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Sniper Specialist Noire (Halp plz)

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Usually I skip over Noire and bow classes but ultimately curiosity has taken over and now i'm presented with quite possibly the biggest mental debate I've had with this game. How on earth do you make a good bow user with just five skills? (This is for single player BTW)

I've been aiming to use the Sniper class so I can take advantage of the Range 2-3 bows however the accompanying skill set has been a massive issue for me.

With Gaius as Noires father she has access to the following notable skills:

Lucky Seven

And from inheritance she can even gain either Sol or Counter. (I passed down counter)

So being a bow user and having a weak enemy phase Galeforce is absolutely necessary so your turn will be optimal.

Pass is a great skill to have as a bow user incase you get surrounded. That said your team should have a staff user with Rescue and on top of that another unit (potentially a paired up unit) can counter this problem by breaking a hole in the enemy formation. Despite being widely accepted as needed for a Sniper, based on previous points I feel it's a waste of a skill slot.

Lifetaker is an excellent healing option, particularly on units with Galeforce. I can't see me dropping this skill anytime soon.

Lucky Seven gives you a Hit/Avo +20 boost for seven turns. Since most rounds won't last much longer than 7 turns I feel this skill is excellent. Increasing dodge rate when you can't fight back seems incredibly useful and it helps counter Bowbreaker. I might use this.

Counter is a very debatable skill. On one hand being able to damage enemy units on your turn is useful as a bow user however with Galeforce employing hit and run tactics might prove more viable. In my eyes the issue with counter is that you need to take damage for it to be useful however when the enemy team often triples your own numbers taking damage when you can run with Galeforce seems like a bad play to me. I'm very on the fence with this skill.

Pavise on the other hand reduces incoming melee damage by 50% minimising the amount of damage you will be taking. This to me seems far more useful since you'll be healing with Lifetaker anyway thus vastly increasing the amount of attacks you can sponge.

Using Bowfaire with a Brave Bow means you'll be doing 20 more damage with each hit. Thats really really good and means you'll have a high chance of being able to use Galeforce and Lifetaker.

Luna is the best offensive skill when playing Lunatic but on such a crowded character it feels more like a luxury than a necessity. I'm not sure if i'll use this.

Sorry for the wall but I really needed to put my thoughts into words. Now that I've gone through all that, the question still begs, what is the optimal skill set for a Sniper Noire?

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Galeforce and Luna are pretty much musts because Archer/Sniper is most of a player phase unit. Galeforce lets you move again while Luna just gives more damage and will activate quite often with the Sniper's skill cap. Lifetaker also works really well with Galeforce/Luna, since you can usually get a kill with that combo.

Counter seems good in theory but in practice it's not really useful anywhere except Streetpass and against dumb players so I wouldn't bother with it. Pavise/Aegis is probably best as a defensive skill, although if you use Galeforce well, you should be able to reposition yourself to avoid taking damage in the first place. Pass is kind of useful to target specific enemies or to escape. If you're keeping your Sniper close to your army I wouldn't use it, but if they need to go on solo missions or you need to kill certain enemies I could probably justify using it. All of that depends on how you play, though so I would make a slot for a skill based on that.

Bowfaire is a good filler skill if you need it. It's basically just more damage so why not.

If I were using Gaius as a father, I'd make her an Assassin or Sorcerer instead personally but Sniper's good.

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Galeforce is self explanatory.

Luna and Bowfaire ensures the kill so Galeforce can activate.

Dual Guard+ helps her support when she's the back unit.

Her partner has Dual Guard+ so thats not an issue.

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Mine has Galeforce, Bowfaire, Vengeance, Vantage, and Luna. I usually replace vantage or bowfaire with limit breaker.

You must play on normal or something, that unit just screams burden. And why use vantage on a class that gets smacked about in CQC?

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That frees up something!

I'd give her Rally Heart, so she can kill something on her turn, then run back to everyone else and boost them!

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