably.

*he hurls the bow at MR's feet*

Metal Rabbit: I don't want it. It's evil.

Arc: It's your destiny.

Kiryn: MR, don't listen! Jyosua's controlling him!

Arc: Nope. I'm doing this because I want to.

Kiryn: But your not supposed to be evil up on the surface!

Arc: Exactly.

Kiryn: !

Arc: Figured it out? This palace is in the underworld. I'm damn near invincible here.

Now kill her you weakling!

Metal Rabbit: ...

*he's shaking*

Arc: You can feel your past. Use the darkness!

Kiryn: MR...

Arc: Do it!

Kiryn: Don't listen to him!

Metal Rabbit: Ahh!!! O_O

*he picks up the bow and fires it*


Kiryn: !

Arc: ...heh.

*there's a bolt sticking in Kiryn's chest*

Metal Rabbit: ...You're right Arc. I'm no better than you.

Arc: It's not like you can hide from your past, from yourself. Good boy for realising that.

Kiryn: ...

*she's tearing up*

Metal Rabbit: >_<

No! This isn't right!

Arc: Too late now..

*Kiryn drops to the ground in a pool of her own blood*

Metal Rabbit: Why did it have to be her?!

Dammit!!! She was my friend! She...

*he falls to his knees*

Arc: You know what we have to do now. We still haven't had our revenge.

Metal Rabbit: No! I'm done listening to you!

*he fires at Arc*

*the copy dissapears*

Metal Rabbit: ...




(Fox and CGV again)

Fireman: ...


CGV: *pants*

Fight you damn coward!

Fox: Stop dodging us!

Fireman: ...?

What is...

CGV: Stop muttering to yourself and die!

*Fireman blocks*

Fireman: Something... isn't right...

CGV: What do you mean you dastard?

Fireman: We need to move.


Fox: After him!




(During those 3 battles)

Jyosua: Hello again Vincent.

Vincent: How are you Jyo?

Jyosua: ...Must we force ourselves to utter words we don't want to say?

Vincent: It's what beorc do.

Jyosua: I don't like beorc. They killed our mom, remember?

Vincent: And I've forgiven them.

Jyosua: You have no right.

Zephrion: ...huh?

Vincent: It was before I was made king. Our mother was next in line, but she was kidnapped and sold to a senator.

Jyosua: She apparently died of an illness not long afterwards.

Vincent: Then grampa was so depressed that he lost his only child... he forfeited the throne.

Jyosua: I was going to kill him after all this though. Maxwell I mean.

Vincent: He's passed on.

Jyosua: We weren't that different actually. We're both horrible beings who hate their brother who stole their throne.

Vincent: But you're not him. You can stop this. We don't have to fight!

Jyosua: Yes... this ends now!

*he uses a powerful light spell*

Vincent: Ahh!!!

Zephrion: *uses tornado*

*Jyosua took the full hit but it did nothing*

Zephrion: That's the one time I hit the right target with that spell and it did nothing.


*Jyosua counters*

Zephrion: ...damn...

I can't take you on my own...

My dad was right I guess, I am a failure.

Fireman: You only fail when you give in. I didn't know you were a quitter.

Fox: Are we all here?

GGV: We're missing... a few.

Hika: MR and Kiryn aren't here.

Bianchi: I'm getting wrinkles...

Hika: Noone cares.

Bianchi: But I only get these when... something bad happened.

Jyosua: What are you all waiting for? Let's go!

*a bolt pierces through the heron*

Jyosua: What...

*he dies*

CGV: ...Metal Rabbit?

*he walks in*

Fox: What was that all about?

Hika: I was actually looking forward to that...

Fireman: ...

Zephrion: ...MR, where's Kiryn?

Metal Rabbit: ...Can't you feel it?

Zephrion: Feel what?

Metal Rabbit: The cruel irony.

She came in to save me, and she died by my hand.

CGV: ...what?!

Fox: This isn't a fucking joke!!! Where is she?!

Fireman: He's not lying. He's not himself anymore.

Metal Rabbit: I've always been myself. I'm just now realising it.

CGV: So should we call you MR... or Arc?

Arc: I prefer Arc.

Bianchi: ...Jyosua's gone. There's no reason for anyone else to die now.

Arc: Of course there is! I can feel you all. You're mistrust, your anger, and sorrow.

You want to kill me...

Fox: No... we don't...

We don't wanna lose anyone else... we can't...

Fireman: He's paranoid. He lived down here for hundreds of years, and this is the result:

His spirit is beyond warped. He'd kill us all because he thinks we're out to get him.

Metal Rabbit: Your part right. My former friends here were all evil. I couldn't trust them.

But I lied when I said it was to defend myself in killing them. I'm just evil.

*he laughs a bit*

CGV: Now we see who the real monster is...

Fox: ?

CGV: Ready your weapons...




CGV: Get ready Arc! Enjoy your last moments of life!

Fox: I can't believe this is happening...

Zephrion: Why'd it have to come to this?

Fireman: Never thought it would... that's for sure.

Hika: ...

Bianchi: No! This isn't supposed to happen!

Arc: Die!

*the fight begins*

*CGV, Fireman and Hika all attack from melee range*

*Bianchi, Fox and Zeph attack from long range*

(This goes on for a few turns)

CGV: We can't damage him...

Arc: Is that all you've got? Ready to meet the goddess?

Zephrion: He's in the underworld. We probably couldn't hit him in the first place...

Bianchi: I can do it!

Arc: I sense a half breed... You have Heron in you, dontcha?

Bianchi: I'm not ashamed of it!

Arc: I'll kill you two first. Hell, the goddess may actually reward me for it.

*Bianchi sings something*

*Arc twitches*

CGV: This song... where've we heard it before?

Vincent: ugh... This is the March of Sins.

You can't remember it, can you?

Fox: *remembers*

Arc, you killed our dad that night!

Arc: The fool made the mistake of trying to mug me.

CGV: ...Sing it Vincent.

Zephrion: What are you...

CGV: I said SING!

*Vincent and Bianchi sing it, and Arc writes in pain*

Arc: >_<


CGV: This is for dad, for Kiryn, for MR...

All people you killed!

*throws sword up into the air, jumps and catches, and slams down on Arc with incredible force*

Arc: heh...

*he fades away into nothing*

Fox: *picks up something*




CGV: ...It's over.

Vincent: Oww...

Fox: Are you alright?

Vincent: I really need to see a doctor...

Zephrion: Let's not stay here any longer...

Vincent: Fine...

*everyone warps back to the serenes forest*




(In the base)

Vincent: I need to lie down...

Anyway, this is the part where we tie up any lose ends so does anyone have questions?

CGV: I do. Fireman, why'd you turn on Jyosua?

Fireman: I never worked for him.

CGV: The hell you didn't!

Fireman: All this time I've been waiting for the moment to stop that madman. I had to wait, I had to follow along.

CGV: But why?

Fireman: You may already know it, but there have been other Firemen before me. I wanted to stand out from the others by doing something awesome... but not just for money.

CGV: I'm sorry...

Fireman: Don't be. I deceived all of you the whole time.

Fox: ...

*she's looking at something*

Fireman: That's the locket Jyo wanted me to steal.

Metal Rabbit was supposed to give it to you.

Fox: What does it say on here?

Vincent: It says regina. She was your mother.

Fox: ...

Vincent: Arc was the only one she had in her final years...

I avoided them because they were from the underworld. Plz don't feel ill torward me...

Fox: I dont...

Zephrion: ...I hate him.

CGV: Arc?

Zephrion: Metal Rabbit. He wasn't strong enough to stop Arc from taking over.

She'd still be alive if...

Hika: I agree.

CGV: That's enough.

Bianchi: Don't blame him... its not possible to ignore the waves the underworld sent through him.

Fox: This is it... I can't do this anymore.

*she runs*




CGV: The mercenaries disbanded, and he lives alone in the forest which used to be thriving with chaos... and joy.

Fox: She wandered the land for more clues about her mother and her heritage. An oppurtunity came later.

Zephrion: He left to teach math at some private school. He often thinks about his comrades.

Fireman: He dissappeared after, and was never seen by the others again. A man of mysteries till the end.

Hika: He left Bianchi a few years later. Last we heard he was in Daein living as a gladiator.

Bianchi: After Hika left her, she stopped having orgies. She said there wasn't any fun in them anymore.

Vincent: He remained king for years to come. He's rather lonely nowadays...


So this ending is obviously not canon, and its so dark compared to the other one.

But I love this ending all the same.

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*takes deep breath*

MR was pressure by you and Arc yelling things at him, and by the darkness surrounding the palace. He wanted to make it stop, so he fired without looking. In this version, he hit you, and in teh true version, he hit Arc.

One hit from that bow kills. It's why it was never fired in the final fight by Arc.

You didn't make him mad...

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Maybe if someone who was good at flash could do it. But they'd need voice actors. The voicers would be obvious... but... so many episodes and crap.

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There would really be no way to pull it off unless we all met somewhere. Which would be especially hard for people in Europe *CoughRavenCough*. It's really the best the way it is. Unless we tried recording voices over the phone. It'd be waaay too much work. even though it would be really bad-ass.

We could do speech bubbles. In flash. But someone would have to be good with flash. And all the characters would need descriptions.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Nah, we could buy those things that record our voices onto our computers and then it would probably be automatically put into an audio file, then we could upload it somewhere on the internet for the flash animator to use.

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