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Generic Replacements Playthrough

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Basically doing a playthrough for fun using only replacements in H2 mode other characters will be killed off or not recruited. (The exceptions will be Jake and Beck for long range support(I just like Ballistas) and Oguma to take out Gomes and that chapter 3 boss) Jeigan and Wendell will be kept alive for a while as a precaution to if a level is too tough for the generics to finish, most likely expecting the generics to die a lot. Also note that I won't be finishing for lowest turn counts.


Chapter 1

Turns 15

Killed of Abel, Cain, Gordin, and Draug while Jeigan and Marth killed all of the pirates. Wrys was recruited and will be killed off when the generics arrive.

Characters                                HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 3                               22  8  0    6   9   9   8   1
Jeigan Lvl 2(Paladin)                     28  9  1    12  9   3   10  7
Sheeda Lvl 2 (Pegasus)                    16  4  1    7  12  10   8   6    
Wrys Lvl 1 (Cleric)                       Base Stats

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name  Chapter       Reason

Chapter 2

Turns 17

To take a quote from Colonel M "Darros the man who never saw his first player phase." and never saw his first player phase indeed. Kept Cord, Barst, and Oguma alive so they can form a meatshield from the fighters in the next chapter. Bord, Kashim and Darros were killed off.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 5                           	22  8  0    6   9  10   8   1
Jeigan Lvl 2(Paladin)                 	28  9  1    12  9   3   10  7
Sheeda Lvl 3 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7  13  11   8   6    
Wrys Lvl 2 (Cleric)                   	17  0  2    6   6   2   3   7
Oguma Lvl 5 (Merc)                      23  6  0    12 12   3   6   0
Cord Lvl  2 (Fighter)                 	20  7  0    5   9   5   5   0
Barst Lvl 3 (Fighter)                 	24 10  0    6   9   5   6   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name  Chapter   	Reason

Chapter 3

Turns 16

I should've taken Nabarl's Killing Edge instead of killing him. Lena gets killed by Nabaral, Cord gets killed by the two fighters near Hayman and Hayman dies from a lucky Devil Axe and Marth finished him off. Julian is kept alive for the chests.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 6                           	23  9  0    7   10  11   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 3(Paladin)                 	28  9  1    12  9   3   10  7
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Wrys Lvl 3 (Cleric)                   	17  0  2    6   6   3    3  8
Oguma Lvl 6 (Merc)                      24  7  0    12  12  3    7  0
Barst Lvl 4 (Fighter)                 	25 11  0    6   10  5    6  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stats

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name  Chapter   	Reason

Chapter 4

Turns 18

Acquired and reclassed generics into: Unil(Knight) Dua(Mage) Trim(Pegasus) Quatro(Merc) Penvo(Cavalier) Xestu(Curate) Hepto(Hunter). Barst and Oguma dies to the Cavaliers on the left while weakening them (Barst dies from Devil Axe, Oguma dies from Matthis). Cavalier Wrys heroically weakened the fighters to the east. Boss was killed by Dua. Recruited Merric just for his tome.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 6                           	23  9  0    7   10  11   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 4(Sniper)                 	28  9  1    15  11   3   9  4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Unil Lvl 7 (Knight)                     23  8  0    3   0    0   11 0
Dua Lvl  8 (F. Mage)                    17  0  3    3   6    0   2  4
Quatro Lvl 6 (Merc)                     21  5  0    9   10   0   5  0
Xetsu  Lvl 7 (Curate)                   17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 6 (Cavalier)                 20  5  0    4   6    0   8  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stats
Merric Lvl 1 (Mage)                       Base Stats

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name            Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)  4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)  4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge

Chapter 5

Turns 10

Recruited Wendell while Hardin, Vyland, Roshea, Wolf, and Sedgar blitzed towards their castle in an attempt to retake it, they failed. Merric was sent to his death, Marth took care of the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 7                           	23  10 0    8   11  12   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 4(Sniper)                 	28  10 1    15  13   4   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Dua Lvl  8 (F. Mage)                    17  0  3    3   6    0   2  4
Quatro Lvl 6 (Merc)                     21  5  0    9   11   0   6  0
Xetsu  Lvl 8 (Curate)                   17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 7 (Cavalier)                 20  5  0    4   6    0   8  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stat
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name            Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)  4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)  4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)   5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.

Chapter 6

Turns 13

Acquired and reclassed generics into: Octu(Curate) Naunu (F. Archer) Dexa (Knight) Hendexa (F. Archer) Duadexa (Knight) Left Ricardo in his cell, and Penvo took care of the thieves and Marth took care of the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 9                           	23  10 0    8   11  14   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 4(Sniper)                 	28  10 1    15  13   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Dua Lvl  9 (F. Mage)                    17  0  3    4   6    0   2  4
Xetsu  Lvl 8 (Curate)                   17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 9 (Cavalier)                 20  5  0    4   7    0   9  0
Octu Lvl 9 (Curate)                     20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 9 (F. Archer)                 18  6  0    5   6    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 9 (F. Archer)               22  6  0    6   8    0   8  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stat
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage

Chapter 6X

Turns 16

Acquired and Reclassed a generic named Wymp into a cavalier. Pirates were a threat to the generics they were being two rounded by pirates. Generics only inflicted 0-2 damage on the boss (Physical) and 8 from magic. Marth took the boss kill.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 10                           	23  10 0    8   12  15   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 6(Sniper)                 	28  10 1    15  13   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Dua Lvl  10 (F. Mage)                   17  0  3    4   6    0   2  4
Xetsu  Lvl 10 (Curate)                  17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                20  5  0    4   7    0   9  0
Octu Lvl 10 (Curate)                    20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 9 (F. Archer)                 18  6  0    5   6    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 10 (F. Myrmidom)            22  4  0    6   15   0   8  0
Wymp Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                  20  5  1    4   9    0   7  2
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stat
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage

Chapter 7

Turns 20

Acquired two generics and reclassed them into: Owend(Knight) Laim(Hunter) The Cavaliers were a threat to the generics and 5 had to attack one to kill one. Had Jeigan block the Ridersbane fort, recruited Bantu so I can do the Caravan trick to get to the gaiden and Wendell took the boss kill. (Since I wasn't sure if Marth was going to miss) Also sent Julian to his death since I have the Fire Emblem.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 10                           	23  10 0    8   12  15   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 6(Dracoknight)               28  11 1    12  11   5   13 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Xetsu  Lvl 11 (Curate)                  17  0  2    4   4    0   3  7
Octu Lvl 11 (Curate)                    20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 10 (F. Archer)                19  6  0    5   7    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 10 (F. Archer)              22  6  0    6   8    0   8  0
Wymp Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                  20  5  1    4   9    0   7  3
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort

Chapter 8

Turns 11

Acquired two generics Auffle(F. Mage) Lucer(Pirate), nothing to say except killed off Radd and Ceaser and had Marth rush to the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 10                           	23  10 0    8   12  15   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 6(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  13   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Xetsu  Lvl 11 (Curate)                  17  0  2    4   4    0   3  7
Octu Lvl 11 (Curate)                    20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 10 (F. Archer)                19  6  0    5   7    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 10 (F. Archer)              22  6  0    6   8    0   8  0
Wymp Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                  20  5  1    4   9    0   7  3
Auffle Lvl 12 (F. Mage)                 18  0  7    1   4    0   2  5
Lucer Lvl 12 (Pirate)                   27 11  0    3   6    0   4  0
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort

Chapter 9

Turns 17

Wow the generics were overrun by the pirate swarm many generics were killed. Couldn't save Jorge's village and some unlucky RNG. Wendell dies trying to fend off the pirate rush in a fort. Since Marth's strength was high he managed to kill the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 14                           	23  14 0    11  15  19   10 1
Jeigan Lvl 8(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  14   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Octu Lvl 13 (Curate)                    20  0  3    3   6    0   3 11
Hendexa Lvl 11 (F. Myrmidon)            22  4  0    6   15   0   6  0
Owend Lv 12 (Merc)                      25  6  0    12  13   0   7  0
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier) 9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)  9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage) 9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)9               Miscalculation

Chapter 10

Turn 15

Acquired generics Wladis (Hunter), Jeffers (Cavalier), Augustus (Knight), Jimines (Knight), Antony (Pegasus), Pinkly (Hunter) and Aurelius (Dark Mage). Forged another Rapier with +3 MT and rushed towards the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 16                           	23  14 0    11  17  21  10  1
Jeigan Lvl 8(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  14   5  10  4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Octu Lvl 13 (Curate)                    20  0  3    3   6    0   3 11
Hendexa Lvl 11 (F. Myrmidon)            22  4  0    6   16   0   7  0
Owend Lv 13 (Merc)                      25  6  0    12  13   0   7  0
Wladis Lvl 13 (Hunter)                  23  8  0    5   11   0   4  0
Jeffers Lvl 13 (Cavalier)               26  8  0    6   10   0   7  0
Augustus Lvl 14 (Knight)                27  10 0    3   1    0  15  0
Jiminez Lvl 13 (Knight)                 24  7  0    4   1    0  15  0
Pinkley lvl 13 (Hunter)                 22  9  0    5   8    0   5  0
Aurelius lvl 13 (Dark Mage)             18  0  5    5   7    0   4  7
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier) 9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)  9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage) 9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus) 10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west

Chapter 11

Turns 26

The ballista on the fort and the dragon boss were a threat, the generics barely dent them. I forgot you had to go to a village to first to recruit Jake hence why turns were so high. Recruited Linde then she got killed by Jake.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 17                           	23  15 0    12  17  22  11  1
Jeigan Lvl 9(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Vladek Lvl 14 (Cavalier)                24  9  0    4    8   0   8  0
Jake Lvl 1                                Base Stat
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas

Chapter 12

Turns 20

Left the prisoners to die had Jake kill some of the horsemens and had Marth take the chests and the boss kill.

Acquired generics and reclassed them into Sawyer (Knight) Lever (Cleric) Julius (Dark Mage) Justinian (Merc) Unil (Cavalier)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 18                           	23  16 0    12  17  23  11  2
Jeigan Lvl 10(Sniper)                   28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Vladek Lvl 14 (Cavalier)                24  9  0    4    8   0   8  0
Lever Lvl 14 (Cleric)                   17  0  2    5    5   0   1  10 
Justinian Lvl 13 (Merc)                 26  10 0    11  13   0   7  0
Jake Lvl 4                              21  5  0    2    4   4  14  0
Sawyer (Knight)
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage

Chapter 12X

Turns 15

Acquired and reclassed generics into Dua (F. archer) Trim (Mage) Quatro (Knight) Xetsu (Knight) Penvo(Hunter) Hepto (Merc) and Octu (Knight) Decided to promote Justinian and kept Horace alive as another precaution. Decided not to go to the gaiden to get Nagi so I sent Bantu to his death. Going to send Jeigan to his death after chapter 13.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 19                           	23  16 0    13  18  23  12  2
Jeigan Lvl 10(Sniper)                   28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Vladek Lvl 15 (Cavalier)                24  10 0    4    8   0   8  0
Lever Lvl 14 (Cleric)                   17  0  2    5    5   0   1  10 
Justinian Lvl 13 (Hero)                 26  12 1    13  15   0   7  0
Dua Lvl 14  (F. Archer)                 22  6  0    5    9   0   7  0
Trim Lvl 14 (Mage)                      17  0  6    3    5   0   2  3
Quatro Lvl 14 (Knight)                  24  8  0    5    1   0  15  0
Penvo Lvl 14  (Hunter)                  23 11  0    6    8   0   4  0
Xetsu Lvl 14  (Knight)                  25  7  0    7    0   0  14  0
Hepto Lvl 15  (Merc)                    29 11  0    10  13   0   5  0
Octu Lvl 15   (Knight)                  31 12  0     3   2   0  11  0
Jake Lvl 4                              21  5  0    2    4   4  14  0
Horace lvl 3 (General)                        Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill

Chapter 14

Turns 20

Acquired and reclassed generics Naunu (Berserker) Dexa (Sorcerer) Hendexa (General) Duadexa (Sniper) Wymp (F. Swordmaster) and Owend (General). Despite having prepromotes they still struggled against the enemy, didn't get the Thoron book, killed of Jeigan and Horace while Marth gets the boss kill.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 19                           	25  16 0    13  18  24  12  2
Hendexa Lvl 2 (General)                 39  14 1    5    6   0  15  3
Owend Lvl 3 (General)                   40   9 1    7    5   0  20  3
Wymp Lvl 1 (Swordmaster)                29  8  1    12  17   0   8  3
Jake Lvl 7                              21  6  0    2    4   5  14  0
Beck Lvl 7                              23  8  0    5    6   8  17  0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Celeric)      14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorcerer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights

Chapter 15

Turns 25

Acquired and reclassed Laim (Dark Mage) Auffle (Pegasus) Lucer (F. Myrmidon) Rejek (Curate) Wiekln (Hunter) Wladis (Merc)Jeffers (Pegasus) Augustus (Pegasus) Jiminez (Cavalier) Antony (Hunter). High turn count because I used Marth to buy some stuff. Generics in this map were 2 rounded or 3 rounded and gave Beck an energy drop.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 21                            36  16  0   15   19  24  12   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 3 (General)                   40   9  1    7    5   0  20   3
Wymp Lvl 2 (Swordmaster)                29   8  1   12   17   0   8   3
Laim Lvl 15 (Dark Mage)                 18   0  4    4    6   0   4   7
Rejeck Lvl 16 (Curate)                  19   0  7    6    7   0   3   7
Wielkin Lvl 15 (Hunter)                 23   8  0    7    9   0   4   0
Jiminez Lvl 15 (Cavalier)               22  10  0    8   10   0   8   0
Antony Lvl  15 (Hunter)                 29  13  0    6    7   0   3   0 
Jake Lvl 8                              21   7  0    4    5   6  14   0
Beck Lvl 8                              24  10  0    6    6   8  17   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Celeric)      14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort

Chapter 16

Turns 20

Aquired and reclassed generics Pinkley (F. sniper) Aurelius (Hero) Forged Stonehoist with hit till it reached 60. Since enemies are becoming tougher for level 15 generics to handle Samson was recruited so I can get better generics next level.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 23                            37  19  0   16   21  25  13   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 4 (General)                   41   9  1    8    5   0  20   3
Wymp Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)                  29  10  1    9   13   0   9   3
Pinkley Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)               32  10  1   13   14   0  11   3
Aurelius Lvl 1 (Hero)                   29   8  1   14   14   0   8   3
Samson Lvl 10 (Hero)                         Base Stat
Rejeck Lvl 16 (Curate)                  19   0  7    6    7   0   3   7
Wielkin Lvl 15 (Hunter)                 23   8  0    7    9   0   4   0
Jiminez Lvl 15 (Cavalier)               22  10  0    8   10   0   8   0
Antony Lvl  16 (Hunter)                 29  13  0    6    7   0   3   0 
Jake Lvl 9                              21   7  0    5    5   7  14   0
Beck Lvl 11                             26  11  0    8    8   9  17   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth

Chapter 17

Turns 23

No generics acquired, bought three longbows, dragonpikes, and wyrmslayer. Marth took the boss kill since the generics didn't stand a chance against him.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 25                            37  19  0   16   22  27  13   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 5 (General)                   41   9  1    8    5   0  21   3
Wymp Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)                  29  10  1   10   14   0   9   3
Pinkley Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)               32  10  1   13   14   0  11   3
Aurelius Lvl 1 (Hero)                   29   8  1   14   14   0   8   3
Samson Lvl 11 (Hero)                    25  11  1   15   16   8  10   3
Rejeck Lvl 18 (Curate)                  19   0  7    6    7   0   3   7
Jiminez Lvl 15 (Cavalier)               22  10  0    8   10   0   8   0
Antony Lvl  16 (Hunter)                 29  13  0    6    7   0   3   0 
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 13                             26  11  0    8    9   9  17   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted

Chapter 17X

Turns 33

Acquired a generic Vladek (Warrior) Didn't get all of the loot and Owend hold a chokepoint with enemies doing zero damage. Recruited Etzel for better generics. Running out of ammo to support two ballistas

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 26                            40  20  0   17   23  28  13   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 9 (General)                   43  11  1    9    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 4 (F. Sniper)               32  12  1   14   14   0  11   3
Samson Lvl 11 (Hero)                    25  11  1   15   16   8  10   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 17                             29  13  0    9   11  11  19   0
Etzel Lvl 6                               Base Stat 

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)

Chapter 18

Turns 23

Acquired generics Julius (Sage) Lever (Berserker) Justinian (Horsemen) Sawyer (F. Sage) unil (Hero) Dua (Sniper) Trim (F. Sage) and Quatro (General). The general generics were pretty impenetrable with 22 def they took 0 damage from everything and made this chapter too easy. Sent Etzel and Samson to their deaths.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 27                            41  20  0   18   24  29  13   2
Owend Lvl 11 (General)                  44  11  1    9    5   0  24   3
Quatro Lvl 38 (General)                 38  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 5 (F. Sniper)               32  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 7 (Sniper)                      30  11  1   11   15   0  10   3
Julius Lvl 6 (Sage)                     27   3  6    7    6   0   3   11
Sawyer Lvl 7 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   7   13   0   3   8
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              31  10  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 6 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   14   0   7   3

Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0
Etzel Lvl 6                               Base Stat 

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed

Chapter 18

Turns 30

Acquired Penvo (Sorcerer) Nothing much to say except looted all the chests and kill Chiki.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 27                            41  20  0   18   24  29  13   2
Owend Lvl 12 (General)                  44  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Quatro Lvl 38 (General)                 38  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 6 (F. Sniper)               34  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 7 (Sniper)                      30  11  1   11   16   0  10   3
Julius Lvl 7 (Sage)                     27   3  7    7    6   0   3   11
Sawyer Lvl 8 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   7   13   0   3   8
Penvo  Lvl 7 (Sorcerer)                 25   2  7    7    8   0   4   9
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              31  10  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 7 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   14   0   8   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed

Chapter 20

Turns 13

Acquired generics Xetsu (Dracoknight) Hepto (Dracoknight) Octu (Sorcerer). Nothing much to say except Marth easily took care of Camus and recruited Lawrence by accident.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 28                            42  20  0   18   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 13 (General)                  46  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Quatro Lvl 8 (General)                  38  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 7 (F. Sniper)               35  12  1   15   15   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 8 (Sniper)                      31  11  1   11   16   0  10   3
Sawyer Lvl 9 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   8   13   0   3   8
Penvo  Lvl 8 (Sorcerer)                 25   2  7    8    8   0   4   9
Octus  Lvl 7 (Sorcerer)                 26   2  6    7    9   0   4  11
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              31  10  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 7 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   14   0   8   3
Xetsu Lvl 7 (Dracoknight)               29  11  1   11   13   0  14   3
Hepto Lvl 7 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1    7   14   0  11   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      20              Ambushed by fort reinforcements

Chapter 20X

Turns 19

Nothing to say except the boss is so bad that generics were capable of killing him.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 28                            42  20  0   18   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 15 (General)                  46  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Quatro Lvl 10 (General)                 40  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 7 (F. Sniper)               35  12  1   15   15   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 9 (Sniper)                      31  11  1   11   16   0  10   3
Sawyer Lvl 9 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   8   13   0   3   8
Octus  Lvl 7 (Sorcerer)                 26   2  6    7    9   0   4  11
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              32  11  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 7 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   15   0   8   3
Xetsu Lvl 8 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1   11   13   0  14   3
Hepto Lvl 7 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1    7   14   0  11   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 24                             34  16  0   10   14  14  20   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      20              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Penvo (Sorcerer)   20X             Failed to notice a paladin

Chapter 21

Turns 8

Acquired and reclassed generics into Naunu (General) Dexa (Sniper) Hendexa(Sorcerer). Generics were easily killed their 0 luck resulted in many casualty during the advance.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 29                            43  20  0   18   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 15 (General)                  46  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Unil Lvl 10 (Hero)                      37  15  1   16   16   0   8   3
Xetsu Lvl 8 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1   11   13   0  14   3
Hepto Lvl 9 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1    8   14   0  12   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her

Chapter 22

Turns 21

Acquired and reclassed generics into Duadexa (Horsemen) Wymp (Sorcerer) Laim (Bishop) Auffle (Berserker) Lucer(F. Sniper) Rejeck (Sniper) Wielkin (General) Wladis (Warrior). Bought a lot of ballista ammo, couldn't save Gato's village and don't have any generics capable of killing Garnef so I'll have to go to the gaiden chapter.

(Errors will show since I did a lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 30                            43  21  0   19   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 17 (General)                  49  11  1   10    5   0  26   3
Pinkley Lvl 10 (F. Sniper)              36  12  1   16   15   0  12   3
Hepto Lvl 10 (Dracoknight)              31  12  1    8   14   0  12   3
Duadexa Lvl 11 (Horsemen)               31   9  1   12   13   0   7   3
Laim Lvl 12 (Bishop)                    26   1  7    6   15   0   3  15
Auffle Lvl 10 (Berserker)               42  16  1    5   10   0   6   0
Lucer Lvl 11 (F. Sniper)                34  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Rejek Lvl 12 (Sniper)                   38  14  1   17   18   2   8   3
Wielkin Lvl 11 (General)                40  12  1    8    5   0  28   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her
Unil (Hero)         22             Critted by a paladin during the march to macedonia's castle
Wymp  (Sorcerer)    22             Critted by a dracoknight during the march to macedonia's castle
Wladis (Warrior)    22             Killed by a pegasus during the march to macedonia's castle
Xetsu (Dracoknight) 22             Ambushed by a swarm bishop


Logs on pages:1 and 2


Chapter 1-2 on page 2

Chapter 3-13 on page 3-

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This ought to be a fun playthrough, mostly because the generics are completely random, and the levels of the generics depend solely on Marth in the end, since you will have him as the only live character. I'll be watching this. =P

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This will be hilarious.

Expecting a lot of deaths.

When I FINALLY FIND THIS GAME I will follow in your footsteps, oh great Captainesque.

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Well, once you get Wendell, kill off EVERYONE except Jeigan, Marth and Wendell. Because the Generics are based on the average level of everyone in your party (and they count as 15+level), you're looking at getting an army of level 13 generics assuming Marth is about level 7. Then, assuming you want as high a level team as possible, I'd try to focus exp onto one or two units, and kill of everyone else, and once again, you'll raise the level of your generics a bit, since you want them to hit 16 ASAP (once you start getting level 16 generics, you instead get promoted ones). If you can get promoted generics by about chapter 10, you should be fine.

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Well, once you get Wendell, kill off EVERYONE except Jeigan, Marth and Wendell. Because the Generics are based on the average level of everyone in your party (and they count as 15+level), you're looking at getting an army of level 13 generics assuming Marth is about level 7. Then, assuming you want as high a level team as possible, I'd try to focus exp onto one or two units, and kill of everyone else, and once again, you'll raise the level of your generics a bit, since you want them to hit 16 ASAP (once you start getting level 16 generics, you instead get promoted ones). If you can get promoted generics by about chapter 10, you should be fine.

I'll keep that in mind.

[spoiler=Chapter 2-4 Logs]

Chapter 2

Turns 17

To take a quote from Colonel M "Darros the man who never saw his first player phase." and never saw his first player phase indeed. Kept Cord, Barst, and Oguma alive so they can form a meatshield from the fighters in the next chapter. Bord, Kashim and Darros were killed off.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 5                           	22  8  0    6   9  10   8   1
Jeigan Lvl 2(Paladin)                 	28  9  1    12  9   3   10  7
Sheeda Lvl 3 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7  13  11   8   6    
Wrys Lvl 2 (Cleric)                   	17  0  2    6   6   2   3   7
Oguma Lvl 5 (Merc)                      23  6  0    12 12   3   6   0
Cord Lvl  2 (Fighter)                 	20  7  0    5   9   5   5   0
Barst Lvl 3 (Fighter)                 	24 10  0    6   9   5   6   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name  Chapter   	Reason

Chapter 3

Turns 16

I should've taken Nabarl's Killing Edge instead of killing him. Lena gets killed by Nabaral, Cord gets killed by the two fighters near Hayman and Hayman dies from a lucky Devil Axe and Marth finished him off. Julian is kept alive for the chests.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 6                           	23  9  0    7   10  11   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 3(Paladin)                 	28  9  1    12  9   3   10  7
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Wrys Lvl 3 (Cleric)                   	17  0  2    6   6   3    3  8
Oguma Lvl 6 (Merc)                      24  7  0    12  12  3    7  0
Barst Lvl 4 (Fighter)                 	25 11  0    6   10  5    6  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stats

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name  Chapter   	Reason

Chapter 4

Turns 18

Acquired and reclassed generics into: Unil(Knight) Dua(Mage) Trim(Pegasus) Quatro(Merc) Penvo(Cavalier) Xestu(Curate) Hepto(Hunter). Forge +3 MT on Marth's Rapier, Barst and Oguma dies to the Cavaliers on the left while weakening them (Barst dies from Devil Axe, Oguma dies from Matthis). Cavalier Wrys heroically weakened the fighters to the east. Boss was killed by Dua. Recruited Merric just for his tome.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 6                           	23  9  0    7   10  11   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 4(Sniper)                 	28  9  1    15  11   3   9  4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Unil Lvl 7 (Knight)                     23  8  0    3   0    0   11 0
Dua Lvl  8 (F. Mage)                    17  0  3    3   6    0   2  4
Quatro Lvl 6 (Merc)                     21  5  0    9   10   0   5  0
Xetsu  Lvl 7 (Curate)                   17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 6 (Cavalier)                 20  5  0    4   6    0   8  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stats
Merric Lvl 1 (Mage)                       Base Stats

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name            Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)  4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)  4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge

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[spoiler=Chapter 5-7 Logs]

Chapter 5

Turns 10

Recruited Wendell while Hardin, Vyland, Roshea, Wolf, and Sedgar blitzed towards their castle in an attempt to retake it, they failed. Merric was sent to his death, Marth took care of the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 7                           	23  10 0    8   11  12   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 4(Sniper)                 	28  10 1    15  13   4   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Dua Lvl  8 (F. Mage)                    17  0  3    3   6    0   2  4
Quatro Lvl 6 (Merc)                     21  5  0    9   11   0   6  0
Xetsu  Lvl 8 (Curate)                   17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 7 (Cavalier)                 20  5  0    4   6    0   8  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stat
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name            Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)  4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)  4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)   5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.

Chapter 6

Turns 13

Acquired and reclassed generics into: Octu(Curate) Naunu (F. Archer) Dexa (Knight) Hendexa (F. Archer) Duadexa (Knight) Left Ricardo in his cell, and Penvo took care of the thieves and Marth took care of the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 9                           	23  10 0    8   11  14   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 4(Sniper)                 	28  10 1    15  13   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Dua Lvl  9 (F. Mage)                    17  0  3    4   6    0   2  4
Xetsu  Lvl 8 (Curate)                   17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 9 (Cavalier)                 20  5  0    4   7    0   9  0
Octu Lvl 9 (Curate)                     20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 9 (F. Archer)                 18  6  0    5   6    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 9 (F. Archer)               22  6  0    6   8    0   8  0
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stat
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage

Chapter 6X

Turns 16

Acquired and Reclassed a generic named wymp into a cavalier. Pirates were a threat to the generics they were being two rounded by pirates. Generics only inflicted 0-2 damage on the boss (Physical) and 8 from magic. Marth took the boss kill.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 10                           	23  10 0    8   12  15   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 6(Sniper)                 	28  10 1    15  13   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Dua Lvl  10 (F. Mage)                   17  0  3    4   6    0   2  4
Xetsu  Lvl 10 (Curate)                  17  0  2    4   4    0   3  6
Penvo  Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                20  5  0    4   7    0   9  0
Octu Lvl 10 (Curate)                    20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 9 (F. Archer)                 18  6  0    5   6    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 10 (F. Myrmidom)            22  4  0    6   15    0  8  0
Wymp Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                  20  5  1    4   9    0   7  2
Juilan Lvl 3                              Base Stat
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage

Chapter 7

Turns 20

Acquired two generics and reclassed them into: Owend(Knight) Laim(Hunter) The Cavaliers were a threat to the generics and 5 had to attack one to kill one. Had Jeigan block the Ridersbane fort, recruited Bantu so I can do the Caravan trick to get to the gaiden and Wendell took the boss kill. (Since I wasn't sure if Marth was going to miss) Also sent Julian to his death since I have the Fire Emblem.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 10                           	23  10 0    8   12  15   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 6(Dracoknight)               28  11 1    12  11   5   13 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Xetsu  Lvl 11 (Curate)                  17  0  2    4   4    0   3  7
Octu Lvl 11 (Curate)                    20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 10 (F. Archer)                19  6  0    5   7    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 10 (F. Archer)              22  6  0    6   8    0   8  0
Wymp Lvl 10 (Cavalier)                  20  5  1    4   9    0   7  3
Wendell Lvl 1 (Sage)                      Base Stat
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort

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[spoiler='Chapter 8-10 logs]

Chapter 8

Turns 11

Acquired two generics Auffle(F. Mage) Lucer(Pirate), nothing to say except killed off Radd and Ceaser and had Marth rush to the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 13                           	23  10 0    8   12  15   8  1
Jeigan Lvl 7(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  13   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Xetsu  Lvl 11 (Curate)                  17  0  2    4   4    0   3  7
Octu Lvl 12 (Curate)                    20  0  1    3   5    0   3 11
Naunu Lvl 10 (F. Archer)                19  6  0    5   7    0   6  0
Hendexa Lvl 11 (F. Archer)              22  6  0    6   8    0   8  0
Wymp Lvl 11 (Cavalier)                  20  5  1    4   9    0   7  3
Auffle Lvl 12 (F. Mage)                 18  0  7    1   4    0   2  5
Lucer Lvl 12 (Pirate)                   27 11  0    3   6    0   4  0
Owend Lv 12 (Knight)                    25  8  0    5   3    0  13  0
Wendell Lvl 3 (Sage)                    22  3  6    2  12    1   5  6
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort

Chapter 9

Turns 17

Wow the generics were overrun by the pirate rush many generics were killed. Couldn't save Jorge's village and some unlucky RNG. Wendell dies trying to fend off the pirate rush in a fort. Since Marth's strength was high he killed the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 14                           	23  14 0    11  15  19   10 1
Jeigan Lvl 8(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  14   5   10 4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Octu Lvl 13 (Curate)                    20  0  3    3   6    0   3 11
Hendexa Lvl 11 (F. Myrmidon)            22  4  0    6   15   0   6  0
Owend Lv 12 (Merc)                      25  6  0    12  13   0   7  0
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier) 9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)  9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage) 9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)9               Miscalculation

Chapter 10

Turn 15

Acquired generics Wladis (Hunter), Jeffers (Cavalier), Augustus (Knight), Jimines (Knight), Antony (Pegasus), Pinkly (Hunter) and Aurelius (Dark Mage). Forged another Rapier with +3 MT and rushed towards the boss.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 16                           	23  14 0    11  17  21  10  1
Jeigan Lvl 8(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  14   5  10  4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Octu Lvl 13 (Curate)                    20  0  3    3   6    0   3 11
Hendexa Lvl 11 (F. Myrmidon)            22  4  0    6   16   0   7  0
Owend Lv 13 (Merc)                      25  6  0    12  13   0   7  0
Wladis Lvl 13 (Hunter)                  23  8  0    5   11   0   4  0
Jeffers Lvl 13 (Cavalier)               26  8  0    6   10   0   7  0
Augustus Lvl 14 (Knight)                27  10 0    3   1    0  15  0
Jiminez Lvl 13 (Knight)                 24  7  0    4   1    0  15  0
Pinkley lvl 13 (Hunter)                 22  9  0    5   8    0   5  0
Aurelius lvl 13 (Dark Mage)             18  0  5    5   7    0   4  7
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name             Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)   4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)   4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)    5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight) 6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)    6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)    7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)  7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier) 9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)  9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage) 9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus) 10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west

Edited by Generic Officer
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Heh, looks like you've decided against my advice :P. Well, fair enough.

I didn't want my run to become too easy.

[spoiler=Chapter 11-13 logs]

Chapter 11

Turns 26

The ballista on the fort and the dragon boss were a threat, the generics barely dent them. I forgot you had to go to a village to first to recruit Jake hence why turns were so high. Recruited Linde then she got killed by Jake.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 17                           	23  15 0    12  17  22  11  1
Jeigan Lvl 9(Sniper)                    28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Sheeda Lvl 4 (Pegasus)                  16  4  1    7   14  12   8  6    
Vladek Lvl 14 (Cavalier)                24  9  0    4    8   0   8  0
Jake Lvl 1                                Base Stat
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas

Chapter 12

Turns 20

Left the prisoners to die had Jake kill some of the horsemens and had Marth take the chests and the boss kill.

Acquired generics and reclassed them into Sawyer (Knight) Lever (Cleric) Julius (Dark Mage) Justinian (Merc) Unil (Cavalier)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 18                           	23  16 0    12  17  23  11  2
Jeigan Lvl 10(Sniper)                   28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Vladek Lvl 14 (Cavalier)                24  9  0    4    8   0   8  0
Lever Lvl 14 (Cleric)                   17  0  2    5    5   0   1  10 
Justinian Lvl 13 (Merc)                 26  10 0    11  13   0   7  0
Jake Lvl 4                              21  5  0    2    4   4  14  0
Bantu Lv1                                 Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage

Chapter 12X

Turns 15

Acquired and reclassed generics into Dua (F. archer) Trim (Mage) Quatro (Knight) Xetsu (Knight) Penvo(Hunter) Hepto (Merc) and Octu (Knight) Decided to promote Justinian and kept Horace alive as another precaution. Decided not to go to the gaiden to get Nagi so I sent Bantu to his death. Going to send Jeigan to his death after chapter 13.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 19                           	23  16 0    13  18  23  12  2
Jeigan Lvl 10(Sniper)                   28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Vladek Lvl 15 (Cavalier)                24  10 0    4    8   0   8  0
Lever Lvl 14 (Cleric)                   17  0  2    5    5   0   1  10 
Justinian Lvl 13 (Hero)                 26  12 1    13  15   0   7  0
Dua Lvl 14  (F. Archer)                 22  6  0    5    9   0   7  0
Trim Lvl 14 (Mage)                      17  0  6    3    5   0   2  3
Quatro Lvl 14 (Knight)                  24  8  0    5    1   0  15  0
Penvo Lvl 14  (Hunter)                  23 11  0    6    8   0   4  0
Xetsu Lvl 14  (Knight)                  25  7  0    7    0   0  14  0
Hepto Lvl 15  (Merc)                    29 11  0    10  13   0   5  0
Octu Lvl 15   (Knight)                  31 12  0     3   2   0  11  0
Jake Lvl 4                              21  5  0    2    4   4  14  0
Horace lvl 3 (General)                        Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill

Chapter 13

Turns 8

For the generics this map is a version of D-Day in WW2 or crossing the trenches in WWI since the generics don't have reliable dodge nor endurance. Marth killed the boss and nearly leveld up. Seven generics died, but the fort was seized.

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 19                           	23  16 0    13  18  23  12  2
Jeigan Lvl 10(Sniper)                   28  10 1    15  14   6  10  4
Justinian Lvl 13 (Hero)                 26  12 1    13  15   0   7  0
Dua Lvl 14  (F. Archer)                 22  6  0    5    9   0   7  0
Xetsu Lvl 15  (Knight)                  25  7  0    7    0   0  14  0
Jake Lvl 6                              21  5  0    2    4   5  14  0
Beck Lvl 1                                    Base Stat
Horace lvl 3 (General)                        Base Stat

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely

Edited by Generic Officer
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[spoiler='Chapter 14-15 logs]

Chapter 14

Turns 20

Acquired and reclassed generics Naunu (Berserker) Dexa (Sorcerer) Hendexa (General) Duadexa (Sniper) Wymp (F. Swordmaster) and Owend (General). Despite having prepromotes they still struggled against the enemy, didn't get the Thoron book, killed of Jeigan and Horace while Marth gets the boss kill.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 19                           	25  16 0    13  18  24  12  2
Hendexa Lvl 2 (General)                 39  14 1    5    6   0  15  3
Owend Lvl 3 (General)                   40   9 1    7    5   0  20  3
Wymp Lvl 1 (Swordmaster)                29  8  1    12  17   0   8  3
Jake Lvl 7                              21  6  0    2    4   5  14  0
Beck Lvl 7                              23  8  0    5    6   8  17  0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Celeric)      14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights

Chapter 15

Turns 25

Acquired and reclassed Laim (Dark Mage) Auffle (Pegasus) Lucer (F. Myrmidon) Rejek (Curate) Wiekln (Hunter) Wladis (Merc)Jeffers (Pegasus) Augustus (Pegasus) Jiminez (Cavalier) Antony (Hunter). High turn count because I used Marth to buy some stuff. Generics in this map were 2 rounded or 3 rounded and gave Beck an energy drop.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 21                            36  16  0   15   19  24  12   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 3 (General)                   40   9  1    7    5   0  20   3
Wymp Lvl 2 (Swordmaster)                29   8  1   12   17   0   8   3
Laim Lvl 15 (Dark Mage)                 18   0  4    4    6   0   4   7
Rejeck Lvl 16 (Curate)                  19   0  7    6    7   0   3   7
Wielkin Lvl 15 (Hunter)                 23   8  0    7    9   0   4   0
Jiminez Lvl 15 (Cavalier)               22  10  0    8   10   0   8   0
Antony Lvl  15 (Hunter)                 29  13  0    6    7   0   3   0 
Jake Lvl 8                              21   7  0    4    5   6  14   0
Beck Lvl 8                              24  10  0    6    6   8  17   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)      14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort

Edited by Generic Officer
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[spoiler='Chapter 16-17 logs]

Chapter 16

Turns 20

Aquired and reclassed generics Pinkley (F. sniper) Aurelius (Hero) Forged Stonehoist with hit till it reached 60. Since enemies are becoming tougher for level 15 generics to handle Samson was recruited so I can get better generics next level. Generics blocked the reinforcement fort. (Maybe I should've let them out)

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 23                            37  19  0   16   21  25  13   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 4 (General)                   41   9  1    8    5   0  20   3
Wymp Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)                  29  10  1    9   13   0   9   3
Pinkley Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)               32  10  1   13   14   0  11   3
Aurelius Lvl 1 (Hero)                   29   8  1   14   14   0   8   3
Samson Lvl 10 (Hero)                         Base Stat
Rejeck Lvl 16 (Curate)                  19   0  7    6    7   0   3   7
Wielkin Lvl 15 (Hunter)                 23   8  0    7    9   0   4   0
Jiminez Lvl 15 (Cavalier)               22  10  0    8   10   0   8   0
Antony Lvl  16 (Hunter)                 29  13  0    6    7   0   3   0 
Jake Lvl 9                              21   7  0    5    5   7  14   0
Beck Lvl 11                             26  11  0    8    8   9  17   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth

Chapter 17

Turns 23

No generics acquired, bought three longbows, dragonpikes, and wyrmslayer. Marth took the boss kill since the generics didn't stand a chance against him.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 25                            37  19  0   16   22  27  13   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 5 (General)                   41   9  1    8    5   0  21   3
Wymp Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)                  29  10  1   10   14   0   9   3
Pinkley Lvl 2 (F. Sniper)               32  10  1   13   14   0  11   3
Aurelius Lvl 1 (Hero)                   29   8  1   14   14   0   8   3
Samson Lvl 11 (Hero)                    25  11  1   15   16   8  10   3
Rejeck Lvl 18 (Curate)                  19   0  7    6    7   0   3   7
Jiminez Lvl 15 (Cavalier)               22  10  0    8   10   0   8   0
Antony Lvl  16 (Hunter)                 29  13  0    6    7   0   3   0 
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 13                             26  11  0    8    9   9  17   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted

Edited by Generic Officer
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[spoiler='Chapter 17X-20 Logs]

Chapter 17X

Turns 33

Acquired a generic Vladek (Warrior) Didn't get all of the loot and Owend hold a chokepoint with enemies doing zero damage. Recruited Etzel for better generics. Running out of ammo to support two ballistas

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 26                            40  20  0   17   23  28  13   2
Hendexa Lvl 3(General)                  39  14  1    5    6   0  15   3
Owend Lvl 9 (General)                   43  11  1    9    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 4 (F. Sniper)               32  12  1   14   14   0  11   3
Samson Lvl 11 (Hero)                    25  11  1   15   16   8  10   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 17                             29  13  0    9   11  11  19   0
Etzel Lvl 6                               Base Stat 

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)

Chapter 18

Turns 23

Acquired generics Julius (Sage) Lever (Berserker) Justinian (Horsemen) Sawyer (F. Sage) unil (Hero) Dua (Sniper) Trim (F. Sage) and Quatro (General). The general generics were pretty impenetrable with 22 def they took 0 damage from everything and made this chapter too easy. Sent Etzel and Samson to their deaths.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 27                            41  20  0   18   24  29  13   2
Owend Lvl 11 (General)                  44  11  1    9    5   0  24   3
Quatro Lvl 38 (General)                 38  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 5 (F. Sniper)               32  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 7 (Sniper)                      30  11  1   11   15   0  10   3
Julius Lvl 6 (Sage)                     27   3  6    7    6   0   3   11
Sawyer Lvl 7 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   7   13   0   3   8
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              31  10  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 6 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   14   0   7   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed

Chapter 18

Turns 30

Acquired Penvo (Sorcerer) Nothing much to say except looted all the chests and kill Chiki.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 27                            41  20  0   18   24  29  13   2
Owend Lvl 12 (General)                  44  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Quatro Lvl 38 (General)                 38  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 6 (F. Sniper)               34  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 7 (Sniper)                      30  11  1   11   16   0  10   3
Julius Lvl 7 (Sage)                     27   3  7    7    6   0   3   11
Sawyer Lvl 8 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   7   13   0   3   8
Penvo  Lvl 7 (Sorcerer)                 25   2  7    7    8   0   4   9
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              31  10  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 7 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   14   0   8   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed

Chapter 20

Turns 13

Acquired generics Xetsu (Dracoknight) Hepto (Dracoknight) Octu (Sorcerer). Nothing much to say except Marth easily took care of Camus and recruited Lawrence by accident.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 28                            42  20  0   18   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 13 (General)                  46  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Quatro Lvl 8 (General)                  38  11  1    7    5   0  23   3
Pinkley Lvl 7 (F. Sniper)               35  12  1   15   15   0  12   3
Dua Lvl 8 (Sniper)                      31  11  1   11   16   0  10   3
Sawyer Lvl 9 (F. Sage)                  26   3  10   8   13   0   3   8
Penvo  Lvl 8 (Sorcerer)                 25   2  7    8    8   0   4   9
Octus  Lvl 7 (Sorcerer)                 26   2  6    7    9   0   4  11
Justinian Lvl 7 (Horsemen)              31  10  1   13   15   0   8   3
Unil Lvl 7 (Hero)                       37  13  1   13   14   0   8   3
Xetsu Lvl 7 (Dracoknight)               29  11  1   11   13   0  14   3
Hepto Lvl 7 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1    7   14   0  11   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements

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Chapter 21

Turns 8

Acquired and reclassed generics into Naunu (General) Dexa (Sniper) Hendexa(Sorcerer). Generics were easily killed their 0 luck resulted in many casualty during the advance.

(Errors will show since I did lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 29                            43  20  0   18   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 15 (General)                  46  11  1   10    5   0  25   3
Unil Lvl 10 (Hero)                      37  15  1   16   16   0   8   3
Xetsu Lvl 8 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1   11   13   0  14   3
Hepto Lvl 9 (Dracoknight)               29  12  1    8   14   0  12   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her

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Dua (Cleric) 14 Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief

Duadexa (Sniper) 14 Died in a failed attempt to block the thief

Justinian (Hero) 14 Died in a failed attempt to block the thief

Xetsu (Knight) 14 Died in a failed attempt to block the thief

That actually had me laughing IRL.

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What are their starting weapon ranks for the past few chapters?

Lvl 1-10 non promoted

(Physical and magic) E rank

Lvl 10-15 non promoted

(Physical and magic) D rank

Lvl 1-10 promoted generics started with:

(For physical) D rank in one weapon E in the other weapon

(For magic) D in tomes E in staffs (E in tomes D in staffs if started as a bishop)

Lvl 10 and above

(For physical) B rank in one weapon E rank in the other weapon

(For magic) C in tomes D in staffs (E in tomes B in staffs if started as a bishop)

Chapter 22

Turns 21

Acquired and reclassed generics into Duadexa (Horsemen) Wymp (Sorcerer) Laim (Bishop) Auffle (Berserker) Lucer(F. Sniper) Rejeck (Sniper) Wielkin (General) Wladis (Warrior). Bought a lot of ballista ammo, couldn't save Gato's village and don't have any generics capable of killing Garnef so I'll have to go to the gaiden chapter.

(Errors will show since I did a lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 30                            43  21  0   19   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 17 (General)                  49  11  1   10    5   0  26   3
Pinkley Lvl 10 (F. Sniper)              36  12  1   16   15   0  12   3
Hepto Lvl 10 (Dracoknight)              31  12  1    8   14   0  12   3
Duadexa Lvl 11 (Horsemen)               31   9  1   12   13   0   7   3
Laim Lvl 12 (Bishop)                    26   1  7    6   15   0   3  15
Auffle Lvl 10 (Berserker)               42  16  1    5   10   0   6   0
Lucer Lvl 11 (F. Sniper)                34  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Rejek Lvl 12 (Sniper)                   38  14  1   17   18   2   8   3
Wielkin Lvl 11 (General)                40  12  1    8    5   0  28   3
Jake Lvl 11                             21   8  0    6    5   7  15   0
Beck Lvl 22                             33  14  0    9   13  13  19   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her
Unil (Hero)         22             Critted by a paladin during the march to macedonia's castle
Wymp  (Sorcerer)    22             Critted by a dracoknight during the march to macedonia's castle
Wladis (Warrior)    22             Killed by a pegasus during the march to macedonia's castle
Xetsu (Dracoknight) 22             Ambushed by a swarm bishop

Chapter 23

No new generics acquired as stated above couldn't kill Gharnef since no starlight and no generics capable of surviving against him. A generic was lucky and dodged one of Gharnef's attacks, killed the bishop on the throne and Marth seized it.

(Errors will show since I did a lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)

Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 30                            43  21  0   19   25  30  13   2
Owend Lvl 17 (General)                  49  11  1   10    5   0  26   3
Pinkley Lvl 11 (F. Sniper)              36  12  1   16   15   0  12   3
Hepto Lvl 10 (Dracoknight)              31  12  1    8   14   0  12   3
Laim Lvl 13 (Bishop)                    27   1  8    6   15   0   3  15
Auffle Lvl 10 (Berserker)               42  16  1    5   10   0   6   0
Lucer Lvl 12 (F. Sniper)                34  12  1   15   14   0  12   3
Rejek Lvl 13 (Sniper)                   38  14  1   17   19   2   8   3
Wielkin Lvl 11 (General)                40  12  1    8    5   0  28   3
Jake Lvl 15                             24  10  0   10    7   9  17   0
Beck Lvl 28                             33  17  0   11   16  14  21   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her
Unil (Hero)         22             Critted by a paladin during the march to macedonia's castle
Wymp  (Sorcerer)    22             Critted by a dracoknight during the march to macedonia's castle
Wladis (Warrior)    22             Killed by a pegasus during the march to macedonia's castle
Xetsu (Dracoknight) 22             Ambushed by a swarm bishop
Duadexa (Horsemen)  23             Critted by a bishop during the ascent of Gharnef's tower

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I wonder... if someone could complete a generics+Math only H5 playthrough (starting from chapter 4 or whenever)? Presumably you'd use the trick I mentioned above, because 1/0 enemies having equivalent stats to your 16/0 generics at the start of the game is not fun (and 15/15 enemies at endgame being equivalent to 15/40 units is awesome, too). It would be harder with no Jeigan support, although that rule doesn't preclude keeping him alive for a few chapters.

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I wonder... if someone could complete a generics+Math only H5 playthrough (starting from chapter 4 or whenever)? Presumably you'd use the trick I mentioned above, because 1/0 enemies having equivalent stats to your 16/0 generics at the start of the game is not fun (and 15/15 enemies at endgame being equivalent to 15/40 units is awesome, too). It would be harder with no Jeigan support, although that rule doesn't preclude keeping him alive for a few chapters.

When I get this game I intend to give that a go.

If Pinkley makes it through this entire PT alive I may propose to a fictional, faceless character.

Edited by Yossarian
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I wonder... if someone could complete a generics+Math only H5 playthrough (starting from chapter 4 or whenever)? Presumably you'd use the trick I mentioned above, because 1/0 enemies having equivalent stats to your 16/0 generics at the start of the game is not fun (and 15/15 enemies at endgame being equivalent to 15/40 units is awesome, too). It would be harder with no Jeigan support, although that rule doesn't preclude keeping him alive for a few chapters.

I've done it and found it considerably easier than an H5 "Keep all units alive" playthrough. Forging effective weapons is powerful stuff.

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When I get this game I intend to give that a go.If Pinkley makes it through this entire PT alive I may propose to a fictional, faceless character.

She died during chapter 24 couldn't survive one round against a mamkute. (Had A rank in bows too) Well you can try keeping a generic alive but they only have 15% growth on the important stats.

Chapter 24

Turns 60

Acquired and reclassed generics into Jeffers (F. Swordmaster) Augustus (F. Swordmaster) Jiminez (Sorcerer). Reclassed most of my generics into classes capable of using wyrmslayer or dragon pike. Gave Marth two dracoshields and a seraph robe as a precaution if the chapter became impossible for the generics and yeah this chapter for the generics turned out like those movies where the generic people die to something really strong while the hero stands a chance against it. (Or if you're a warhammer 40k fan, imperial guardsmen with lasguns vs the forces of chaos) The mamkutes double all the generics and since they died Marth had to sit on a fort killing reinforcements for 55 turns then I can finally continue my assault.

Resulting in the loss of all generic in this chapter

(Errors will show since I did a lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)
Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 30                            43  21  0   19   25  30  13   2
Jake Lvl 30                             32  15  0   17   10  18  19   0
Beck Lvl 30                             33  17  0   11   16  14  21   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her
Unil (Hero)         22             Critted by a paladin during the march to macedonia's castle
Wymp  (Sorcerer)    22             Critted by a dracoknight during the march to macedonia's castle
Wladis (Warrior)    22             Killed by a pegasus during the march to macedonia's castle
Xetsu (Dracoknight) 22             Ambushed by a swarm bishop
Duadexa (Horsemen)  23             Critted by a bishop during the ascent of Gharnef's tower
Auffle (Hero)       24             Sacrificed himself to held back the incoming mamkutes from the mountains
Augustus (F. Swordmaster) 24       Sacrificed herself to lure a mamakute
Rejek (Swordmaster)       24       Sacrificed himself acting as Marth's shield
Augustus (F. Swordmaster) 24       Sacrificed herself to lure a mamkute for others to kill
Lucer (F. Swordmaster)    24       Sacrificed herself to kill a bishop that would've ended Marth's life
Jeffers (F. swordmaster)  24       Sacrificed herself acting as Marth's shield
Wielkins (General)        24       Sacrificed himself acting as Marth's shield
Jiminez (Sorcerer)        24       Critted by a pegasus during the assault on Doluna keep
Owend (General)           24       Critted by a mamkute while acting as Marth's shield
Pinkley (F. Sniper)       24       Killed by a mamkute during the assault on Doluna keep
Hepto (Dracoknight)       24       Attempted to deal the finishing blow on a mamkute but missed

Chapter 24X

Turns 12

Acquired and reclassed generics: Antony (F. Sniper) Pinkley (Hero) Aurelius (Warrior) Vladek (Dracoknight) Julius (F. Sage) Lever (Sniper) Justinian (Sorcerer) Sawyer (Horsemen) Unil (F. Swordmaster). After the devestating loss of all generics last chapter more generics joined as level 15 some you could say had the stats of an elite some stats were not.

(Errors will show since I did a lazy copy and paste from my previous posts)
Characters                              HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Marth Lvl 30                            43  21  0   19  25  30  13   2
Antony Lvl 15 (F. Sniper)               43  12  1   14  21   1   9   3
Pinkley Lvl 15 (Hero)                   44  22  1   19  16   0   7   3
Vladek Lvl 15 (Dracoknight)             30  10  1   12  11   0  15   3
Julius Lvl 15 (F. Sage)                 26   3  9    7  14   0   3  15
Lever Lvl 15 (Sniper)                   33  12  1   13  17   0   9   3
Justinian Lvl 15 (Sorcerer)             32   2 11    7  10   0   4  12
Sawyer Lvl 15 (Horsemen)                35  12  1    9  15   0   7   3
Unil Lvl 15 (F. Swordmaster)            34   8  1   17  20   0  13   3
Jake Lvl 30                             32  15  0   17   10  18  19   0
Beck Lvl 30                             33  17  0   11   16  14  21   0

[b] KIA List (Generics)[/b]
Name              Chapter   	Reason
Trim (Pegasus)     4               Failing to pay attention and not kill the horsemen
Hepto (Hunter)     4               Failing to notice two archers on the other side of the bridge
Unil (Knight)      5               Critted by a Knight while trying to hold the bridge.
Duadexa (Knight)   6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dexa (Knight)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Quatro (Merc)      6               Attempted to hold the line against the incoming Knights, Archers, and Mage
Dua (F. Mage)      7               Killed by a Pegasus knight
Penvo(Cavalier)    7               Killed by a Javelin crit while holding against the reinforcements
Laim (Hunter)      7               Killed by a Javelin crit from a Knight while blocking a fort
Xetsu (Cavalier)   9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Wymp (Cavalier)    9               Attempted to save Jorge's village but was overwhelmed by pirates
Auffle (F. Mage)   9               Killed by pirate crit
Lucer (Pirate)     9               Killed by pirate crit
Naunu (F. Archer)  9               Miscalculation
Antony (Pegasus)   10              Killed by oncoming cavaliers to the west
Octu (Curate)      11              Killed by slavers
Aurelius (Dark Mage)11             Killed when Jeffers was killed 
Jeffers (Cavalier) 11              Critted to death by slavers
Owend (Merc)       11              Owned by slavers
Wladis (Hunter)    11              Sacrificed himself to damage the sniper so Jeigan can safely kill him
Augustus (Knight)  11              Sacrificed himself to damage and save Jeigan from the dragon boss
Jiminez (Knight)   11              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon boss
Pinkley (Hunter)   11              Sacrificed himself to kill the horsemen so the others can kill him
Hendexa (F. Myrm)  11              Drew fire the ballistas
Julius(Dark mage)  12              Sacrificed himself to pin the horsemen so he couldn't move on the next turn
Unil (Cavalier)    12              Sacrificed himself to kill a harassing mage
Sawyer (Knight)    12x             Sacrificed himself to lure the dragon for others to kill
Vladek (Cavalier)  13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas
Penvo  (Knight)    13              Died trying to eliminate the southern ballistas        
Lever  (Cleric)    13              Died trying to assist people in eliminating the northern ballistas
Trim   (Mage)      13              Died by drawing fire from the middle ballista
Hepto  (Merc)      13              Died by drawing fire from the southern ballistas
Octu   (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Quatro (Knight)    13              Died by drawing fire from the boss so the others can cross safely
Naunu (Berserker)  14              Critted to death by the oncoming knights
Dua (Cleric)       14              Died trying to retreat from the failed attempt to block the thief
Duadexa (Sniper)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Justinian (Hero)   14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Xetsu (Knight)     14              Died in a failed attempt to block the thief
Dexa (Sorecer)     14              Died after Horace failed to hold against the silver lance knights
Wladis (Merc)      14              Died trying to hold off against the mages comming from the east
Auffle (Pegasus)   15              Died trying to eliminate the bishop and mages
Lucer (F. Myrmidon)15              Sacrificed herself by holding off Garnef for one turn
Augustus (Pegasus) 15              Critted by a bishop holding swarm
Jeffers (Pegasus)  15              Died trying to block the Dragonrider fort
Laim (Dark Mage)   16              Sacrificed himself to lure the dragonrider
Jiminez (Cavalier) 16              Killed by ridersbane cavalier while attempting to shield Marth
Wielkin (Hunter)   17              Attempted to lure and damage a sniper, but failed for he got critted
Antony (Pirate)    17X             Purposely disposed him for the greater good
Aurelius (Hero)    17X             Tried to take point but was critted by a cavalier
Wymp (F. Sniper)   17X             Didn't expect mamkute to move but notheless a sacrifice for the greater good
Hexenda (General)  17X             Attempted to hold the line against the reinforcements, but was killed by a crit
vladek (Warrior)   17X             Attempted to lure and damage sniper, but was killed by a crit
Rejek (Curate)     17X             Unarmed combat against the boss (aka disposed him)
Trim (F. Sage)     18              Doubled by a paladin while assaulting the bridge
Lever (Berserker)  18              Attempted to kill you shall not pass boss but failed
Julius (Sage)      19              Ambushed by fort reinforcements
Naunu (General)    21              Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Octu (Sorcerer)    21              Died after Naunu failed to protect him 
Quatro (General)   21              Died during the advance to the fort by a mage crit
Dexa  (Sniper)     21              Died during the advance to the fort by a cavalier crit
Justinian (Horsemen)21             Died during the advance to the fort by a dracoknight crit
Dua (Sniper)        21             Sacrificed himself to kill as many flyers safeguarding the others
Hendexa (Sorcerer)  21             Died during the advance to the fort by a paladin saving another person's life
Sawyer (F. Mage)    21             Died after Hendexa failed to protect her
Unil (Hero)         22             Critted by a paladin during the march to macedonia's castle
Wymp  (Sorcerer)    22             Critted by a dracoknight during the march to macedonia's castle
Wladis (Warrior)    22             Killed by a pegasus during the march to macedonia's castle
Xetsu (Dracoknight) 22             Ambushed by a swarm bishop
Duadexa (Horsemen)  23             Critted by a bishop during the ascent of Gharnef's tower
Auffle (Hero)       24             Sacrificed himself to held back the incoming mamkutes from the mountains
Augustus (F. Swordmaster) 24       Sacrificed herself to lure a mamakute
Rejek (Swordmaster)       24       Sacrificed himself acting as Marth's shield
Augustus (F. Swordmaster) 24       Sacrificed herself to lure a mamkute for others to kill
Lucer (F. Swordmaster)    24       Sacrificed herself to kill a bishop that would've ended Marth's life
Jeffers (F. swordmaster)  24       Sacrificed herself acting as Marth's shield
Wielkins (General)        24       Sacrificed himself acting as Marth's shield
Jiminez (Sorcerer)        24       Critted by a pegasus during the assault on Doluna keep
Owend (General)           24       Critted by a mamkute while acting as Marth's shield
Pinkley (F. Sniper)       24       Killed by a mamkute during the assault on Doluna keep
Hepto (Dracoknight)       24       Attempted to deal the finishing blow on a mamkute but missed
Aurelius (Warrior)       24X         Attempted to lure and damage sniper but was critted

Edited by Generic Officer
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