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"You're only level 7, Intermediate is for level 20-30s only, reported"

Wow, the game makes it so clear.

That's the most hilarious thing I've seen yet, thank you.

Yes, as others have said he is wrong. Don't worry about reports, I have a friend who is simply really bad at the game and goes 4-12-2 or even more deaths and has been reported for feeding multiple times, when in reality he is just a Bronze V. He hasn't been banned or even warned, so no worries. :)

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"You're only level 7, Intermediate is for level 20-30s only, reported"

Wow, the game makes it so clear.

Uh yeah...There's people like that in League (also similar people in WoW). I'd just ignore them.

Man, I didn't think people were that dickish in bots of all things. Usually that sort of thing is reserved for every single other queue known to man,

I've had people berating in bot matches before. I still report them and still laugh my ass off to Tribunal as I try to find the case I created.

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Man, I didn't think people were that dickish in bots of all things. Usually that sort of thing is reserved for every single other queue known to man,

Oh, it happens in bots, too. I've run into several.

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imo piltover folk are the most final fantasy-like champions in league, with their clothing designs, and all.

I'm also in the midst of writing a Jungle Vi guide for this mobafire competition they have going on. I doubt I'll win anything, but I've felt like writing something up for the longest time. I'll post a link once I think it's more or less finished.

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You know whats also awesome? Support Annie.

I never thought it'd be possible to have more gold than my mid as a support last season... It was beautiful :t:

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Lucian's a lot of fun, but I've already got my "stupid niche that goes either up or down" filled with Vayne. Just got Zyra, and as much as I despise Thresh, I'll think about getting him.

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oh fuck competitive play its all about solo queue

But that's exactly how it works! Anything that gets picked or banned competitively must automatically be at the highest level of viability.

...(Not really, of course)

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fun fact: lucian is a hot pick and ban at diamond atm


and yes, you should learn Renekton. Not that there's much to learn. He's not the hardest to pick up.

(I might be biased! but I had a great Renek game today.)

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i said that in regards to someone looking to pick up adc for the first time, not about their relevance to the meta

But Lucian is a strong lane bully who isn't too complicated. Strength is definitely relevant to whether you pick something up or not.

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You know whats also awesome? Support Annie.

I never thought it'd be possible to have more gold than my mid as a support last season... It was beautiful :t:

I agree, support changes are getting hate, but I for one find them much better. Contributing way more than simply a ward bot, thank god for that. Lich Bane Sona is extremely fun and I can dare say carry at times.

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Just won my first PvP match, this is my second PvP match I have played too.

Still don't know what Champions I like though. I liked Riven when she was on rotation a few weeks ago, and Kayle, they play nice and have nice alternate skins too, but I wouldn't really get skins unless they were free.

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It'd be better to get cheaper marksmen and a couple to try them out and see which you like rather than spend everything at once on one you might not. 6300 IP before 30 takes forever to grind.

I also just don't really like him, though I recognize he's strong. He has a weird linear skill shot that works like a shitty double up and can't be freely aimed. His ult is more for kiting then burst but I like Miss Fortune so much that it's disappointing it's not more like hers. And his star shaped skillshot thing is just weird.

His passive with the new spell blade/auto weaving masteries is great though, someone should try that out.


Also Sivir free week again? I swear she was free like just two weeks ago. Riot is probably trying to get data on her and Taric since they're still strong though.

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I'm trying out various types, and I'll save a bit for jayce.

I really like the look of Malphite, but I'll take it that he's tricky to use.

He's actually one of the easiest champions in the game to use. Most of his power comes from his ultimate which is a "skillshot" that's really hard to miss. He's not used very often in this meta but for a beginner he's a nice and forgiving champion.

Does anyone know if Twitch can still hit structures while his ult is active? While I was playing him I tried to take a tower but even though the aas were going through they did no damage.

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