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So I have an extra code leftover from PAX for Riot Blitzcrank and Arcade Hecarim. First person to PM with nice things to say about me can have these codes, but the offer is only good until Friday because these codes have expiration dates on them. So if you wanna claim em, you'd better use em.

Edit: If you don't own the champ, it'll unlock the champions too so don't let lack of ownership stop you.

Edit 2: Champs claimed by eclipse!

Edited by Samias
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You went to PAX?




(5 of the codes have been redeemed and I personally redeemed that Riot Nasus code in the top left).

Btw Samias, those codes work once per region. So give them to EU/OCE/LAN/etc peoples too ;P.

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You went to PAX?




(5 of the codes have been redeemed and I personally redeemed that Riot Nasus code in the top left).

Btw Samias, those codes work once per region. So give them to EU/OCE/LAN/etc peoples too ;P.

Can I have one?

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WooT. forecast Janna was released :D

Also, I can take one of your hands if you don't mind Interest :D

Edited by SlayerX
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Sorry guys. There are 5 NA codes left and unfortunately all slated to go to some people I've been playing with for awhile D:.

For other regions, PM me.

Thats alright :P

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Yes, she's still viable, but generally suited for other roles.

Her support build is about the same as most other AP caster-style supports. You could probably straight up build her like Sona or something and it would work.


Arcade Hecarim:

WWG6H9G3QRUQKZ – redeemed on OCE, NA, EUW

WWMEC7XC4EXREK – redeemed on OCE, NA, EUW

WWQDDPJQ7KTRK6 – redeemed on OCE, NA, EUW

WW44R9GCJRQCGZ – redeemed on NA, OCE

WWECTAAEPN4QC3 – redeemed on NA

WWTALP9KCK44A6 – redeemed on NA

WW3WL37JXP4KG9 – redeemed on NA

WWQY6QPLGY9RCM – redeemed on NA

WWJAX7R36EFPRK – redeemed on NA

WW7YNAYKENUEY3 – redeemed on NA

Riot Blitzcrank:

WWLDJG9AYRLDY6 – redeemed on OCE, NA, EUW

WWHXDYK9PWD3Q7 – redeemed on OCE, NA, EUW


WWHQ3GQCTRP9T6 – redeemed on NA, OCE

WWAK3D77G4NK66 – redeemed on NA

WWULNDT7LXF7XQ – redeemed on NA

WWRA7F6MKJJXF2 – redeemed on NA

WW4XG2VGXFQ7Q7 – redeemed on NA

WW6FFYPXWWXQC7 – redeemed on NA

WW3CKDG7V4YQJ6 – redeemed on NA

Go nuts.

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So, someone else got Galio, and I got Nunu.

Putting their ults on top of each other is hilarious, and Galio caught on really quickly. The other side was too squishy to do much about it. :P:

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Ap galio heals so much with that shield of his. Specially if you attack near a minion wave. He runs out of mana very quickly, or so i thought while playing him. Aside from the mana costs, why isn't he loved a tad more?.

Edited by SlayerX
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Because he's a Mid Lane tank and that's just weird. He's also weak to AD assassins, and other AD mids like Jayce or maybe Panth. He has poor roam, he can't initiate without flash. There's a lot of problems. I really like him too, and would use him more, but I don't get mid often, and when I do I feel obligated to play more supporty mages and people I'm better at, like Annie, Morgana, and Ori.

He's really strong right now, what with the new SV and Banshee's. However, it's kind of hard to go damage on him, just because you feel obligated to go tank. Athene's is core on him, and Abyssal is great too, and Mercs are great. He counters high burst champions like Veigar, Annie or LB, and he can actually push pretty hard, because you typically max QEW and that pushes really great, so he's like a perfect counter to LB.

Then you throw in a Thornmail so you have some armor and people hurt themselves on your ult and by then you have two slots left so you could either get more MR or maybe Zhonya's or Rabadon but yeah, you always feel conflicted whether to fill the mage or tank role, since going hybrid isn't that great of an idea.

I think they are looking into changing his passive and giving him MR scaling like Ryze though, so that might help. He fits better with squishier jungles and tops, such as Yi or Eve, since he brings tanky-ness.

so i have no idea how to play thresh, meh

Another support question - Is Kayle still viable as a support? If so, what should I get on her?

If she had more attack range she might, since then you could zone with her autos, but she really needs a Nashor's and items. If you max Q first then you have mana issues, W leaves no lane presence and kind of sucks without some AP. I mean, she's better than like a Nidalee but that's not saying much. Otherwise I could see her working as Quinn, so you could go Valor and dive then get Intervention.

Otherwise I guess maybe build normal stuff like Mikael's, but I could see the AD aura thing woking.

Edited by Psych
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