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Well, lets see, where to begin. As to my identity on other boards, I'm Voltaire on FESS, although I'm going to change that my username to my current username(due an ideological change. I'm giving up my secular attitudes for Catholicism, but I'm not a convert yet...). The only other FE board I'm registered at is FEF, and I've had my name changed to the one I'm using here. Use Google if you want to know more about Cephas, aka Simon Peter or check out http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11744a.htm.

I've played FE4, FE6, FE7, and FE8 from beginning to end. FE3 and FE5 I haven't completed yet, with FE3 being more likely to be complete since it's eaiser. FE5 is a total pain.

The order I would rank them in terms of how much I like them would be

1. FE4

2. FE6

3. FE3, FE8

4. FE7

5. FE5

As for what else I want to disclose about myself, I will say that I'm an extremely serious and "down-to-earth" person and prefers logical thinking to emotional wishy-washiness. I also do not like prideful people, and to make sure I'm not a hypocrite when saying such a statement, I make efforts to humble myself. I detest flattery as a result.

For music, I like a good deal of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven, and a couple other pre-Romantic period composers, although I have to say that I do like the waltzes of Johann Strauss. I also have a strong interest in the natural sciences and history, although I could play piano well when I was in practice.

Hmm, it seems I've run out of things to say.

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