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I just legit started this today.

So it started when I got the free alistar, but I don't do well without range or aoe things.

Then i tried free kayle and I didn't know how to use her for support or her offensive build.

So far I like Ashe, but she's really frail and I kinda want a character that's got durability, range, and good attack speed.

I spent 12 hours total trying to get the riot girl tristana. :C

I'm considering buying Yi, Annie, Sivir, Twisted Fate (Sale at,), or Warwick.

Or would saving for Malphite/Ammummu be a better idea?

Edited by Esme.
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How would you play with me using a NA account when I'm in the EU?

Oh well that's a derp on my end. I thought you said NA, not EUW. I an add you when I'm online next. Expect to hear from VanguardRaven and H4rdc0re F1sting.

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I just legit started this today.

So it started when I got the free alistar, but I don't do well without range or aoe things.

Then i tried free kayle and I didn't know how to use her for support or her offensive build.

So far I like Ashe, but she's really frail and I kinda want a character that's got durability, range, and good attack speed.

I spent 12 hours total trying to get the riot girl tristana. :C

I'm considering buying Yi, Annie, Sivir, Twisted Fate (Sale at,), or Warwick.

Or would saving for Malphite/Ammummu be a better idea?

Durability and ranged + good attack speed don't really go together much, from my experience. I mean, you can itemize people tanky, but that only goes so far. Anyway, my advice would be to save up, the 1350 ones don't take that much longer to hit than the 450s, and if I'm gonna play a game, I want it to be with a champ I'm really enjoying, not just one of the 450s (not that the 450 champs are bad by any means).

Also, I had to jump through some hoops for free Tristana awhile back, but I can't remember what all I needed to finally manage it. It would be nice if they updated their links. :S

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How would you play with me using a NA account when I'm in the EU?

I'm on EUW as Psych Up, if you'd like to play a game or too, but I don't really have a smurf so we'd be limited to bot games. Me and Raven play together sometimes so we could probably help explain some stuff.

I just legit started this today.

So it started when I got the free alistar, but I don't do well without range or aoe things.

Then i tried free kayle and I didn't know how to use her for support or her offensive build.

So far I like Ashe, but she's really frail and I kinda want a character that's got durability, range, and good attack speed.

I spent 12 hours total trying to get the riot girl tristana. :C

I'm considering buying Yi, Annie, Sivir, Twisted Fate (Sale at,), or Warwick.

Or would saving for Malphite/Ammummu be a better idea?

I recommend Annie, but Bal is right as there's really no one with a combo of those three stats. Maybe Jayce, but he's much too expensive for you right now. Look for him on a free week and see how you like him. He switches forms between a more durable melee with some aoe moves and a high attackspeed ranged poke form. Jax might also help, but he's not ranged though he does have fast attack speed and can build durability by just buying damage.
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I'll add you as well, lightdasher, though i can't say if we can play together or not as i mostly play with people i know in rl.

And i'll add you too Psych ^^

Maybe we can play a 5 premade SF game sometime :D?

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I'm on EUW as Psych Up, if you'd like to play a game or too, but I don't really have a smurf


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[spoiler=Do not click if you don't want to use eye bleach]aX34RbV.jpg

Someone please. I need eye bleach and a tractor beam so I can get my sides back.


i don't know what to say


A smurf account is a new/low level/low elo one that an experianced player made. Sometimes it referrs to a account from a high level player especially.

And, OMG i just had such an epic game, like wow i'm still flashed .__.

So We had a solo q Riven top, Voli jungel, i was mid with Orianna, and Graves - Soraka bot (we were 4 premades with teamspeak). Enemy team: Renekton top, Eve jungle, Kata mid, Kog - Nid bot.

So yeah in champ select Riven instalocked and we were like: uhg - ok.

Then in game she has 44 Ap. and 44 Ap only. ON RIVEN. Anyway she got pretty owned but still played somewhat deced or at least tried to (didn't watch her much though).

Then in mid game it was back and forth we won some fights and lost some, but it became worse for us as time went on. Then Riven wanted to surrender over and over but it wasn't really that hopeless. Anyway we started to loose more fights and our mid inhib and then Riven just went "LoL I dont even care anymore" mode and engaged in really wired situations and got caught a lot and then - rage quitted.

So we were 4v5 and were already loosing.


because our Graves and Voli were moderatly fed and i don't know why but the enemy decided to just focus Voli, and if they didn't we were still able to survive and peel for Graves :D

So Voli tanked shit while still doing good damage, Graves was hitting like a truck, i landed some pretty good shockwaves and provided nice speed boosts and shields and Soraka healed every damage we ever got back.

I'm still flashed from this game, wow *__*

I will sill tell my children about it

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Durability and ranged + good attack speed don't really go together much, from my experience. I mean, you can itemize people tanky, but that only goes so far. Anyway, my advice would be to save up, the 1350 ones don't take that much longer to hit than the 450s, and if I'm gonna play a game, I want it to be with a champ I'm really enjoying, not just one of the 450s (not that the 450 champs are bad by any means).

Also, I had to jump through some hoops for free Tristana awhile back, but I can't remember what all I needed to finally manage it. It would be nice if they updated their links. :S

I've got close to 1330 IP anyways.

Singed looks nice atm, as does Draven.

I'll wait for when there's a freebie that looks fun, like Fiora or that bird thing.

It seems that the champ I'm best at is Ashe, so I guess I'm leaning towards marksman?

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I've got close to 1330 IP anyways.

Singed looks nice atm, as does Draven.

I'll wait for when there's a freebie that looks fun, like Fiora or that bird thing.

It seems that the champ I'm best at is Ashe, so I guess I'm leaning towards marksman?

You should have Tristana for free, but other marksmen around the lower tiers are Sivir, Teemo, Miss Fortune, Twitch, Corki, and Urgot. I'd recommend Jayce again, as he's also one, so look to saving up for him or watch his spotlight.

Sivir, Corki, and Urgot are examples of Caster Marksmen and do a large amount of their damage through skills. They all also have lower attack ranges and Urgot could be really different but he's also very unique by being a tankier marksman who focuses on locking on enemies with poison and firing missiles. Sivir is very strong right now and focuses on aoe damage and kiting. Corki builds an item called Trinity Force and uses his rockets from his ultimate to proc a Sheen effect for more damage.

Miss Fortune starts out as a caster who bullies lanes with her Double-Up that bounces off targets, and her Impure Shots which debuffs healing and gives her more speed. Her ultimate also does massive aoe damage if you can get the channel off. Late game she ends up forming into a more traditional auto attacker, but she's very squishy and has no escapes besides a movement speed buff that is lost upon taking damage.

Twitch is a mixed hypercarry-assassin. He can stealth to gain speed, and has the ability to spread poison that does damage over time and slows and can cleanse the poison for more damage. His hypercarry ability comes from his ultimate which allows him to hit multiple targets at once. He's hard to play well, as he has no gap closer and his ult just makes his autos go in a straight line. He's not currently in favor, but with the growing meta towards sieging I can see him eventually being good.

Teemo is an auto attacker, but is traditionally built with AP and focuses on his mushrooms. He's tagged as marksman but you don't play him as one, so don't get him if you're looking for a normal AD Carry.

For someone looking to start diving into carries, I recommend Ezreal and Caitlyn, as both are very safe with gapclosers and Caitlyn's range. Ezreal can either be a caster following Corki's route of Trinity Force procs, but he has other builds such as a traditional carry, or Blue Build, but that's fallen out of favor. He has a global ult and a skill shot that basically works like a longer ranged auto so he can stay back and he has a blink allowing him to get out of danger. Caitlyn has the largest range in the game without steroids, and bullies hard early on. She can zone with her traps and pushes well with her Piltover Peacemaker, and can snipe from a long distance thanks to her ult.

Most of the inexpensive marksmen aren't actually that great, as they focus on kiting which is a very hard skill to learn starting out. Higher range like Ashe and Tristana help though. Tristana is actually very good, as she has two escapes in her W and her Ult and gets a lot of range late game.

More expensive marksmen like Draven, Graves, Quinn, Jinx, Kog'Maw, and Vayne I would actually shy away from, as they all either have difficult mechanics (Draven, Vayne) low range (Jinx, Quinn, Graves) or no escapes (Jinx save her passive, Kog'Maw). Lucian is passable, but it'd be better to save your IP.

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I'm trying out various types, and I'll save a bit for jayce.

I really like the look of Malphite, but I'll take it that he's tricky to use.

I have Malphite, and have had him for a while. I still don't get how he works.

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...So why is it called a smurf?

I think because it's a small sort of creature, which signifies that your alt account is a smaller, lesser version of your account.

It's kind of like how the term "twinks" in WoW came about too, I believe.

But that doesn't really say much ;P

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I think because it's a small sort of creature, which signifies that your alt account is a smaller, lesser version of your account.

It's kind of like how the term "twinks" in WoW came about too, I believe.

But that doesn't really say much ;P

Look down a bit:

This definition of smurfing comes from 1996 and the game Warcraft II when certain well-known players made up new names, pretend to play badly, then beat the other players. They picked the names PapaSmurf and Smurfette.

I think it's interesting to note, however, that this kind of

thing was started in Warcraft II days by Shlonglor and his buddies,

who seem to be demi-gods for some people. They called it smurfing and

Shlonglor's stated reason for it was because they couldn't find anyone

who wanted to play them. So they started picking on newbies and having

great fun 'smurfing' them, that's the name they gave it. He went on to

say how there quickly developed the habit of smurf-smurfing, great fun

he said. Yeah, and who's the one suffering from all this fun the

experienced are having? The newbie, of course. If it isn't the most

inconsiderate behaviour I've ever seen..

it was started by Shlonglor, who is more than a SC player (he works for Blizzard as their webmaster). He was one of the all-time War2 gurus and was extraordinarily famous due to his war2 page ... still one of the best gaming pages ever created (although it's no longer anywhere on the net ... he took it down when he began to work for Blizzard).

Anyhoo, there came a point in Shlonglor's fame where no one but a few select individuals would play him; everyone, hearing his name, would do one of the following things: cower in fear, worship like mad, or repeatedly challenge like a newbie. In the midst of this it was virtually impossible for him to get a game.

SO ... Shlonglor and his roommate at the time, Warp, came up with a stroke of genius: make up a false name that no one would recognize and go beat the * out of newbies.

For whatever reason, the names they chose were "Papa Smurf" and "Smurfette."

From hence came the term "Smurfing."

(Shaf, 1999)

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