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The Complete First Season

Metal Rabbit

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Finally, the first season of Serenes Forest: The Sitcom

Is out on DVD!!!


Episode #: 1

Original Air Date: 3/25/08

Author: CGV

Fourth Fox is a valkyrie, Fireman is an assassin, I am a Lord, and Zephrion is... I think you can figure that out (just throwing ideas out)

(on the battlefield fighting against the enemy: object is seize throne)

Fireman: hey Fourth Fox, I'm going to go ahead and kill the enemy leader so CGV can claim the throne. On my way over there, if i get spotted by the enemy and get injured while killing them, i want you to heal me, ok?

Fourth Fox: ok

Fireman: ok, here I go *goes undercover*

(a few moments later)

Fourth Fox: where did he go? It's only been 3 minutes and I can't see him anywhere. Oh well, I'm sure he's fine

Fireman: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! get away from me or i will lethailty your ass!

Enemy Cat laguz: *strikes doing 13 damage*

Fireman: ugh, that's it! Your going down! *Lethality cat laguz and kills*

Enemy Tiger laguz: *sneaks up from behind and strikes doing 20 damage*

Fireman: AHHHHHH! Oh you're gonna get it now! *critical twice with Silver Dagger* (breathes deeply) where...is...Fourth Fox...I need... to be healed. And why didn't i bring vulnerary! *continues on wounded*

Fourth Fox: where is Fireman? *raises physic, but doesn't light up* oh well, I'm sure he's ok.

Fireman: *approaches enemy boss* (to himself) oh, you're gonna get it now *sneaks up very close to boss and takes out Peshkatz* hmmm... a sword user on horseback. I need to distract him so I can get close enough without my wounds slowing me down, ow. Let's see if he can dodge this *attacks with Peshkatz*

Makarov: AH! hey! who was th-

Fireman: AHHHHH! *lethality* yes! that's right, ow, ugh... FOURTH FOX! WHERE ARE YOU!

Zephrion: did you hear something Fourth Fox?

Fourth Fox: no, did you? *double attacks and kills enemy mage with Steel Sword*

Zephrion: oh, must have just been my wind. DIE! *triggers adept with Elwind and kills an enemy general*

Coolguyvaters: The throne is mine! Victory is ours!

*Everyone meets up and Fireman finally arrives, crawling and bleeding*

Fireman: Fourth Fox! where... were you!?... you were supposed... to heal me.... ugh...

Fourth Fox: Well I took out my Physic to see if anyone needed to be healed, but you were too deep in the shadows, I couldn't detect you. Wow! you really are a good assassin!



Episode #: 2

Original Air Date: 3/26/08

Author: Fireman

EPISODE 2: "Friends"

Coolguyvaters: Alright! We've killed everyone! Who's up for some arena abusing?

Fireman: 10,000.

Coolguyvaters: What?

Fireman: Pay me 10,000 and I'll answer your question.

Coolguyvaters: Alright. Here. Your answer had better be yes!

*lost 10,000 gold*

Fireman: No.

Coolguyvaters: Why not?

Fireman: I'll do it for 20,000.

Coolguyvaters: Fine. We're going to need a hell lot of arena abusing to make up for the gold...

*lost 20,000 gold*

Coolguyvater: Who's healing?

Fourth Fox: I'll do it!

Zephiron: But I want to do it!

Fourth Fox: I have more experience at it!

Zephiron: But I've got mad wind skills!

*attacks Fourth Fox with Rexcalibur*

Zephiron: Oops...

Fourth Fox: You're lucky I have high resistance!

Zephiron: Uhhh...

*generic enemy reinforcements show up*

Zephiron: Look! Reinforcements!

Fourth Fox: We'll settle this later.

*Dragonblader1 and Kiryn come out of the arena*

Dragonblader1: Hey, look! Enemies!

Kiryn: Where?

Dragonblader1: Up there! Looks like that group could use some help.

Kiryn: No they don't.

Dragonblader1: I'll go anyway. You stay here, Kiryn.

Kiryn: Who's Kiryn?

Dragonblader1: You are!

Kiryn: Oh...Who are you?

Dragonblader1: Stupid amnesia...

Kiryn: What did you call me?

*Dragonblader1 kills all the enemies during the enemy phase*

Coolguyvaters: Thank the goddess Haar showed up.

Zephiron: We could've taken them and I thought his name was Dragonblader1.

Coolguyvaters: No, I'm pretty sure it's Haar.

Fourth Fox: Where's Fireman?

Coolguyvaters: He's at the arena...Shouldn't you be healing him?!

Fourth Fox: I though Zephiron was doing that!

Zephiron: I thought The Fourth Fox was doing that!

Coolguyvaters: Uh-oh...

*Fireman returns crawling and bleeding*

Fireman: ...

Coolguyvaters: Before you get angry, I-

*Fireman throws Peshkatz and it hits an enemy reinforcement*

Fireman: Damn. Missed. By the way, I attacked(not killed) some girl on a pegasus earlier. Was she one of ours?

Dragonblader1: Yep.

Fireman:We should go get her, then.

Coolguyvaters: What did you do with her?

Fireman: You'll find out when we get there.

NEXT EPISODE: Far from the Forest!



Episode #: 3

Original Air Date: 3/27/08

Author: CGV

Coolguyvaters: ok everyone, just rest and practice your skills so your ready for the next battle

Fourth Fox: Hey Zephrion, I'll help you out with your staves, ok?

Zephrion: ok, but who will we heal?

Fourth Fox: hmmm.... good point

Metal Rabbit: hey, what's up? *trips out of nowhere* oooooow!

Fourth Fox: That'll work

Zephrion: hold still Metal Rabbit, I'll heal you *attempts to heal*

Fourth Fox: good good, but you should've used Mend instead Heal, because of the seriousness of his injuries due to his anonymous fall *heals the rest of the way*

Metal Rabbit: *gets up* ah, thanks you two. That was so weird, it's like something just come out and tripped me, but I didn't even see anything

Zephrion: yeah I didn't either, that was weird. Oh well, hey Fourth Fox, I still need healing practice, how else can I heal?

*Metal Rabbit gets knocked down again*

Metal Rabbit: ahhhh! ugh... ow... what the.... hell...

Fourth Fox: whoa! what WAS that?! oh well, here's another chance Zephrion, show me what you can do

Zephrion: ok, here goes *bends staff over and heals well*. I did it! cool! oh, uh, are you ok, Metal Rabbit?

Metal Rabbit: *gets up again* ugh... yeah I feel good as knew, you're getting pretty good with that stave, but what the hell keeps knocking me over? It's like someone is trying to purposely knock me over

Fireman: very good

All three of them: huh?

Zephrion: what do you mean Fireman?

Fourth Fox: yeah what are you talking about? I haven't seen you very much today... actually, I haven't seen much at all this whole war

Metal Rabbit: yeah you are very mysterious. (to himself while looking around anonymously) Kinda like the way I keep tripping

Fireman: very good, you didn't even have to pay me to find out why I was tripping you on purpose

Metal Rabbit: WHAT?! YOU were the one tripping me? And on PURPOSE?! You bastard!

Fireman: Well I overheard that Zephrion needed to practice healing so I had you get hurt so he could practice

Fourth Fox: yeah but we could've found another way

Zephrion: yeah it isn't that big of a deal Fireman, I mean, I also need to practice my Thunder and Fire as well

Metal Rabbit: Fireman, why didn't YOU just get hurt so YOU could be healed instead of tripping me?!

Fireman: Are you kidding me? I've crawled back to everyone half dead, TWICE. I think it's time someone else took the fall...

Metal Rabbit: You really are one mysterious person, aren't you?

Fireman: yes I am.... uh, I gotta go *vanishes*

All three of them: ???

Dragonblader1: Ow! what the hell was that? It almost felt like someone tripped me on purpose... oh well... it was probably nothing


Episode #: 4

Original Air Date: 3/28/08

Author: Zephrion

Alright, I'm gonna try my hand at making one of these. Consider it filler, if you will.

[back at Serenes Base...]

Coolguyvaters: Fireman!

Fireman: *suddenly appears behind coolguyvaters* Right here.

Coolguyvaters: Ah! Where the hell do you come from!?

Fireman: I'm the Fireman. I go where I am needed.

Coolguyvaters: Well... I'm sure there's a kitten stuck in a tree that needs you right about now.

Fireman: ...10,000 Gold and I forget you said that.

Coolguyvaters: You're joking.

Fireman: *brandishes Peshkatz* I'll leave that up to you to figure out.

Coolguyvaters: Come on... You know our financial situation is terrib--

Fireman: 5...4...3...2...

Coolguyvaters: Alright! I'll pay up! *pays Fireman 10,000 G*

Fireman: Good. Now turn around for a second...

Coolguyvaters: Uh...sure, whatever you say. *turns around*

*stabbity stabbity*

Fireman: Nice doing business with you. *disappears*

Coolguyvaters: MEDIC!

Zephrion: I'm here! What seems to be the problem?

Coolguyvaters: Well doctor, various stab wounds across my body are causing me a great deal of pain.

Zephrion: Mmm... Sounds serious. Let me grab a Heal staff.

Coolguyvaters: Don't you think this warrants a Mend staff?

Zephrion: Nah, you'll be fine. It's but a flesh wound. Be right back! *rushes off*


Metal Rabbit: So... I don't remember seeing you anywhere around the base...what's your name again?

Kiryn: I don't know.

Metal Rabbit: Riiiiight... Well... I'm Metal Rabbit.

Kiryn: Oh... Nice to meet you Metal Rabbit.

Metal Rabbit: Thanks... So, you don't remember your name?

Kiryn: Nope.

Metal Rabbit: Hmm... Perhaps I should give you one then... ... ... I know! How about... Iron Rabbit! Pretty good, eh?

Kiryn: ...Not real--

Metal Rabbit: Great! I'll see you around Iron Rabbit! *leaves*

Kiryn: ...I wonder who that was.

-Back at the crime scene-

Zephrion: I'm back!

Coolguyvaters: About time... I'm starting to see red liquid all over the floor and I'm pretty sure it isn't cherry Kool-Aid.

Zephrion: That just means you're body is repairing itself. Now hold still... *holds Heal staff into the air, releasing the a bright light. A few moments later, the light disappates, leaving coolguyvaters completely healed... except for the fact that his arms are where his legs should be and his face is upside-down.*

Zephrion: WOAH!

Coolguyvaters: What!? What's wrong!?

Zephrion: Err... I'm just...surprised that...the healing went so well! Hang on, let me get Fourth Fox so she can see what a great job I did! FOURTH FOX!!

*at that moment, Dragonblader1 walks past*

Dragonblader1: Hey guys, how's it-- WOAH! What the hell happened to CGV!?

Coolguyvaters: What!? What's wrong!? You said the healing went well!

Zephrion: It did! He's just...surprised that I was able to do it, right Dragonblader?

Dragonblader1: Oh, it's hideous! You look like you should belong in a freak show! I can't stand to look at it any longer!

Coolguyvaters: AUGH!! What did you do to me!?

Zephion: Nothing! On purpose... Fourth Fox where are you!?

Dragonblader1: My eyes!!!

Fourth Fox: I'm here-- WOAH! What the hell happen--

Zephion: Yeah, yeah, long story. Can you fix him?

Fourth Fox: Of course! *brandishes a Mend staff, and quickly returns coolguyvaters to normal.* Zephrion... This is your fault, isn't it!?

Zephrion: Err... Bye! *runs away*

Fourth Fox: This isn't over!

Coolguyvaters: So...what happened?

Fourth Fox: You don't want to know. Lets just say Zephrion isn't going to be touching a staff for a while...

Dragonblader1: The horrors...the horrors... *twitch*

Coolguyvaters: Uh... Is he gonna be alright?

Fourth Fox: Sure. After a couple months of therapy, he'll be good as new. Just, uh... Stay away from him a while, will you?

Coolguyvaters: You don't have to tell me twice...

Phew... That was a lot longer than I thought it would be... What do you guys think?

(My apologies to MR and Kiryn for the rather small parts they recieved. If I make another, I'll be sure to give you guys a larger role in the main plot.)


Episode #: 5

Original Air Date: 3/31/08

Author: Fireman

Consider it a filler...

Far From the Forest

-at base-

Coolguyvaters: Alright! Let's go!

Kiryn: Where to?

Coolguyvaters: Far from the forest.

Metal Rabbit: How far?

Coolguyvaters: I'll know when we get there.

Kiryn: Get where?

Coolguyvaters: Far from the forest.

Metal Rabbit: But how far?

Coolguyvaters: I'll know when we get there.

Kiryn: Where?

Metal Rabbit: This is a ridiculous conversation! I'm leaving. Come on Iron Rabbit.

Kiryn: Is that me?

Coolguyvaters: Didn't Lethe say the same thing?

Metal Rabbit: Iron Rabbit?

Coolguyvaters: Before that!

Metal Rabbit:"This is a ridiculous conversation! I'm leaving."?

Coolguyvaters: Yeah. That one!

Kiryn: Who's Lethe?

Coolguyvaters: Some cat girl.

Metal Rabbit: LET'S GO PEOPLE!!!


Metal Rabbit: Where is everybody?

Coolguyvaters: Who?

Kiryn: Fireman, Fourth Fox, Zephiron, DragonBlader, and Ilyana.

Fireman got hired as a fireman. Ironic, isn't it? Fourth Fox is taking DragonBlader to see a therpaist. Zephiron is at the base reading Healing for Dummies, DragonBlader is being therapized or whatever you call it, and Ilyana went to look for 9,000 costumes.

*CGV and MR look at Kiryn with shocked expressions*

Kiryn: What? Sometimes I remember things...

Coolguyvaters: Something tells me we reached far from the forest a long time ago... *sighs* Let's go back to the base and wait for everybody.

*goes back to the base*


Episode #: 6

Original Air Date: 3/31/08

Author: Fireman

Natural Disasters

*Zephiron arrives in a giant tornado, which hits CGV*

Zephrion: Holy goddess above!!! Hmmmm...That doesn't sound right. Holy shit!!! Now that sounds better.

Coolguyvaters: H-help me!

Zephrion: No wonder I don't usually arrive riding a giant tornado...

Coolguyvaters: I think I'm bleeding... Oh, wait. It's just Kool-Aid.

*Foruth Fox arrives*

Fourth Fox: What in the name of the goddess happened to our base? Hmmmmm...That doesn't sound right. What the hell happened to our base, Zephiron?

Zephrion: Why do I always get blamed first?

*Fourth Fox gives him "the look"*

Zephrion: ...Right. I'll get to healing.

Coolguyvaters: Keep that man away from me!!!

Zephrion: What's wrong. I'm a good healer. I've been reading Healing for Dummies.

Fourth Fox: Last time, you healed him so bad, his face got messed up!

Coolguyvaters: I c-cant' breathe...

Zephrion: Well...Yo mom so fat, her genes don't fit her!

Fourth Fox: Huh?

Coolguyvaters: I think this is it...

Zephrion: You know. I meant genes as in a locatable region of genomic sequence, corresponding to a unit of inheritance, which is associated with regulatory regions, transcribed regions and/or other functional sequence regions. I didn't mean jeans as in the kind you wear.

Coolguyvaters: I see a light in the distance...

Fourth Fox: That was still lame.

Coolguyvaters: Goodbye cruel world...

Zephrion: Your mom's lame!

Coolguyvaters: Oh shit, I should've let Coolguyvaters do all the work like a had been doing...

Fourth Fox: Don't start up the yo'mama jokes again!

Coolguyvaters: Oh, wait...I'm Coolguyvaters.

*CGV fades away*

Zephrion: I- Coolguyvaters?

Foruth Fox: He's dead.

Zephrion: Noooooo!!!

*Metal Rabbit and Kiryn finally get back to the base*

Metal Rabbit: Hi! What happened?!

Fourth Fox: Zephiron killed Coolguyvaters.

Kiryn: Who's Coolguyvaters?

Metal Rabbit: Our leader.

Kiryn: Oh, right. Him.

Fourth Fox: Isn't there a staff that can revive him?

Zephrion: Where is it?

Fourth Fox: Only Fireman knows.

Zephrion: Where's Fireman.

Kiryn: He has a job as a fireman.

Metal Rabbit: So all we have to do is set something on fire and then the Fireman will come?

Zephrion: I know the perfect place.

*sets Serenes Forest on fire*

Zephrion: If anyone asks, Lekain made us do it.

With heavy hearts, they waited for Fireman to arrive. They also hoped that VincentASM would move this topic to Creative


Episode #: 7

Original Air Date: 4/1/08

Author: Zephrion

While we wait for Vincent to move this, I'll try my hand at another.

*Everyone stares at the enflamed forest.*

Zephrion: Hmm... In hindsight, this was a pretty moronic plan. He's not even showing up, and the fire's getting out of control!

Fourth Fox: Couldn't you just use Wind Magic to blow it out? If a tornado can kill CGV, it can certainly put out a fire.

Zephrion: I could use Wind Magic to put out the fire, but I could use Fire Magic to make it worse. Magic is just like that, you know?

Metal Rabbit: Don't use any Fire Spells then.

Zephrion: Why don't you just tell me to jump off a cliff instead!? Oh look, it's Fireman!

Fireman: Damn kittens... They ALWAYS find a way up that tree-- WHAT THE HELL!?


Zephrion: ...

Fourth Fox: ...

Kiryn: ...Who's Lekain?

Fireman: Uh...huh... So Lekain made you burn down the forest, then he made you stand around and do nothing about it?

Zephrion: Exactly! I always knew you were a smart one Fireman! No...I believe you have a job to do? Heh...

Fireman: *Sigh* Fine... But this is gonna cost you guys big.

-One action packed, high-budget fire extinguishing scene later...-

Fourth Fox: Wow, Fireman! That was amazing! The forest looks good as new!

Metal Rabbit: You have to teach us your techniques!

Kiryn: Truly spectacular! ...Whoever you are.

Zephrion: I liked the Tornado idea better...

Fourth Fox: Uh...Fireman? We have one tiny little favor to ask of you... You see, in a moment of pure stupidity, Zephrion killed CGV with a Tornado.

Fireman: I see. That is pretty stupid.

Zephrion: Hey!

Metal Rabbit: So have you heard of a staff with the ability to bring him back?

Fireman: Ah, you're in luck! I just so happen to have one of those in my possession! But to use it... That'll be 30,000 gold.

Kiryn: Why do you keep charging us money when we're on the same side?

Fireman: ...

Kiryn: ...

Fireman: ...35,000.

Fourth Fox: Oh, in the name of... Here! Take the money! *Fireman gained 35,000 Gold.*

Fireman: Thank you. Now...behold! *Holds up a staff that looks suspiciously like a Wiimote.* I call it... THE NINTENSTAFF! *Lightning crashes.*

Zephrion: I got dibs! *Steals staff.*

Everyone: NO!!!

Zephrion: I wonder what this button does? *Presses a small button in the upper-left hand corner of the staff. Suddenly, everything turns pitch-black.* Sweet! This thing can turn off the sun!

Metal Rabbit: I can't see a thing! Help me!

Kiryn: I have no idea where I am! In more ways than one!

Fourth Fox: YOU IDIOT! What did you do!?

Fireman: Well... This is turning out to be a fine day. ...You do realize I'm going to have to charge extra for this.

Not quite as funny as the others... But hey, I tried.


Episode #: 8

Original Air Date: 4/1/08

Author: FIreman

*the group is running around in the dark in complete chaos*

Zephrion: I can't seem to find the Nintenstaff...

Metal Rabbit: Hey, where's Iron Rabbit?

*Kiryn jumps down from a tree*

Kiryn: Here I am. I also found the Nintenstaff. Zephrion somehow dropped it in that really tall tree.

Fourth Fox: You remembered the names of two things!

Kiryn: Ever since that blackout incident*coughZephrioncough*, my amnesia problem finally lessened. Some of it anyway...

Metal Rabbit: Iron Rabbit had amnesia?

*an unusually calm DragonBlader arrives*

DragonBlader: I'm back from therapy- What happened to the sun, Zephrion?

Fourth Fox: You just noticed?

Zephrion: Why do I always get blamed first?

*DragonBlader gives him "the look"*

Zephrion: It was part of an attempt to revive Coolguyvaters...

*Ilyana arrives*

Ilyana: I'm back from costume hunting.

Metal Rabbit: So did you find 9000 costumes?

Ilyana: No, because I noticed the sun turning off and so I rushed here, wondering what Zephrion had did.

Zephrion: Why do I always- Never mind.

*Kiryn presses a button, which turns on the sun*

Fireman: Careful, the staff only has one use left. Use it wisely...

Fourth Fox: Give it to me! Zephrion can't be trusted with a staff.

Zephrion: Yes I can!

Metal Rabbit: I never used a staff! Give it to me!

DragonBlader: I should use it because I am the most calm. GIVE ME THAT STAFF!!!

Kiryn: I found it! I should use it!

Ilyana: Ah, what the hell. I'll join in on the fun.

*the whole group tries to grab the staff*

Fireman: I wonder if they realize that most of them can't use a staff. I senese something bad is about to happen.

*someone accidentally presses a button and CGV gets revived*

Coolguyvaters: Yes!!! Zephrion! You're a dead man!!!

Zephrion: I-

*Zephrion accidentally casts Tornado, which hits the base*

*CGV vanishes*

Zephrion: I know I destroyed the base and I intended to attack Coolguyvaters, but that tornado didn't even touch him!

Fourth Fox: What happened?

Fireman: The effects of the Nintenstaff are only temporary. The staff that permamently revives Coolguyvaters is somewhere in the base. And since Zephrion hit the base...you can guess what happened to the staff.

Kiryn: Funny. The staff was under our noses the whole time.

*Zephrion runs away really fast*

DragonBlader: Zephrion will be unavailable for the next few chapters...

Fireman: There is an alternative staff. But Zephrion has it.

Kiryn: Funny. The staff was still under our noses the whole time.

Fireman: I'll hunt Zephrion down for 5,000.

Ilyana: 10,000. 5,000 sounds like a scam.

Fireman: 20,000 for not accepting my first offer.

Metal Rabbit: 15,000.

Fireman: 30,000 for attempting to haggle.

Metal Rabbit: Wait! I just remembered. I have a coupon!

Fireman: Fine. That lowers your price to...30.

Fourth Fox: You had a 99% off coupon?

Metal Rabbit: You get that coupon after you hire him 100 times. No wonder I'm in debt...

*paid 30 gold*

Fireman: I'll go get Zephrion. Can't make any promises about the condition he'll be returned in.


Episode #: 9

Original Air Date: 4/3/08

Author: CGV

ok, since this is a sitcom topic and the "movie" looks like it will be a while, I'll make an episode to keep everyone entertained till then

This episode will have people getting their weapons ready for battle:

Kiryn is a fused class of a Nomad and a Pegasus knight that doesn't use lances. Instead uses bows and swords

Metal Rabbit is a Sniper

Coolguyvaters: *Checking his weapons* Well I should have a Steel Sword equipped, and a Killing Edge if I want to slaughter any one enemy and Wind Edge for ranged attacks. And got some vulnerary and concoctions. You guys all ready?

Zephrion: One sec... let's see... got my Elwind out with a Wind for better accuracy and a Blizzard for far ranged attacks. *takes out staves* I have my Heal staff that I'm pretty good with now and a Mend staff for when I need to heal bigger wounds. Plus, I have some vulnerary. I'm ready!

Metal Rabbit: Got a Steel Bow and a Brave Bow. Ok, I'm ready

Ilyana: got my 9,000 outfits!

(everyone gives her the ".......uh...huh....." look)

Kiryn: Let's see... Got my forged Steel Sword, Killing Edge, and my Steel Bow, plus some vulnerary and concoctions. Well, me and my pegasus are ready

Fourth Fox: I'm not sure I have everything... got my Fire magic, my Thunder magic, my Wind magic, my forged Iron sword, Heal staff, Physic staff, Mend staff, plus some vulerary and concoction. Oh, and some antitoxin, just in case, and it's all loaded on my horse. Did I miss anything?

(everyone gives Fourth Fox a very confused look)

Coolguyvaters: Fourth Fox, how can you possibly bring ALL that stuff to the battlefield? Wont your horse get tired from carrying all that?

Zephrion: Seriously, I've got my share of Wind magic and staves and I can barely fit the vulnerary in my pocket without weighing me down

Kiryn: I mean my pegasus can hold a lot, but not THAT much

Ilyana: HEY! I still have all my outfits here!

(everyone gives her "the look")

Fourth Fox: Well being a Valkyrie is hard work and does require using strength AND magic, but if I can carry all these weapons, I'll sure use them all. You never know what kind of luck you'll have on the battlefield.

Coolguyvaters: Well if we have as much luck as weapons you've got. I think we'll be just fine

Zephrion: Hey, where's Fireman?

Kiryn: oh yeah, where is he?

Metal Rabbit: I'm sure he'll appear out of nowhere eventu-

*sneaks up behind the group*

Fireman: Did you call me?

*everyone jumps in surprise*

Coolguyvaters: Geez, Fireman, don't give us a heart attack before we enter the battlefield!

Zephrion: Yeah seriously. I was holding my Elwind book and I almost ripped it in half because you startled me so much.

Fireman: Sorry, but you know me. I'm very... mysterious...

Coolguyvaters: Yes we all know that, do you have your weapons ready for battle?

Fireman: Always do. I have my Steel Dagger, Silver Dagger, Stiletto, and Peshkatz, plus some vulnerary and concoction I sto... I mean, bought from... some guy

Kiryn: Ok, looks like we're all ready. Let's go

Fourth Fox: Wait! I gotta load my stuff on my horse. I can't place find a place to put my staves and Thunder magic

Coolguyvaters: I'm surprised you loaded what you did on your horse. I swear, you look like a merchant trying to sell things and your horse looks like a 1/2 off discount stand

Metal Rabbit: Haha, you kinda do

Fourth Fox: (gives Metal Rabbit "the look")

Zephrion: Can we go now? I'm eager to blow some of my enemies away. Get it, guys? BLOW them away. Hahaha!

Fireman: Yeah, kinda like how Coolguyvaters was blown by-

Coolguyvaters: HEY! how did you know about that!

*Fourth Fox, Zephrion, Metal Rabbit and Kiryn look at each other in confusion. Ilyana is still looking at her 9,000 outfits*

Fireman: I'm sneaky, remember. But I'll admit, she was very-

Coolguyvaters: OK!, well...uh... at least you really are very good at staying under cover

Fireman: Haha, also kinda like how you were under-

Coolguyvaters: To the battlefield everyone! Let's go kick some ass!

Kiryn: YEAH! Let's go!!!

(As everyone is running toward the battlefield)

Metal Rabbit: Did we forget someone?

Fourth Fox: I don't think so

Zephrion: Who would have we forgotten?

(Back at the base)

Ilyana: Hey which one looks bet- *looks around and sees no one* uhhh, hello? anyone here? *realizes everyone left* HEY! I still haven't chosen an outfit yet!!!

so yeah, like i said, any changes, just say so


Episode #: 10

Original Air Date: 4/4/08

Author: Zephrion

I've been testing all week, so I need to get some creative juices flowing, meaning... YAY MORE FILLER!

Dragonblader1: Hey! CGV! I thought you were dead?

Coolguyvaters: I...don't recall ever being dead.

Dragonblader1: But... Zephrion killed you! Didn't he...? Please tell me I'm not losing it again! The nightmares have just stopped!

Fourth Fox: This is a sitcom. Therefore, even if we blow up the entire world and kill every main character, they'll just come back to life the next episode. Hell, with the contingency issues this show has, I wouldn't be surprised if next episode, CGV was suddenly dead again.

Coolguyvaters: What!?

Dragonblader1: ...I didn't understand a word you just said. Sitcom? I think you're the one losing it Fourth Fox.

Fourth Fox: I'm serious! We're all apart of a tv show, being written by a group of people living in a forest! You see, I know these things, because I have the ability to break the Fourth Wall.

Dragonblader1: Yep, she's lost it.

Coolguyvaters: What in the world is a Fourth Wall?

Fourth Fox: I'm afraid that if I try to explain it to you, your heads will explode.

Dragonblader1: Hey Fourth Fox... I know the name of a great therapist...


Metal Rabbit: So, Iron Rabbit! How goes preparations for battle?

Kiryn: My name isn't Iron Rabbit. It's... ... ...well it's definitely not Iron Rabbit.

Metal Rabbit: Of course it isn't... Oh, it's Ilyana! Hey! Ilyana! How goes battle preparations?

Ilyana: *Walks over.* Good. I have all 9000 of my costumes ready for battle. Here, let me show you...

Metal Rabbit: Erm... If you don't mind me asking... How are costumes going to help us in battle.

Tibarn: Oh, they have their uses...

Kiryn: Oh course... You can disguise yourself as a tree when the enemies attack you for not having a weapon.

Leanne: I can also change into a sign giving away the position of a certain Pegasis Rider...

Kiryn: Uh...noted.

Metal Rabbit: Alright! Kiryn has her Swords and Bows and Ilyana has her...costumes.

Kiryn: What weapons are you carrying with you Metal Rabbit?

Metal Rabbit: I'm glad you asked! As a Sniper, I have access to a variety of ranged weapons...but this is my personal favorite! *Unveils weapon.* The M24 Sniper rifle! Complete with a 12x scope and firing distance of over a mile! The enemy won't know what hit them!

3-13 Archer: But what if it breaks?

Metal Rabbit: Huh?

Kiryn: I think what Ilyana means is that this is obviously an advanced piece of weaponry. If it were to break, I doubt we'd have the technology to fix it.

Metal Rabbit: Why Iron Rabbit, that's ridiculous! I'll have you know this is made from the finest quality materials, and isn't going to break anytime soon! Watch! *Fires rifle at a nearby tree. Once the bullet makes contact, the rifle suddenly disappears.* -A Sniper Rifle Broke!-

Kiryn: 'Finest quality materials' eh?


Naesala: Hehe, better luck next time Metal Rabbit.

Metal Rabbit: It's not fair... IT'S NOT FAIR!!


Zephrion: Elwind...check. Tornado...check. Heal Staff, With Safety ON...check!

Fireman: Are you quite done...? I still have a contract involving you to fulfill.

Zephrion: Aww...come on. Nobody even remembers that. Can't we just let bygones be bygones?

Fireman: Nope, I got a lot of money riding on your head. Or, at least some hair...or something.

Zephrion: But...we have a battle coming up! If you kill me now, you'll be down one Wind Mage!

Fireman: That's a risk I'm willing to take. Besides, I'm doing everyone a favor. Odds are, you'll kill more people on our side than on theirs.

Zephrion: That's cold. I'll have you know I've been practicing.

Fireman: Oh... In that case, I'll leave you be then. Keep practicing will ya? I don't want any more bodies!

Zephrion: Thanks! I will! *Turns around and continues packing.*

Fireman: Idiot... -LETHALITY!- *Zephrion disappears.* Never turn your back on an Assassin, jerk. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more gold to extort. *Walks off, whistling.*


Episode #: 11

Original Air Date: 4/4/08

Author: Fireman

Fireman: Hello, Fireman?

Fireman: Yes?

Fireman: I need you to kill Zephrion.

Fireman: 10,000

Fireman: Why?

Fireman: 10,000 to kill Zephrion.

Fireman: Sure.

Fireman: 30,000.

Fireman: What? Why?

Fireman: I didn't think you'd cave so easily.

*Fireman pays Fireman 30,000 gold*

Fireman: Rip-off artist...

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Season 2 will have mages and sages right? Yeah it needs me. MASU for season 2!

Well the first three and 1/2 seasons have already been written. But if you look at the newest episode in the fourth season Masu, you'll notice I wrote you in one episode.

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This IS the creative forum... And MaSu, I will get you in on my next episode. What kinda of sage would you like to be. Zephrion is already a wind sage, so thunder or fire?

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