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Lord of Azure Flame: The Novelization: Feedback


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Okay, before you start, I will answer several questions which I feel almost certain will appear now.

1) Why the novelization?

A) Because, quite frankly, a lot of the LoAF happens in short posts where the focus is more on interactivity than on writing or readability to outsiders. The novelization is here to help people who want to read through it as well as providing a way to reminisce about the past for others as well as being a potentially fun read.

2) In your story you seem to be focusing mainly on only a few characters. Why? There are many more.

A) Indeed. God willing, I will eventually have every character have their limelight time. However, the story is intended to be told mainly from a focus on Esphyr. Even so, there are also some things which simply either don't matter or can be covered later on when the character gets introduced proper.

3) I didn't write this/ I didn't do that/ I did this/ I didn't say this/ I said this. Why the changes?

A) Readability, story flow, cutting out crap, reworking key things to make the story better, combating the bane that is RP time, take your pick. There are a multitude of reasons why I may have changed what was originally written somewhere. Usually to make things more sensible and flow better, but there are other reasons.

4) The title says Chapter X, yet this only covers a page/ a fourth of the topic/ whatever. Why?

A) The average LoAF topic is 20+ pages long. Even when condensing and focusing on story elements, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Sometimes it's just better to focus on two characters in a post (like in a support) and to then just focus on other things next post. Either way, there is no chapter which can be easily written with all the info condensed into one post. Better to not deceive myself. I cut the posts off at the spot I feel works best for the story so that the public doesn't have to read a 100,000+ word book all at once.

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