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Just won my first PvP match, this is my second PvP match I have played too.

Still don't know what Champions I like though. I liked Riven when she was on rotation a few weeks ago, and Kayle, they play nice and have nice alternate skins too, but I wouldn't really get skins unless they were free.

\o/ yay :D

Hmm i think Kayle would be a good pick up not only because you liked her but she is also very versatile and doesn't cost much ^^

Oh and once you have played for hours and hours and HOURS so many hours of my life practically wasted ;__; you probably will change your opinion on skins ^^

I guess you should try some out of the free champs and just get what you liked and enjoyed playing, and you don't really have to buy whats considered strong/OP at the moment, just get what you enjoy, that's what games are made for imo.

It also helped me to spectate some of the featured games, from champions that i found interresting, to see what they actually do and how to generally play them.

Or just buy what you think looks pretty, just like i did and Janna (my second buy after Ashe) was a TOTAL SUCSESS!

@ Raven: lol that Renekton thing actually made me laugh ^^

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He has a weird linear skill shot that works like a shitty double up and can't be freely aimed.

his q is really strong and fun once you learn how to actually aim and use it. and also spell weaving doesn't work on physical ability spells, only magic.

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nah man divine soraka is so much better

get the ward skin too

but uh that skin is 975 RP so if you have a credit card you can go to the store and purchase riot points and buy it

only thing is riot has weird increments so you'd need like $20 probably since you can get 840 but you can't get 975 without spending like 12 bucks on two different packages

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if you go to LOLKing they have a model viewer to let you see what a skin will look like in game before you buy it

I know, and I thought I already implied I would not be able to buying things?

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Pretty much ever skin costs real money, and virtually none of the skins can be earned through playing the game except a few ranked ladder skins each year. You might as well avert your eyes and forget about owning skins at all. Occasionally Riot has some outside promos for tournament attendance or going to certain cons but those don't come up frequently either. Honestly I never buy any skin full price (except Underworld Twisted Fate for Halloween) but I indulged myself with mystery gift and have grabbed a few skins on sale. But yeah, skins are where Riot makes their income so they pay gate like 99% of them.

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Dear Riot,

Fix your bloody servers in both EUW and NA.



Ahem. . .

Skins - I've played for a year and then some, and I'm still perfectly content with the default models. The only reason why I use the skins I have are because Karma's traditional one rocks (and was free), and the rest were gifts (so it's my way of saying thank you to those who bought them for me). I don't plan on buying skins for myself, even though I really should get Pentakill Sona. :P:

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Does anyone know if Twitch can still hit structures while his ult is active? While I was playing him I tried to take a tower but even though the aas were going through they did no damage.

Is this a bug or intended?

Edited by Xander
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Dear Riot,

Fix your bloody servers in both EUW and NA.



I'm just glad I don't play on EUW >_>

Is this a bug or intended?

It is an intended feature. In fact, the bug with Spray and Pray (dunno if fixed yet) is you can't hit the Nexus with Spray and Pray up.

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Udyr Jungle so fun. I went 10/3/9. I still lost, partly because my teammate garen fed Riven, i was unable to help him shut her down only sending her back to base twice, and leblanc running rampant at the end... I was also too aggressive at times.

Edited by SlayerX
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how can garen lose to riven in lane

Edit: Also here's my Jungle Vi guide, give it a read if you've got some time. Why not try it out if you feel up to it? Guide.

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how can garen lose to riven in lane

Edit: Also here's my Jungle Vi guide, give it a read if you've got some time. Why not try it out if you feel up to it? Guide.

No clue... I think he was a bit of a newbie garen to be honest. He didn't even come to help when i ganked... :<

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Geez, LoL isn't very forgiving for the lower end PC's, I just got an email telling me that my account "now has a level 1 Leaver penalty" all because my computer decided to take a shit and crash for like 5 minutes.

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If you haven't done so already, it helps to press the ESC button during a game (since you can't change the settings outside a game for some reason), go to the video settings, and turn everything down to minimum, and shadows off.

Also to be fair, Garen is bugged right now. His E is only doing 5/6th of the damage it should be doing since the first tick of the spin is not being applied for some reason.

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Geez, LoL isn't very forgiving for the lower end PC's, I just got an email telling me that my account "now has a level 1 Leaver penalty" all because my computer decided to take a shit and crash for like 5 minutes.

I'm also playing on a pretty shitty laptop, that was made for writing text documents and browsing, and i have set everything on the lowest possible level and it does help. And if your pc crashes during a game just reconnect, apologise and say what happend. Some people will belive you others won't, but at least you said the what happend and what they do with the info is up to them.

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Geez, LoL isn't very forgiving for the lower end PC's, I just got an email telling me that my account "now has a level 1 Leaver penalty" all because my computer decided to take a shit and crash for like 5 minutes.

In the same sense that basketball teams aren't very forgiving of asthmatics. If it's just a random hiccup then it's no biggie but if it's a consistent problem then you might want to consider not playing the game as much, since it's very teamwork heavy and the slightest difference can mean victory or defeat.

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once you've played like 200-300 games it's not that bad either

starting out you haven't played many so the percentage of games you've left is high

whereas i have like 500 wins so around 1000 games total and I could leave like 3 in a row if I felt like it probably even though I'd have a longer queue time

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How do you build an annie support? I am lost as i have no general idea of how annie wants to build in general. I have heard RoA is a good first item for her (of course this is when she is mid but maybe it translates over to support), but i always feel like getting it 20 minutes into the games is a bit of a waste ( I get frost queen's claim and boots or some other thing first).

Also Udyr is freaking awesome. He got me out of a 6 game losing streak.

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