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diet sierra mist is whats wrong with this country


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for the longest time, everyone knew that sierra mist was for the wimps and the wussies, and we even had a law round here for awhile that anyone seen with a sierra mist bottle could legally be beaten to death in order to ensure survival of the fittest

seriously, sierra mist is just sugar water. if you want a light soda, go for sprite. sierra mist is like drinking ultra light beers or smoking ultra light cigarettes.... its like, if you don't enjoy doing something, why are you trying to do it?

america wasn't built off of half-assing things. america was build by manly men with abs on their shoulders and ballistic missiles on their pelvises and women who stayed at home tending to the children and never spoke a word to their husband-masters. there's a reason that "coca-colaization" is a thing... its because coke knocked down the berlin wall and gave those commies a what-for.

coke is the product of choice for us patriots who like to spend the summer holidays sending people we don't know to invade countries in the middle-east on a whim. coke is what people who supply arms to any anti-communist group no matter how totalitarian or evil drink. coke is for america.

do you know who drinks sierra mist? liberal arts hipsters who like to talk about their non-art as they read their post-poems.

but guess what today i found out there is a diet sierra mist


diet sierra mist

ie diet carbonated water

water for people who are on a diet and don't want to have too much of, oh wait, there is nothing listed on the nutritional information because you are drinking the liquid equivalent of the void of space

if you purchase this product i just want to know why you hate freedom and why you would pay money for a soda if you are so hellbent on not having soda

Edited by Judas
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