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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Then why do you and miacis keep pushing the issue after blazer has already explained himself? Twice.

And please, we don't understand. Feel free to teach us all the point of criticism, if you would.

Because he's not actually replied to any of the criticism offered and is blaming things on us instead of... y'know, talking about the points mentionned?

Not like it's really new on this thread to see that, but I kinda expected a bit less condescension, at least.

Replying to an honest (if blunt) gameplay suggestion by "ding ding ding, you didn't understand everything. [You moron?]", followed by a barrage of ramblings about ignorance, stupidity, close-mindedness, intolerance and immaturity isn't exactly what I call explaining oneself.

Regardless, we're not really talking about the game anymore. Just judging people around on mere intent. I suppose it'd be better to just wait for his answer to the actual gameplay points made before this derails even more.

But I swear, if we get another bloody off-topic rant as an answer, I'm going to kill a puppy.

Edited by Miacis
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Because I think his reasoning is poor? I would have thought that to be painfully obvious.

It's still his choice regardless, and no amount of paragraphs is going to change his mind if he doesn't want to change anything. But I have nothing left to say, so you win.

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  • eclipse unlocked this topic
  • 8 months later...

Hello! Hate to bother anyone still rolling around here, but I cannot get Chapter 7's gaiden to work; one of the houses event flags wont trigger and I really would hate to miss out on anything the hack has to offer. If anyone might know which version it may work on, as im using 2.1, id greatly appreciate a swift response.

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  • 1 year later...

@Crimson Red

Thanks for this rom hack, story was good and gameplay was easy at 1st then at the end super hard so balance was a bit off.

Also the voices were so cringy but i get it for its time when this came out, still i really liked this hack.

Edited by JrpgAddict
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