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Xiltas Shepard's Mixed (Martial) Arts

Xiltas Crysten

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Since I was finally able to start studying game design, I'll have less time to work on my sprites, but now I'll annoy you with the products of my learning process.

Starting with my first homework assignment for learning more about Photoshop:

We were supposed to do an overpaint of a photo/picture of our choice, to learn about shading and working with dodge/burn tool and as many layers as possible.

My choice fell on my namesake, John Shepard (or also called Sheploo by some people, because of the model Mark Vanderloo his appearance is based on). Hope you like it^^


From now on, I'll post my sprites (when I get to work on them) in the thread mentioned in my sig, and the stuff I do for my game design study, I'll post here, including stuff like this, or 3D stuff, etc..

I hope you'll come to like my new stuff^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, ah...

This time, we had to make textures for a pre made-necklace on a female bust. The main part of the work was done with Maya, the textures were made with Photoshop.

Because I couldn't get the program to work like I wanted the first time, I took the outlines I found per coincidence (instead of taking a snapshot after we brought everything in order in the UV texture editor), which means after I finally learned how to get it to work, I had to adjust the outlines in the texture editor to fit the textures, instead of having a perfect match like it should be... which is also the reason why it doesn't look perfect on the bust in the end, but here you got the handmade textures and the final look of the necklace:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, here is another Photoshop assignment: we were supposed to create a flame only with layers(&masks) and filters. Worked out pretty well. This was an assignment to show us what can be done with layers and filters, and isn't really used in gaming industry.

Blazing Palm

Edited by Xiltas Shepard
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Wow, that looks so cool! :o

I don't really know anything about doing things like that but it is seriously so great looking.

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